2012: The Highlights!

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Can you believe 2012 is over? What in the world happened to this year? That saying “The days are long, but the years are short” is very true.

2012 was a great year to me. Sure it had some lows. But the highs MORE than outweighed the lows! Here’s a quick recap of my 2012….

~WB was born! We waited a long time for WB and it was worth every second!

Minutes after he was born.


~L got super sick with some rare virus type thing (Henoch-Schonlein Purpura), which kept him out of school for weeks. And introduced us to a super fun game “bear cave”. Basically you sit in your bear cave (i.e. blanket fort) and play iPad or read books or watch movies for hours on end because unless you are doped up on motrin, it’s painful to run around and play.

Sicky in the bear cave


~I retired! Prior to WB, I had a full-time job and I am beyond thankful that I know get to stay home with my boys!

~L turned 4! And might just be the best big brother in the entire world.

BFF’s forever


~WB hates eating bottles. This still holds true and WB continues to eat best when he is half asleep. But give him table food and he’s all over it.

WB + Bottles = This


~B went back to school (in addition to working full time). He’s working towards his associates degree and then it’s on to his bachelors! Go B!

~L started preschool and loves every second of it. He’s a great student and I love that he loves school so much!  And OMG, can I just tell you how my heart swells with pride when I look at pictures of him at school!

First Day of School!


~B ran in the Tough Mudder, the Warrior Dash, the Urbanathalon, the Detroit Marathon 5K and the Turkey Trot. He’s planning on running 30 races in his 30th year (he turns 30 in April), so he’ll be much busier this year!

The Tough Mudder


~We spent a few weekends up-north, as well as, a weekend in Chicago. WB’s first trips away from home and his first hotel stay. L, of course, is an old traveling pro.

The boys in Chicago

~L had tons of first this year, including his first time ice-skating, his first (and hopefully last) surgery, his first time tubing and his first time jet-skiing.

First time jet-skiing

~I Target Clearance shopped my brains out.  Seriously, if clearance shopping were an Olympic sport, I would win a gold medal.  It’s a fun hobby!

~WB learned to roll over, sit-up, crawl, pull himself up, cruise (sort of) and more.  It’s hard to list his “firsts” because everything was a first for him this year.

The WB

~I learned about monthly subscription boxes and quickly became addicted!

I have certainly missed a million things, but this post can’t go on forever.  We were blessed with so much this year and if 2013 is half as good, I am going to be a lucky lucky girl!

Now you tell me!  What was your favorite moment in 2012?  Favorite picture?  Mine easily is when L came to the hospital to meet his new little brother!

It doesn’t get much better!


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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Clarisse Mello

    your family is adorable.. Happy New Year!

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