Friday’s Letters

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Dear PopSugar, Can you just let out some spoilers about the April Must Have Box so we can all stop this crazy guessing? But for the record, I am guessing a scarf, some sort of candy, a San Torpe bracelet, sunglasses and a gift certificate for flowers.

Dear B, Since you read my blog now and all, I will be posting some sunglasses that I am IN LOVE with next week. They are beyond overpriced and I will not be buying them myself, however, I feel like they would be the perfect surprise Mother’s Day present. Just saying.

Dear Future Garage Sale, You can’t happen soon enough. This clutter is driving me nuts. I am one delivery away from being on Hoarders. Can the weather just get nice enough already?

Dear Telemarketers, Why in the world are you calling my cell phone? I could not have been more annoyed when you called me the other night at 9pm and then tried to tell me I could make $10,000/week in my pajamas. STOP IT.

Dear L, I think it’s the sweetest thing ever when you want to be the first one in WB’s room in the morning to wake him up. And when to sing to him to wake him up? I die.

Dear Hannibal, You are one crazy a** tv show.  And I am totally watching you again next week.  I may even watch Silence of the Lambs this weekend.

Dear Sephora, Why did you mail me a coupon that doesn’t start for a week?  I don’t have the patience for that!  I

Dear WB,  I cannot believe you are going to be one in a few short weeks.  Can we just start it all over again?  Except for the part when you screamed while you were eating for those few months.  That was icky.  But the rest?  Let’s do it again!

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Courtney

    Do you get the Sephora or JCP Sephora FREE trial size coupons? I got one for a new Sephora mascara. It was awful. Like it was just chunks of mascara on a stick. I tossed it.

  2. Erin

    I know what you mean. Some days I so want to go back to when my boys were just babies. I want to just hold and love on them for hours on end. Now they are 3 and 4 and want no part of it. is my 1 letter for the day
    Dear my ex-neighbors: I’m so mad at you for moving. I now have no internet and it is all your fault. I now have to bite the bullet and fork over the extra $50 a month for something that you should be paying for.
    *ok, ok I know that’s not right. I know that I was totally stealing, but when I moved in about a month ago I got on my laptop and just happened to pull up the inet and it worked. I thought, wow this is cool..we get free internet ;). I took advantage big time.

  3. sara

    I forgot all about Hannibal and it’s now added to my queue on Hulu. Thanks for reminding me. 😮
    i just ignore all unknown phone calls on my cell phone. Most of the time I dont’ get VM, but the vacation people always leave VM.

  4. I cannot believe WB is going to be 1!!!! Why do they grow up so fast?!?!!?

    That is so cute that L wakes WB in the morning by singing him awake… precious, just precious!!!!

    It’s supposed to be 75 here in Colorado today and supposedly a super storm is coming Monday into Tuesday, it’s supposed to be BIG but they still cannot tell if it is going to bring a ton of snow or rain… I’m praying for rain, I’m more than over the snow!

  5. mary m

    We need to have a garage sale as well. I was going to participate in one of those consignment baby sales, but now that Tom works every Saturday, it limits what I can do. But I figure a garage sale at my own house is doable, especially if the babysitter will come help for at least a few hours 😉

  6. Alison

    Hannibal looked scary! I decided not to watch it… even though I was interested, I didn’t want to be interested.
    AH I don’t want to see the pop sugar spoliers, but I end up seeing them here. I can’t help but to look. This month I will TRY not to look.

  7. clarisse

    I cancelled popsugar back in feb and glad i did based on spoilers for this month.. but that san torpe bracelet link you posted omg!! can we buy those i get a european page???

  8. Sophia

    Oh I like the San Torpe bracelet! Why do you think it’s in the box?

  9. Jen

    Yay for garage sales, it’s always nice to get rid of the clutter.

  10. Grady

    I never thought about the fact that I could plant “surprise” gift ideas into my blog – that’s brilliant!

    I found you through Friday Letters – I hope you have a great day! 🙂

  11. jamie

    oh how I wish your pop sugar guesses were right, what an awful box I am sorry but I am so bummed about this months box now that we know whats in it

    garage sale sounds great funny you are waiting for the weather to get nice here in az it is already too hot, yep we have the ac running

  12. Brian h

    But isn’t that your goal with this blog? To make $10,000 a week in your pajamas? I’d take that call!

    1. Brian h

      @Brian h: Maybe it’s that crazy Dooce chick.

      1. Dani

        @Brian h: Did you just reply to yourself?

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