Sunday Social

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I am, once again, linking up with Ashley and Neely for today’s Sunday Social.

1. Did you sleepwalk as a child?
OMG no, how creepy would that be? I hope I never did and I hope even more that my kids never do either. L sleeps like a ROCK and is super hard to wake up, so I seriously doubt he could get up and do anything while he sleeps.

2. Did you ever try to run away or sneak out of your house?
No! I mean who runs away from free stuff and toys and cable tv? Not this girl! B never ran away either. We are lame.

3. Did you have any imaginary friends?
Was I a super lame kid or what? I did not have any imaginary friends. I had dolls who I was friends with, but they weren’t imaginary. I just asked B and he said he didn’t either. I don’t think B was ever alone when he was a little kid, so he didn’t have any need for any imaginary friends!

B and his bunny friends

4. Did you ever go toilet papering?
Was I the lamest kid or what? I don’t think I ever went toilet papering either? I am not even going to ask B if he did because I am guessing he did.

5. Did you ever sneak tv shows you weren’t allowed to watch?
No way, I was allowed to watch pretty much whatever. Listen, I remember watching MTV when it first came on! Plus, I don’t think we had as many good shows back then. I mean, it wasn’t like I was 5 watching Breaking Bad or anything you know?

Does McDonalds still have those hats??

**Yes, I know these pictures have nothing to do with the post really.  But I like posts with pictures……**
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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Jackie

    I was a lame kid too. I didn’t really have imaginary friends…but I did like to pretend with my dolls and stuffed animals. I had a younger brother to torture so, that always helped ha

  2. Jen

    That last picture is awesome!

  3. Jenny

    You sound so much like me. My life growing up was pretty lame. LOL my parents let me do pretty much anything I asked so there was no need to sneak out or sneak tv or anything. Of course I was a pretty good girl and I think they knew that so there was no need to be to picky. 😉 I’m hoping to instill my good common sense into my boys so that we don’t have the drag out battles when they get to be teenagers. LOL

  4. Jodi

    I love the old pictures of you two!! I can see so much of your kids in both of you!!

  5. Sara

    I was also lame – though I did have an imaginary friend. Her name was Cindy. Everything bad I ever did got blamed on Cindy…

  6. Dianne @ Skinny Seahorse

    You little angel! I hope Tatum is as good of a kid as you were. No sneaking out, no TP’ing the neighbors house and no watching tv she is not allowed. I could handle that.

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