Thursday Thoughts!

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Thursday Thoughts

  • Okay, I should probably save this for next week’s “What I’m Loving Wednesday, but I can’t wait that long.  Plus, if you happen to be going to Target in the next few days for the Easter clearance you NEED to get this.  The little boys and I ended up going to Target after all yesterday (what, WB needed formula) and I finally decided to stop and smell those mercury glass candles they have on the end cap in the candle area. OMG.  They all smell good, but the Lemon Flower.  TDF.  It took everything I had not to wipe the shelves clean.  This is amazing.  GET IT.  And if you don’t have a Target near you, you can get it online.
Only the best scent ever.
  • Reviews are coming up soon for Mantry and pickybunny and my Coca Rocha Fancy Box is scheduled to arrive today, so that review should be up soon as well.  Oh wait and I believe that my April Stork Stack should be arriving today as well.  It took a bit of a detour this month ;).  And in the best news of the week, the April PopSugar Must Have boxes shipped yesterday.  I think this is the earliest they have ever shipped.  Hopefully we’ll get some spoilers tomorrow or Saturday?  All we know so far is that it weighs 1.5lbs.  So light.
  • I’ve been busy answering e-mails, which means I’ve totally been slacking on my blog reading / commenting.  But I swear, I am going to do some reading today.  I think I say that everyday and then I am up at 2am watching infomercials!  Speaking of infomercials, does anyone have the Pocket Hose?  Does it work?  Because I feel like that might be a good addition to my life.
image credit: Kohls
  • While I do like Jay Leno, I am pretty excited that Jimmy Fallon is replacing him.  JF is hysterical and instead of just watching him on Hulu like a normal person, I actually stay up late to watch.  I’d totally go to see his show.  Totally.  And you know what other show I really want to go see?  The Price is Right.  For real.  I want to spin that wheel more than you’ll ever know.  When L and I can, we watch the show together.  I swear he even likes it.  Who doesn’t?
  • I bought a season pass on Apple TV (well iTunes) to the Real Housewives of the O.C. and I am already loving this season.  I cannot believe that Vicki is going to end up back with Brooks.  I hope that doesn’t last.  And have any of those ladies (Tamra & Gretchen) gotten married yet?   OH, and speaking of getting married, did anyone watch Teen Mom this week?  I really thought Kailyn would have gotten married in Vegas.  Is she married in real life yet?  And I couldn’t help but smile when I saw Chelsea’s dark hair.  Looking good girl!  No more blonde nest!

Allright, now it’s your turn to share your thoughts!  Link-up so we can all read what’s on your mind today!





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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 17 Comments

  1. Shannon Dew

    I can’t wait to start watching RHOC! It’s always been my favorite season!

  2. Carly

    Oooohhh..I need that candle. A trip to Target will be the perfect way to waste time so I don’t have to come right home from work to hang out with the in-laws.

    And I too love Jimmy Fallon. I think Jay’s writers have gotten pretty bad lately and most of his jokes are just lame. I am super excited for Jimmy. I loved the raps that he did with Justin Timberlake a few weeks ago (I do not, however, love thank you notes).

  3. Dianne @ Skinny Seahorse

    It’s only 8:59 am. Not even 9. And look, already 6 links. I’m feeling like a slacker! I too want to the pocket hose!

  4. Mom

    I don’t know if that hose works, but I saw them at Walmart and they’re only 19.99. If it doesn’t work, not a big loss. It’s funny that you and L love The Price Is Right. So does Grandma Dorothy. So it’s fun for kids from 5 (he’s almost 5)to 95 (she’s almost 95).

  5. Becky

    I am about 3 weeks behind on TM2. I need to catch up! So glad that my OC girls are back. They are my FAVORITE!

  6. Kyra

    My MIL bought a bunch of the pocket hoses and gave us one. I used one this weekend and it’s pretty cool, I think outside though it may not last all that long at least not in our FL sun. Mine is on my back porch.

  7. Alena

    I was just in Target this morning and looked for this! Could not find it, I was so sad. There is another Target like 20 minutes away from my house that I am going to check(as opposed to 4 minutes-which is so very dangerous!)

    I love RHOC. Probably too much! I can’t believe Vicki is going to be back with Brooks, and I do not think Gretchen got married to Slade yet, but Tamra and Eddie are getting married in like two months (Follow her on twitter, I’m such a loser!)

  8. kristin

    I love jimmy fallon! Jordan and I always talk about how we would love to go see him.

  9. jennifer

    Any special tips on what Easter Clearance items (Target) we should be looking for? 🙂

  10. MeaganS

    I’m a huge fan of the Real Housewives (guilty pleasure) and ESPECIALLY OC. Very excited to see the crazy is back!

  11. Mel

    I love Jimmy Fallon too. I just hope this doesn’t become a repeat of Conan with Jay wanting to come back and Jimmy ending up losing the show or ending up on another network. That would make me sad.

  12. sara

    I saw those candles today! But was in a hurry and didn’t stop to smell them. I’ll have to do it on my next trip!

  13. Courtney

    Ummmm, TDF??? Tour de France??? I’m effing confused…ugguhhh.

    And I am dying over here about your infomercial problem! How do you even see them, didn’t you cancel your cable? Or do you pick up some networks from that antenna? My TV doesn’t do anything unless its hooked up to a laptop or the streaming device. I once was convinced that I needed the “set it and forget it” oven (I forgot the name) and those super awesome knives that cut through anything! I mean, who could resist especially when they double your offer for $19.99!!!! SOLD!

  14. Jill

    I think Kailyn is married in real life. I wonder how long the Tamra/Gretchen BFF will last.

  15. Carolyn

    I loved the first RHOC episode too. Brooks seems like such a creep and I totally believe Tamra, that their breakup was bull shit. I think Tamra and Eddie are getting married in a few months, We’re friends on fb 😉 I liked her page. Not sure about anyone else though.

  16. Janaya

    I got my shipment email for Pop Sugar too! This will be my first month and I’m super excited!!!

    Have you seen the game show Lets Make a Deal? It’s with Wayne Brady, my mom and I both want to go on that game show! And we’re always yelling at the T.V when we watch it! haha

  17. Dawn

    The hose: Thought it looked cool too. But a few weeks ago I was driving down the road and saw one (I think. How many other neon green, crinkled hoses exist?!). It was a crazy mess- not at all coiled up like the infomercial states- and it didn’t appear to be in use 🙁

    Fallon: Absolutely my FAVORITE night show host. Love his style and love how he connects with his audience. My worry: that he’ll have to change his style to accommodate a more diverse audience.? Here’s hoping that doesn’t happen…

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