Friday’s Letters

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.


Dear Birchbox, Pretty sure I almost fell off my chair last night when when I got a shipping notification from you. Never have you ever gotten me a box this early. Loves it.

Dear B, I couldn’t be more proud that we picked a tree out WITHOUT arguing last night. I don’t even know what got into us. There was a brief discussion about buying a super spendy fake 12″ tree, but we decided against that (together) too. Allright, fine, let’s just admit that L decided everything for us ;).

Dear Costco, You are such a fun place. L could not be more pleased with his giant tub of licorice and has instructed B NOT to touch them without authorization.

Dear Candy Spelling, I can’t help but wonder why you had those gift-wrap rooms.  Did you wrap the gifts yourself?  Because I have been wrapping some gifts and it sucks.  If I had all that money, I certainly wouldn’t devote an entire room to wrapping paper. Unless it came with an official gift wrapper person?

Dear Target, I am still so disappointed in your collaboration with Neiman Marcus and all those fabulous designers.  I got the Tory Burch lunchbox I ordered and umm, not happy.  L has lunchboxes that are made better.  And it appears that I am not the only one who is disappointed.

Dear Contest Enterers,  I see that lots of you have been entering and signing up for ebates and I LOVE it.  Keep entering every day!  And if you signed up for ebates, don’t forget to make a purchase to start earning that cash back!

Dear WB, When L does something to make you laugh.  and laugh.  and laugh, I cannot help but crack up too.  You have the cutest laugh and everyone who sees you smile or laugh instantly smiles too.  You have that effect on people.

Dear Janelle (from Teen Mom 2), Congrats on your marriage!  I am certain this is going to last a lifetime for you two crazy kids who have known each other only a few months and have called the cops on each other multiple times.  Best wishes!

Dear L, You are the best kids to do crafts and projects and to bake with.  Not only do you do as instructed for the projects, you actually enjoy them.  Your brother, on the other hand?  Not such a good crafter.  We’re going to have to work with that one ;).

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Stephanie Bradshaw

    I finally bought through ebates through your link…I hope you got it, I’m totally loving your blurb about the Costco trip, L is very funny and very wise beyond his years. I love that WB has an infectious laugh and that L is such a good big brother! Sounds like you’ve got two of the most wonderful kids ever!

  2. Jill

    Holy crap Janelle got married!?!?

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