Random Ramblings

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

~If you haven’t entered my PopSugar Must Have Luxury Box giveaway yet, what are you waiting for? It ends Sunday night and I will be drawing and announcing the winner on Monday morning. The Luxury Box and the December box will be shipped to the winners AS SOON AS I receive them. Fingers crossed I can get them to you by Christmas! Ohhh, and a spoiler! The luxury box weighs 8.4lbs, which is way more than any other Must Have box has previously weighed. Seriously what is in that thing??

~Oh and if you entered the contest and said you signed up for ebates, but didn’t really sign up for ebates, I gotta do the fair thing and delete the entry.  I haven’t really looked to see how many people this applies too, but I am sure it’s a few.  If you just forgot to sign up and still want to do it, don’t worry, you still have time.  I won’t do anything until the contest is over!  And if you have signed up for ebates, how much have you saved so far?

~I don’t know what’s up, but this has been the biggest week ever on my blog. So many visitors! I mean, it’s not going a set a world record or anything, but it’s a lot for me. Something tells me people just like contests. And PopSugar? And that’s more than fine by me because I do too! I promise I’ll do a “Favorite Things” one in January when we all need a little excitement.

~Tonight is B’s last final (good luck B). Which means it’s my last night alone for a few weeks. This semester B had class three nights a week(*) so lots of nights it was just me and the little boys. I think I will watch Magic Mike (again) after the boys go to bed, you know because I like the plot. And because I know B will likely be in charge of the remote for the next few weeks and there isn’t a chance in the world I will get it watch it ;).

~I have my Christmas cards all mailed (yay me) and 90% of my shopping is done, but I still need to wrap presents, bake cookies for B’s work and do gift bags for L’s friends at school for their holiday party next week. I think I have everything for the bags (except the actual bags), so that should be pretty easy. What’s left on your holiday to-do list? Please don’t even tell me you are all done!

And since this post is beyond boring and you made it this far, I am bumping up the contest entry form for you. You can still enter in the other post too, but this might make it less work for you.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

(*) And two mornings a week and actually went to every.single.class. When this girl was in college, umm, that never happened. Watching General Hospital on the couch? Or walking to class in sub-zeo weather? I know what I used to pick!

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. Stephanie

    I just signed up for the giveaway! I hope I win!

  2. Karen

    I would love to win the luxury box!

  3. Lori

    I seriously need to win this. I got the first Popsugar box and it sucked rocks. Maybe if this one is good I will consider signing up again. And I am not just saying that to get brownie points…lol

  4. Rachel Davidson

    I have looked at all your past pop sugar bags and what a steal!!! I would love this, however my college wallet does not like the price. Thank you for the giveaway though, crossing my fingers 🙂 thank you so much!!

  5. Carrie W.

    Great giveaway. I would love to win this !

  6. Braden

    I signed up for ebates – and submitted my entry, but I’m confused – do I just have to sign up or do I have to sign up and spent $25?

  7. Lizzy

    Oh, I hope I win. Such a generous and kind giveaway! You have a lovely family. Happy Holidays!

  8. Freeda

    Oh wow! Would loveee to win 🙂

  9. Kristen

    I originally found your blog from the second giveaway you ran for the Popsugar Luxury Box, and I am so glad that I found it. I have been coming back almost daily and have enjoyed your postings greatly. So as much as I would love to win this box (I really wish I could have gotten a chance to order it myself, and almost did, but it has been a bit of a difficult year and thought it better to pass this time), I mostly am happy to have found this blog. I can relate greatly!!!

  10. Rosemary ford

    I would like to win the Lucy box to try it before comment to it

  11. Kyuu

    Thanks for doing this again~~

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