What I’m Loving Wednesday

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

I’m linking up again with this kind of love for What I’m Loving Wednesday.  I still wish more blogs that I read did this link-up.  I always find fun new things to try from people’s posts like this.  Wait, I guess I could just GO to the link-up to find fun new blogs to read.

I’m Loving…..

image credit: gerber

Gerber Graduates lil’ crunchies:  Have you ever had these? Delicious. Just delicious. I love them. Oh and so does WB. He won’t eat rice cereal. Or puffs. Or yogurt melts. But these? He can’t shove them in his mouth fast enough. And when he misses his mouth, the dogs are thrilled. They also love these. Oddly, they hate puffs too.

I’m Loving…..

the best 4 kid ever

L.  My sweet L.  I cannot tell you how lucky I am to have him.  He is just a good kid.  A flat out good kid.  Sure he gets into his fair share of trouble.  But he’s so sweet to WB.  So patient.  He went on a date with my mom yesterday to lunch and then to the movies.  Only their movie (Wreck-It Ralph) was sold out.  As they were discussing what to do next he said something to the effect of “even if we don’t go to the movies Nana, we still had fun today”. I die.  And for the record, they went to a different movie theatre and saw the movie ;).

I’m Loving…..

Hats on Babies?  Now A Do

Hats on Babies.  I used to think hats on babies, other than for warmth or like a simple beanie, were silly.  I mean why would a baby need a fancy hat?  That’s just dumb.  HA.  And then I saw this at Target during my clearance hunting.  And I had to get it.  He doesn’t mind wearing it, but it gives him special powers which allow him to crawl away from my camera super fast.  I was lucky just to snap this one.

I’m Loving…..

image credit: somewhere on the internet

Pirate’s Booty: This stuff was in my October PopSugar Must Have box and it made me recall how much I liked it.  And then I found cases on clearance at Target?  Umm, okay?  It was like we were meant to be together!

I’m Loving…..

image credit: BOGS

BOGS:  If you have read my blog long enough, you probably know about my love for BOGS, but I’m going to tell you again. Best boots ever. I can pretty much promise that your kids feet will stay toasty warm and dry in these things. Think they are just for kids? Think again. I have a pair. B has a pair. My brother has a pair. Even my parents have BOGSicon. Get some so you can have warm feet too.

I’m Loving…..
Secret Santa.  
We are doing a gift exchange on an online “community” (more like a secret society since it is not to be discussed) that I belong to and I am having so much fun shopping for my girl. 

That’s it from here! What are you loving this week?

Disclosure: OMG, I almost forgot. There is an affiliate link in here!

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

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