Monday Morning Ramblings

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

~As you’ve seen, I have had a busy weekend of Target Christmas clearance shopping. I have my fingers crossed that it will stay 90% of a few more days and I can hit up another store. Or two. Or three… The 90% off deals are just too good pass up. I don’t buy too much for myself anymore, now I hunt gift bag goodies, presents and things for friends! And of course things for the boys!

~The real big news from this weekend is that my little blog got a mention on one of my favorite deals blogs Hip2Save! If you don’t follow it, you should because Colin posts the most amazing deals ever. If you missed her posts that linked back to me, you can check them out here and here. This seriously made my weekend!  Target clearance shopping might be one of my all time favorite hobbies and I get so excited when I can share my deals / finds with everyone.  And I love reading about everyone else’s finds.  Just in case you missed my 90% off clearance posts (yeah right – I only posted a million times) you can find them here, here and here.

~L had a great weekend and thinks B and I are very cool because we let him sleep in his train (the 6ft. cardboard one) Saturday night and last night.  He loved sleeping in there so much I may need to invest in another train (this one isn’t going to last forever)!  Plus, he got fro-yo and that makes for a happy L (and a happy me).  Speaking of fro-yo, WB goes insane for it(*) and screams loudly when it’s not getting in his mouth fast enough. B and I had finished ours, but L was still working on his and OMG, WB was pissed off he wasn’t getting any. B had to take him to the car. For a kid who cannot talk, WB certainly lets you know what he wants.

~I always wonder how many “hits” certain blogs get a day, so I thought share mine (in case you are nosy like me).  In the last 30 days, I had an average of 3,244 “hits” a day.  In comparison, last year at the same time, I averaged 287 hits a day! On Saturday (when Hip2Save posted a link here), I had nearly 7,000.  Crazy right?  This means basically nothing to anyone but me because I don’t like advertise or sell ad space or anything.  Listen, if I like you, I’ll pimp your sh*t for free.

~In other news, Christmas vacation is over and my boys (B and L) are headed back to school this week!  I think L is anxious to go back and see all of his friends and his teachers.  And I am pretty ready to get back into a routine.  I’m not sure if B is as excited as L to go back to school, but he doesn’t hate it so that’s good.

~I mentioned yesterday that we want to eat in more this month and I need your help!  Do you have any amazing recipes to share?  And great websites with ideas? I want things that are fairly quick, simple and healthy.  B is trying to eat 100% clean for the next few months (at least) so keep that in mind.

Now it’s your turn.  What’d you do this weekend?  Was today your kids first day back to school?  Your first day back to work after vacation? Let’s hear it!  Oh and stay tuned because I have a super fun poll coming later that I am very excited about!

(*) I have no explanation why he can’t drink regular formula (he has milk protein allergy), but can eat fro-yo.

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Cindy

    Just remember I knew you when you were just a baby….before you were big time! Can’t believe you went to Target again…I think I reached my one week limit of visits on Saturday. Well, I think!

    1. Jennifer

      If you still had little little kids, I bet you’d be all over it too!!!

  2. Rose D.

    My dad can’t have milk, but yogurt is fine due the cultures. Maybe WB is the same?

    1. Jennifer

      Ohh, maybe it’s something like that??

      1. Danielle

        the protein in yogurt is more broken down than in milk

  3. Therese

    This doesn’t answer any of the questions you posted…..but I totally think you should sell ad space. Of all the blogs I read yours is one of the most entertaining and should I say informative : ) I never even knew Target put holiday merchandise at 70% off, not did I know about all the fabulous subscription boxes. Lots of blogs that I read have tons of sponsors/ads and no real content. I don’t know how I found your blog but I’m glad I did. I really enjoy reading!

  4. Kristin

    Is it bad that I think it’s cute that WB screams for fro-yo? 🙂 I cannot believe all the stuff you got at 90% off!! Actually I can believe it, I just can’t imagine myself with all that awesomeness! I am too easily discouraged….not the best super-shopper.

  5. Greta

    I have to laugh at your posts. I was just like you when my kids were younger. Always bought after the season at Gap, Target, Kohls, Dillards. I got Harry Potter misc. stuff one year for 90% off at Hallmark one year. We had the coolest gift bags ever. 30-$50 gift bags for 3-$5 each, we even had a pirated copy of the HP movie that was still in the theater in our basement theater(never mind the head shadows on the screen). As my kids are getting older (13 and 18!!) I still have some of those goodies and am on a quest to simplify and get rid of that stuff. I take cupcakes to any school event to get rid of all those cupcake liners, napkins, etc. Have fun, they will grow up before you know it!

  6. Lori Haas

    Have you guys tried quinoa? It is a high protein ancient grain. we love it hot and can serve it like rice as a side dish. But we also have a great cold “dip” that you can put on torilla chips…but it is just a made up recipe so you gotta mess around with it. About a cup and a half of cooked chilled quinoa, dice up some onions, and different color peppers and onions and mix them in, Add some pepper and granulated garlic, then add in a little balsamic vinegar….made a tablespoon or two. mix everything up and eat on chips. You can also dice of tomatoes and add them…if they dont gag you like they do me. sometimes I dice of avacado and add that in too. Very yummy and pretty darn healthy!

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