Sunday Social – All About Twitter

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I am, once again, linking up with Ashley and Neely for today’s Sunday Social.

1. When did you join twitter?
After a little GTS’ing, I learned that I joined Twitter on 9/3/2008. So 4.5 years ago. And in that time I have tweeted 2,722 times. I find this shocking because I rarely tweet. I don’t know what it is, but I don’t love it.

2. Who is your favorite non-celeb to follow?
Gosh, I am going to go with Jenelle from Teen Mom. She’s @PBandJenelley_1 in case you want to follow her and she’s probably my most favorite tweeter ever. You want to know every last detail about what’s going on in her life? No worries, she’ll tell you. I am putting her in the non-celeb category because she’s really not a celebrity. I mean, she’s famous and all, but you know….

3. Who is your favorite celeb to follow?
I’m going with Lindsay Lohan. It’s like reading someone else’s twitter because you’d have no idea what was going on in her life from twitter. Like I am real sure she spent the entire night (last week) playing Draw Something. Unless she was playing while sitting under the table in Brazil, this didn’t happen!

4. Have you ever had a celeb respond to a tweet?
Umm, no. I don’t think so anyway? Like I said, I don’t tweet much, so I don’t really think there is much chance of anyone ever tweeting me back. And this really isn’t the question, but can I just say how much I hate retweets? Hey Justin Bieber, I love you, can I get a retweet? NO. You cannot.

5. What is your favorite store/brand to follow?
Target. I mean I just love Target, so why wouldn’t I love them on Twitter? Their TargetTruths always crack me up and are totally true.

6. Give us three tweeps we should be following.
I really don’t think I am qualified to answer this since I am not totally into twitter (instagram is my true love), but I am certain you will be bored if you follow me (@theramblingjen). I mean you can, but I think you will be bored! I do look forward to reading everyone else’s suggestions though!

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Jessica R.

    I just joined Twitter a couple days ago to give me a better chance of getting chosen for Influenster stuff and so I can complete more of their challenges. I seriously don’t get it. And I can’t understand about 75 percent of the tweets. It’s like people are speaking some different language. It makes me feel old.

  2. mary m

    Ooh those were fun. I’m on twitter but pretty much only because my husband is 😉 I joined June 2nd, 2008…

    The only famous person to respond (that I remember…) was BJ Novak (Ryan from the office). LOL It was even flirty. HAHAHA. I was probably drunk. I’m pretty sure he and Mindy Kaling were.

  3. katie

    i have to say i have had lots of celebs tweet me.. i had mario lopez twice, once was right after my gfs and i ran into in dc at mortons on ingauration weekend, the guy SAT down at our our table for like 15 minutes with us, talked to us, told us what was going on in his life, asked about ours, took a pic with us, it was just SO random and SO cool, so i tweeted the pic and he responded to that with, so great to meet you as well katie, i mean he is by far the most awesome celeb i have ever met! I also had kendra wilkinson tweet me and a handful of NBA and NFL players, some who are pro bowlers and nba all stars, you would be shocked if you tweet like B-D list celebs you sometimes do get responses, and im not going to lie it makes my whole day when someone famous responds to me!

  4. Jill

    I joined Twitter for Influenster and BzzAgent. I’m actually a little embarassed that my twitter/IG handles are so close to Jenelle from Teen Mom (I usually go with PBandJi11y).

    1. Dani


      I think your name makes much more sense with the PB&J thing, then Jenelle’s name.

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