What I’m Loving Wednesday

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I’m linking up again with this kind of love for What I’m Loving Wednesday:

I’m Loving…..
Baby Laughs.  W has just started laughing in the last few weeks and it cracks B and I up.  And the more we laugh, the more he laughs.  And I even laugh when he looks at me with his GIANT grin when he is supposed to be sleeping (or eating).  Babies are lucky they are SO cute.

I’m Loving…..

stolen from: nessaleebaby.com

So L has been 40lbs / 40in for awhile now and we finally ordered booster seats for him.  On the recommendation of Vanessa from NessaLeeBaby, I got him the Clek Olli.  And, this is the best part, I installed them in the cars all.by.myself.  No, I am not even kidding.  This is huge.  I can barely work a stroller.  I am also super thrilled to get those convertible car seats out of the car.  Can you say nasty?  I planned on reusing them for W, but ugh, I just don’t know.  There isn’t enough stain remover in the world to fix that mess.  We’ll see.

I’m Loving…..

stolen from: lululemon.com

Currant.  It’s one of lulu’s fall colors and it’s selling out fast.  There is like nothing left of it online, but my store had a few pieces last weekend.  Which of course I bought.  But isn’t this color great?  Loves it.

I’m Loving…..

I’m sorry Baxter

Baxter and Buddy.  WB (Willie Baby) loves to “pet” Baxter and Baxter.  By pet I mean grab their fur and pull as hard as he can.  Then he smiles.  And the furries just take it.  L trained them well. 

I’m Loving…..

This guy.

My L.  Like his Daddy, he never seems to take a bad picture.  Little WB and I, we don’t take such good pictures.  I think it’s because L and B have such good skin?  That or it’s because they don’t make nasty faces when they don’t think anyone is watching them like I do.  Seriously.  Take a picture without me knowing it and I bet I’ve giving someone the stink eye.  And in case you were wondering, but never asked, L’s ear is healing up nicely! 

I’m Loving…..

Perfect outfit for a baby in August. Skulls and candy canes.

 W.  He’s still eating nicely (knock on wood).  And is generally happy (except when he’s not).  But he’s always cute.  Always.  And for whatever reason, his eyes look green here?  I fear the change to brown is coming.  That’s okay.  I’ll still love him.  I guess?

I’m Loving…..
Having a PayPal balance.  Why?  Because this allows me to buy shit stuff for my family without even a thought.  It’s like free money.  Except it’s not.  But it is.  Sort of.

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

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