Tuesday’s Troubles

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This won’t be a weekly thing (or maybe it will be?) , but it appears that some more first world problems are brewing this week. Β Here’s what’s got me all annoyed today…..

~So I painted my nails on Sunday and guess what? Β The polish? Β It’s already chipping. Β No matter what polish I use, this always happens. Β Always. Β WTF? Β Anyone know how to fix this? Β Is there some secret voodoo trick out there?

~I am still annoyed with PopSugar(*) and their slow a** shipping. Β Maybe if I complain about this enough someone will do something about it? Β Doubtful, but you never know. Β  But seriously, what in the world takes so long to get a box across the country? Β I could have driven there, picked it up and driven back by now. Β And taken breaks to sleep. Β And stopped visit gaudy tourist attractions.

~Okay, this has been troubling me for years. My dishes are always wet when I take them out of the dishwasher. Why is this? Does my dishwahser suck (**)? Β Am I using it incorrectly? Β Or is this normal? I don’t want to dry dishes before I put them away. Β It seems like it’d be just as easy to wash and dry the by hand. I just want to pluck them out of the dishwasher put them away. Β Am I asking too much?

~I was waiting on a Birchbox order, which was “Out for Delivery” to arrive in the mail yesterday. Β Mailman came and left (I saw her). No Birchbox package. Β Whatever, no big deal. Β And then I check the tracking and it says “Notice Left”. Β Umm, notice left where? Β Not on my door. Β And not in my mailbox. Β And for what? Β It’s a bottle of perfume. Β I’d call the Post Office, but hello, they don’t have a phone number to like dial your local Post Office and see what’s up.

~This is the first world problem of all first world problems, but I am annoyed that all my Starbucks frappuccinos don’t taste the same. Β I thought all the Starbucks employees were required to attend some sort of barista school? Β Do they not invite the Target and Kroger Starbucks employees to this? Β This is a serious issue people! Β Does anyone else find this to be the case?

Now it’s your turn, what’s troubling you today?

(*) Speaking of PopSugar, I have an extra February box. Should I do a giveaway?
(**) I bought it purely based on looks. No research was put into it. It matched the fridge. Β The fact that it sucks could perhaps could be my fault.
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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 27 Comments

  1. MurdocksMama

    Do you use a rinse aid on the little hole for liquids? I don’t have any issues with mine [cheap, came with the house] but we always use the little blue liquid stuff [finish?].

  2. brandy

    the EXACT SAME THING happened to me with USPS the other week. the mail carrier literally delivered 3 boxes to my door, and 1 envelope package to my panel mailbox. they do this when they had marked it out for delivery and then didn’t put it on the truck. you can put in a complaint, don’t know if it does anything, but you will get a call back from your local PO. i got mine the next day.

  3. Braden

    1. Tricks for perfect polish (from a manicurist – me): start with squeaky clean nails – use pure acetone to clean off the nail plate, next use a product that dehydrates the nail plate further, for example, OPI’s chip skip. Then apply a good layer or base coat on all 10 nails, follow with 2 coats of polish (allowing about one minute between each layer and be sure to polish the free edge as well) and end with a good quality top coat. Give plenty of time to dry. Make sure that you are not getting any lacquer on your cuticles as that can cause adhesion problems at the base of your nail.

    2 I love that Popsugar goes to Chicago then to Wisconsin then back to Michigan. You would think this route would cost them much more in the long run.

    3. What type of detergent/rinse aid are you using? I’ve recently had good success with Finish Quantum plus JetDry Turbo Dry.

    4. Every drink I order from Starbucks is different each time. Drives me nuts! I don’t expect it to be exact… Remotely close to the same drink would be a good start!

    Happy Tuesday!

  4. Kayleigh

    You should try the at home gel manicure kit. It’s a little more start-up cost and takes a little longer to do, but it is dry immediately after being done and it last longer. Especially if you aren’t a picker like me!

  5. Alison

    I love a good frappuccino from sb and yes I do find that they are not the same. Sometimes they’re like too icey or something. Other times they put too much syrup on top. I’ve been ordering it with out whip now for years (makes me feel less guilty?) – and occassionally they’ll put it on there anyway, and I don’t complain – it’s like the whip was ment to be.

  6. Dianne @ Skinny Seahorse

    I’d venture to say #4 has a little bit to do with the post office losing billions each year. Just saying…

  7. Alysia

    First of all, that’s exactly why I NEVER paint my finger nails. It lasts like an hour.

    Secondly, my dishwasher has a heated dry setting. I highly suggest it next time you’re dishwasher shopping. (I see others are saying to use a rinse aid. I had no idea that dried your dishes?!)

    1. Ariana

      @Alysia: it helps with the evaporation of the water. That’s how it eliminates water spots.

  8. Melissa

    I bought some Orley Bonder to use as a base coat for my nails after doing some googling on to to stop the immediate chipping. Then the Sally Hansen top coat I’ve been using. I painted them Sunday afternoon and they still look great this morning. I’m just hoping to make it through until Friday.

    I also hear that this is the best top coat out there so am going to order it soon:


    1. Braden

      @Melissa: Seche is good stuff. If you can find a salon that sells Famous Names Products Lumos Top / Bottom coat you’ll love that too.

  9. Janetta

    heat dry on dishwasher drys my dishes πŸ™‚

  10. Amy

    First, I will say my dishwasher never dries the dishes either and that’s including a dry cycle where the dishes are supposed to be heated up to 1,000,000 degrees to dry them and they still come out soaked with bowls filled with water.

    Second, try putting an extra coat of clear on every other day. I know that is probably impossible since you have 2 little boys but I know someone that does this and her nail polish lasts impossibly long.

    My Tuesday trouble is that my son has all of a sudden developed a crossed eye (or lazy eye) I’m telling as many parents I know hoping for success stories because I’m losing it a little. I’m sure everything will be fine after we go to the eye doctor Thursday but right now it seems terrible.

  11. Jency Kuriakose

    The dishwasher – are you sure you have set (any settings on it) to ‘Heated Dry’. I usually turn this off because heat = higher utility bills. And my dishes do not come out dry. But when I set this to ON, the dishes are mostly all dry. Also I do not unload immediately. There is warmth in the dishwasher when the cycle is done, the heat helps dry out some water.

    You can look up your USPS online for your post office and call them. I don’t think there is an automated service and someone usually picks up the phone. But goodluck with dealing with cranky (underpaid) folks at the other end. Being nice to them totally helps.

    Yes, do a Feb giveaway of PopSugar, slow or not – everyone loves them.

  12. Alison Weeks

    In order for my dishwasher to dry my dishes I have to to set it on a special setting for heated dry. If i do energy saver dry then they are still wet.

  13. Erin

    The first thing that is bothering me is snow, there is so much of it here. But the sun is out today! We have the same issue going on with our dishwasher, that is why I leave it for my husband to empty πŸ™‚

  14. Melissa

    My dishwasher is the same way! I’ve found that it has to be emptied at the exact right time to avoid this…shortly after the cycle has finished. With mine, if it waits too long, everything comes out wet- condensation? A lot of the time, I’m emptying it while everything is still steaming but it is dry!

  15. Shannon

    1. My nails always chip within a day or so too. Even when I get them done at a salon. :/ I did get some gel manicures and those did last awhile. I just look at it like I get to cycle through my collection quicker. πŸ™‚

    2. Seriously. And I hate that they send them out in batches. It is so frustrating to read on MUT that people get their boxes before I even get my tracking! Bluum also has super slow shipping. Maybe I should just learn to be patient? Nah…

    3. Our dishes are usually wet too, but we’ve always just open up the door a bit and let them air dry. My husband assures me this is more economical and saves energy. πŸ˜€

  16. Sara

    To save money we don’t dry our dishes in the dishwasher, we let them air dry and then sometimes do a little hand drying. To me it’s still worth it, I HATE washing dishes but the drying is as bad.

    I just started using an Essie basecoat and top coat and I find it makes a difference. I’m trying harder to use thinner coats of polish too, and the last manicure I did has lasted way longer than any previous ones.

  17. Cathy@Five Boys

    I’ve started totally ignoring the delivery emails, especially PopSugar’s, they just totally frustrate me! When the box comes I’m surprised!!

  18. Courtney

    I have noticed that too! I really don’t think they invite the Target employees to learn how to make the drinks.

    Do you have it on the dry cycle? I mean like do you have it set to energy saving on accident?

    I HATE slow shipping.

  19. Ariana

    (*) well heck yes!!

  20. Heather

    AintI found on Pintrist to put some vinegar on your nails before you paint. It seems to be helping. I’ve done it the last two times I’ve painted my nails πŸ™‚

  21. Meredith

    I agree with you about Starbucks. Even if I go to the same Starbucks, my drink always taste different, depends on who makes it. It is so irritating!!!!!

  22. Alexia561

    so glad you mentioned the dishwasher not drying dishes, as I thought I was doing something wrong! My old dishwasher dried everything, so very disappointed that this one leaves the dishes wet. Made sure it’s on heat dry and use Finish, but they’re still damp. Will try Jency’s tip of not unloading immediately to see if that helps.

    As for the manicures, I have a friend who swears by gel manicures but I’ve never tried them.

    (*) Yes please! I haven’t tried PopSugar yet, but have signed up for boxes from Birchbox, Julep, Goodies, and Graze.

  23. stephanie

    Dishwasher fix MAYBE

    I had the same problem with my dishwasher, I mean have the same problem. I bought my dishwasher new and it started out great everything came out dry, and I have always used a rinse aid. About 6 months after I got the dishwasher everything came out wet. I used the high heat option and everything but nothing made them dry, the high heat helped but I still had to open the dishwasher before I went to bed and it would be dry in the morning. After many warranty visits they finally listened to me and put in a new heating element, because the olther one had melted. Low and behold all of the dishes came out dry again. 6 weeks later dishes are wet again and heating element is melted. So for me it is just something with the dishwasher and it must have a short and not covered under the warranty. So you may have an easy fix of using rinse aid or something like me that is not fixable.

  24. Melissa M

    I am new reading your blog and I have to say I am obsessed! I read all your reviews on the boxes and am currently waiting (impatiently I might add) to be off the waiting list for both Ipsy and Birchbox. I want to do PopSugar SO bad but being a recent college graduate…I need to hold off on that one for a little while.

    To answer your Starbucks question. I was a barista for 5 years. The Starbucks in Target and such aren’t required to be trained like we are because Target technically owns the store therefore they just get taught how to make the drink and thats it. At the actual stores we have to be trained on each new drink. Hope that helps!!!

    Ps. WB is so stinkin’ cute!!!

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