March Pawalla Mini Box Review

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

Edited to Add: Pawalla is no longer in business.

April Pawalla Mini Box
April Pawalla Mini Box had a deal on Pawalla a few weeks ago and you know I can’t pass up a subscription box deal, so I jumped all over it! Pawalla offers monthly deliveries of delicious wet foods, treats, supplements, and more for your dog or cat. They offer both a Standard box ($29/month) or a Mini box ($17/month) (prices decrease to $21/month and $12/month if you buy a 12-month subscription.

The Box

Although I was expecting the box to arrive via USPS, the UPS man dropped it off instead. Have I mentioned that I love that man? The box is a nice size and I would describe it as a similar size to Barkbox. Maybe slightly bigger? Pawalla certainly wins the cuteness award though!

Pawalla Mini Box
First Look

I wasn’t 100% sure what I was expecting, but I was very impressed at the sizes of the items in the box.  The box was also packed full, which is always nice.

Pawalla Mini Box
The Information Card

Pawalla has an amazing information card that not only explains the products, but also information on their PawPoints rewards program and a little bit about themselves.  Here’s what our box included:

~Natural Balance – Healthy Bones – Turkey, Oatmeal & Cranberry ($4.99): These treats included additional vitamin E and zinc, which help with coat quality.  These may be a little big for Baxter and Buddy (they prefer soft treats), but my brothers dogs will love them and I will happily pass them along if Baxter and Buddy don’t want them!

Pawalla Mini Box
Natural Balance – Healthy Bones – Turkey, Oatmeal & Cranberry

~Pet Greens – Semi-Moist Li’l Treats – Tasty Lamb ($7.99): These have Baxter and Buddy written all over them.  They are soft and chewy and help with joint health.  I do wish Baxter and Buddy (mainly Buddy) actually knew some tricks.  Baxter can sit and lay down and roll over and shake, but Buddy?  He can’t even jump on the bed if he thinks too much about it.  He’s cute, but will never win any show dog competitions that’s for sure.

Pawalla Mini Box
Pet Greens – Semi-Moist Li’l Treats – Tasty Lamb

~Fresh Dog – Oatmeal Shampoo($1.41): I think I got this in another pet box once, but I liked it and am happy to have more.  I am putting this under the kitchen sink because Buddy has been taking lots of baths lately (all that Spring mud + Buddy = bad news).  And sometimes by default, I give Baxter a bath too.  He gets so MAD.  It’s almost like I can hear him saying “But mom, I didn’t even do anything”.

Pawalla Mini
Fresh Dog – Oatmeal Shampoo

~PetLou – Monkey Stick($10.50): Oh my, the furries are going to love this!  I can see the fights happening already!  It’s nice and thick and squeaks and hopefully will take a LONG time for them to destroy! I bet WB will want to steal this from the dogs because it’s so cute, but it’s not happening

Pawalla Mini Box
PetLou – Monkey Stick

All totaled my March Pawalla Mini Box had a value of $24.98.  More than the $17/month cost of the box and way more than the $9.33/month I paid on (the deal was 3 months for $38).  You can’t get that deal anymore, but you can use my referral link to save you $6.50 on a box if you want to test it out.  OR, you can get a two-month subscription to Pawalla Mini on Living Social for only $17!!!!

What do you think about Pawalla?  Would your dogs or cats like a box like this?  If you want to learn more, click here.

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. The clicky “Pawalla” links will take you to Pawalla. The clicky “Living Social” links will take you to the Pawalla deal on Living Social.
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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Alexia561

    Too cute! Makes me want to get a dog just so I can get her a subscription box like this! And I can totally see Baxter being mad that he has to take a bath just because his brother got dirty. Poor Baxter!

  2. Sarah M

    Glad you enjoyed your box! We got our April standard box in yesterday and our dogs started eating the cardboard before we could open it. I’m curious as to when you got your box in though… it seems like you got the March mini box (see the 03/2013 at the top of the card?). I recognize some of the items from March mini box video reviews too. I’m new to Pawalla so I hope this isn’t a common thing but one fan on Facebook noted she received the “Happy Valentines” box in March!

  3. Brianna

    Wow, I think the $12/month is a good deal, but need to go through my barkbox sub before I commit to anything else for the puppers. 😉

    thanks for this review!

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