You can’t stockpile sleep…..

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I was reading some random blog post on some blog last night and it was talking about all the things that she wished she would have done before she had a baby and one of them was that she should have slept and napped more. I’m not really sure what the point of that would be since you can’t stockpile sleep and you’d be extra tired if you went from getting 12 hours of sleep a night pre-baby to like 3 hour stretches post-baby you know? But it did get me thinking, is there anything you wished you would have done before you had kids (assuming you have them of course). Or is there anything you plan on doing before you have kids?

Other than traveling more, I don’t think there is anything I wish I would have done before we had L. We traveled as much as our budget and work scheduled allowed, but it’s never enough ;). I didn’t have any career goals I wanted to meet (well, I didn’t) or anything like that. I didn’t meet B until well after college, so I didn’t need to worry about finishing school. Had we waited for B to finish school, we’d still be waiting!

The blog (I can’t for the life of me remember which one it was) also mentioned spending more husband & wife time, alone time, etc. But like sleep, I feel like that’s not something you can stockpile. And honestly, had B and I spent every waking moment together before we had babies, we probably would have ended up hating each other and never had kids!

Now, tell me, is there anything you wish you would have done before kids? And if anyone knows how to stockpile sleep or alone time, please tell us your tricks!

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Jenny

    I didn’t really have a set list either. We wanted to be married and have a house both of which we did but really it would have been ok if we didn’t. I agree if we’d have spent every waking moment together we would not be married today. LOL we start to get edgy when he’s off for a long period of time. Some things that I am thankful for are that we did wait awhile to have kids since I’m now able to stay home with the boys and I wouldn’t have been able to do that if we’d had kids right away.

  2. Alysia

    I wish we had traveled more. I also wished I had gone on to grad school. It seemed at the time like I could go back to school any old time. Now I don’t know if I’ll ever go back.

  3. Shannon

    Yeah, I agree. There isn’t really anything I wish we did MORE of before we had our daughter. Now it just more like missing the things I used to be able to do on occasion. Like, being spontaneous and not having to line up a babysitter 2 weeks in advance. Or shopping. But that’s all just temporary stuff.

  4. Susan Lowry

    Travel is probably the only thing. I met my husband when I was 20, he was 29. We got married when I was 22 and I had our 1st baby when I was 24. 13 years later, I really dont miss our “old” life, but it would be great to take more kid-free vacations. We hit Vegas once a year or so, but it would be nice to do a week long beach vacation without kids. For now, when we go to the beach every June, we take a babysitter with us. She gets a “free” vacation and we get a “free” babysitter.

  5. Stephanie Bradshaw

    I don’t have kids yet, but will soon… I wish my fiance and I could afford to travel to more exotic locations, but its not really in the cards as of right now. We are getting married at Disney World and subsequently spending our honeymoon there too, but the most travel we can afford is to go camping. As for sleep, I would think everybody wishes for more regardless if you have kids or not. And as for more alone time with my significant other, we spend every waking moment together now, minus the 10 hours a day we work, so I could actually use time away from him. I honestly cannot wait to add kids to my life, I’ve accomplished everything I’ve wanted to up till now, now I just need to get married and hope to add kids sooner than later!

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