Friday iPhone Dump

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I cannot believe it’s already Friday! This week has seriously flown by. I hope things slow down because I do NOT want to wake up to snow on the ground tomorrow or anything!

Anyways, here’s our week in pictures(*):

1) L spent the night at his Nana’s house this week and they planned on going to the beach to play and have lunch.  While they were killing time, L talked his Nana into making him a cozy little next on the hearth.  He’s got a good life that kid huh?

2) Can you see L in there posing with the crazy zombie guy?  Okay, so we went to the cider mill / “fun zone” this week and in it they have a few scary things (I’ll call them the black-light barn and the clown mouth).  L so so so wanted to go in them but was totally freaked out.  We tried and he pretty much just screamed his head off.  He made me carry him and then he grabbed onto the side of the wall so I wouldn’t walk any further in.  LOL. So we talked and came up with a plan so he could go into the black-light barn (**).  He would ride on WB’s stroller (we have this wheeled board attachment) thru it.  And then we had to go in there about a million more times (he walked through after the first ride) because he thought it was super awesome and wasn’t scared anymore.  Similar results were had with the clowns mouth.  One time riding on the stroller and then he couldn’t get enough.  And now he thinks he is hot stuff for going in the scary things.  And I think he is too.

3) It was so nice here every day this week (except for today, but I guess you can’t have it all).  We busted out the SpongeBob sprinkler after school one day and played and played! Thanks again Cindy!  We LOVED it!  Oh, and while L played, I pulled flowers.  All by myself.  No one helped me.  It’s possible my neighbors now think B left me because I never ever do that kind of stuff.  Ever.

4) Aww, my Baxter and my bears.  I went to get a new watch batter for B and walked out of Jared’s with a case of stuffed bears.  I was talked into getting B’s watch polished for him which was going to cost $200.  But for $165, I could buy a case of bears (which is tax deductible) and they’d throw in the watch polishing for free.  Umm, sold.  Something tells me though that watch polishing maybe actually costs about $5?  Whatever.  It’s for a good cause (St. Jude) and B’s watch did need to be polished.  Oh and Baxter’s in the picture because I am giving some to my cousin and she wanted to know how big they were.  LOL.

5)  WB and Buddy are becoming friends.  But I doubt he will ever take L’s place.  Everyone comments on Buddy and L when they see them outside together.  Buddy will not let L out of his sight.  It’s so sweet.

6) I missed the smell of spray paint, so I did EAT DIY letters for the kitchen.  I kind of like them.

7) WB prefers to gnaw on his thumbs and fingers, but I am working on trying to get him to like some teething toys.  So far?  He’s not a huge fan.

8) Feeding the baby bunnies at the cider mill.  They ran along the fence as he walked because they knew he had food ;).

9) Again at the cider mill.  I let a 4 year old guide me through a corn maze labeled “difficult”.  Luckily we made it out.  Did I mention we were the only people in the entire fun zone when we went?  That means L and I were in the corn maze all alone.  I took my trusty iPhone.  Just in case.

10) L tried to tell me “no pictures” as we walked into school, but I was all yeah right kid.  He got me back though because when I picked him up and asked about his day, he told me  no one played with him outside and that he walked around alone the entire time.  My heart cracked in two.  I was so sad for him.  Umm, turns out he was “just tricking me” and that he played with everyone.  Not funny kid.  Not funny at all.

11) And finally, a picture of the WB.  Riding in his big boy stroller.  Looking mighty chunky ;).

That may have been the wordiest iPhone Dump ever.  Phew.  Hope you were able to follow my ramblings.  What’d you do this week?  Anything exciting?

(*) Not including the Instagram pictures. Just so you know, all the good ones are really on Instagram. You might want to follow me there. Just saying.
(**) A barn / building filled with black-lights and weird glowing zombie like guys painted on the wall.
(***) The clowns mouth was a building with a creepy clown cut-out and the door was its mouth.  You walked up a ramp in the pitch dark to get in and then you are on a bridge (with railings) and there is a huge screen of lights that goes in a circle the bridge.  Basically you lose your center of balance and have trouble walking straight.  I imagine it’d be extra fun after a few drinks??

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

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