Friday iPhone Dump

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It’s possible that this may be the lamest dump ever. Oh well, what can you do. Some weeks are super interesting. Some are not. Oh well, let’s get on with it.

1. I suppose this week wasn’t totally lame.  We did get fro-yo (clean eating to resume next week – we all know diets can only start on Mondays).  L always gets the weirdest flavors.  He doesn’t pick chocolate brownie or cake batter.  No, he gets lemon chiffon, strawberry banana, fruit punch sorbet, etc.
2. The WB wanted to test out a big boy car seat, so he sat in L’s old one for a few minutes the other day (in a non-moving car for all you who would be up my a** about safety).  It’ll be awhile, but he loved it!
3. We went to the cider mill yesterday and while it wasn’t totally open we did get to see some animals.  All L really wants is his own herd of animals.  He loves them all.  Oh, and cider?  $6.50 for a 1/2 gallon.  OUCH.
4. Oh you thought you’d get away with me not posting any more back to school pictures?  HA.  This is sort of back to school related – instead of labeling all of his stuff with sharpies, I ordered labels from LabelDaddy.  I hear they are the best.  You know what would also be the best?  If you bought some from the livingsocial deal so I would get mine free.
5. Look, the WB also thinks this week was lame!
6. L got a train puzzle as part of his back to school gift and he loves it because it’s trains.  But also, it’s teaching him his letters and spelling (something like that).  He knows most of his letters (should he know all of them by now?  I have no clue), but he gets confused on a few here and there.
7. I plan on filling these out for the kids every school year and I cannot wait to be able to go back and read all the crazy answers.  As for writing his name?  I guess I didn’t explain where that should go well enough.
8. I love when L insists on bringing every single stuffed animal he owns into the living room.  I have to pretend not to see it or I go crazy.
9.  The WB.  With his thumb in his mouth.  Slurp, slurp, slurp.  This drives B crazy like the stuffed animals drive me crazy.  I don’t mind the thumb.  It makes him happy.  B doesn’t mind the stuff animals.  Because I clean them up.  Not him ;).

What’d you do this week?  Was it more exciting than our week??

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

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