Tips for Photographing Your Kids

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I need to preface this to say I do not pretend to be a photographer. No one in the world would ever pay me to take pictures of their kids. And honestly, no one ever should. But, like 99% of suburban moms with a blog, I have a DSLR camera. I got one soon after L was born so I could capture every single minute of his life and I like to think I am doing a fairly good job at that. So I am going to share some things I have learned over the years of taking pictures of my kids and I’m hoping you all will share your tips and tricks too.

~Always have a camera with you. Even if it’s just your phone. It’s better than nothing.  You know what they say, the worst picture is the one you don’t get.

No way would I want to miss this stink eye ;).

~If you don’t get a good picture in the first 5-10 minutes of a “posed” session, you ain’t getting one.

Smiles from both of them were not happening. I took what I got and called it.

~Have a good photo editing software. I use Photoshop, but you don’t need something that fancy (I still have no clue how to use 3/4 of it). I find it’s easier to fix blemishes, etc. in iPhoto and I save the harder tasks (like evening out skin tone) for Photoshop.  It’s the easiest way to turn a so-so picture into one you’ll love.

It’s amazing what some editing can do.

~Don’t be afraid to take lots of pictures. Better to take 100 pictures and end up with 10 goods ones than to take 10 pictures and end up with nothing good.

Gotta take a lot of these…….to get one of these.

~Most of the time, unposed pictures are better than posed ones. If L is laughing and playing in the backyard, I’ll just call his name so he’ll look at me and then I will snap a quick picture. I find this to be the best way to get a real expression and not some goofy forced smile.

Fake smile….Real smile

~If you can’t get a baby to sit still (I have this issue all the time), call in backup.  I often enlist L’s help to distract WB into not realizing he’s sitting still.  Dogs work too.

Without L’s help. With L’s help.

Notice that there aren’t as many edited pictures of L or problems with getting him to pose. L has such a nice and even skin tone. Always has actually, even when he was WB’s age. WB still gets blotchy. And L doesn’t try to scratch his face off like WB does. Also, L has the posing down. After all these years I get out the camera and he knows what’s up. Sometimes he’ll even smile and request that I take a picture ;).

Allright, now that I have shared my tips and tricks, let’s hear yours! I’d really like to hear from some of my photographer friends about how they capture pictures of their little ones!

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

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