Friday iPhone Dump

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1. Like every other blogger out there, I also made Pumpkin Spice muffins.  Two ingredients.  Spice cake mix and canned pumpkin.  No eggs, oil, water, etc.  Oh, I did add chocolate chips because, well, chocolate makes everything better.
2. Something cracks me up about half underwater pictures.  And L always cracks me up!
3. We went to IKEA this week to get some things for my cousin and of course, L had to sit and test out every display.  And he went totally insane for the meatballs.  Next time I need to get him a grown up meatball because the kids meal was gone in about two minutes.
4. You can’t really see it all, but I finished my Halloween Mantle.  It’s a tad different than last year, but I think I may like it better.
5. L found my red Hunter boots and pretty much claimed them as his own.  How flippin cute does he look in them?  I am considering getting him Little Kid Hunter Boots because well, they are way more stylish than Thomas or Batman boots.  I bought him one hair of Thomas ones and I think that is enough ;).
6. How big does the WB look here?  Oh my!  He says he can’t sit up just yet, if he’s watching something good on tv (LOL), oddly enough, he can do it.  Hmm.    Sounds like he’s tricking me..
7. It rainy and gross yesterday morning so L got out a bunch of blankets and made a little bed on the living room floor.  And he insisted that WB lay with him.  WB loved it and smiled the entire time.  He totally loves being included by his WB and it melts my heart to see them together.
8. I hadn’t made L a muffin tin meal in forever and decided to throw one together for him this week.  As always, it was a huge hit and umm, he didn’t even eat the chocolate chips first.  I was SHOCKED.
9. And while the WB hates his bottles, he does love eating like a big boy.  He is so interested in us while we are eating dinner that I thought I’d give him some puffs to snack on.  I totally didn’t think he’d even be able to pick them up, but I was so so wrong.  He picked them up and got them in his mouth.  And went back for more.  He showed me ;).

This was the first full week of using my new iPhone camera.  I love it.  Such an improvement from my iPhone 4.  Loves it.

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

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