Friday iPhone Dump!

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If you feel like linking up and showing off your weekly iPhone pictures grab the button and link-up below!  If not, that’s cool too.

1. I let L pick out his own clothes these days (except for special occasions of course) and he usually does a shockingly good job. But these sunglasses!  He insists on wearing them every time he goes outside.  Wait, I guess I am to blame for his love of oversized sunglasses as they are all I wear!

2. I believe WB is wearing a 3-6 month Detroit Tigers onesie here ;).  He’s certainly getting good use of all of his clothes!  It’s getting a little small, but he wanted to get into the spirit of Opening Day!

3. L is used to us getting packages and loves when one is for him.  Luckily for him, he got an Easter package from my Aunt & Uncle & cousins and was thrilled.  It was really for him & WB, but everything he saw he decided was his ;).  Wait, I *think* he gave WB a stuffed bunny?

4. I’ve been trying to put shoes on WB more and more, but he continues to take them off.  Socks too.  Those come off within seconds of me putting them on him.  Any tips on keeping socks and shoes on a baby?  Or is this a lost cause?

5. Poor Buddy.  L went to play at the neighbors the other day and he watched the kids run off and then just sadly sat at the front door waiting for L to return.  And as he was sitting at the front door, he was staring out the door wall at the back of the house, just in case L showed up in the backyard.  WB, Baxter and I played, folded laundry, WB took a bath, etc. and Buddy just sat down there.  Waiting.  I bet his little heart was racing because he was so worried.  When I opened the door to talk to the neighbors after they walked L home, Buddy sprinted down the sidewalk SO fast looking for L (he tricked Buddy and went in through the garage).  He was so relieved to see L.

6. We went to a local farm yesterday and they had a bunch of baby animals you could pet.  L held the bunny and some baby chickens (did you know chickens bled if you ruffled their feathers wrong?), but was most interested in the barn cat.  Figures.

7. While at the farm yesterday I picked up these Wool Dryer Balls.  They are suppose to cut down drying time by 25% and therefore, save you money.  It appears I should be using 4 at a time though (maybe I should have read the instructions before I got home), so I need to run there and grab more.  Does anyone else use these?

8. Sleeping kids and babies might be the cutest thing ever. I can’t get enough of it!  And yes, he still sleeps with those dogs.  He must take them whenever he spends the night somewhere else too ;).

9. And finally, the WB.  Still no sign of a tooth and something tells me he will turn 1 with that toothless smile intact.  Although I do fear that one morning he’s just going to wake up with a mouth full of teeth!  Do you think that could happen?

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Alysia

    My son once cut 4 teeth at one time. They weren’t his first teeth, but still…could happen! Those boys of yours are so cute! And you have to update on the dryer balls!

  2. Lauren

    They say the later kids get teeth, the better oral health they have. My son had I think 14 teeth on his first birthday, CRAZY!!!!

  3. sara

    Mackenzie never wore shoes until she started walking. Then it was only if we were outside. She’s better at wearing them now. Probably since this winter she started leaving her shoes/socks on. But only while running errands.

  4. lol, is Buddy giving WB a kiss? Cutest picture ever!!!

    I’m still awwwing over the picture of Buddy waiting for L, cutest story I’ve ever heard!

    Is L asking you to buy him a cat yet? That is so funny that out of all the animals there are her prefers the barn cat, lol.

    Seriously, WB and L, cutest kids around, they seriously make me smile!!!

  5. Ashley C.

    L is just jumping on the Wayfarer trend right now, Mom! As for keeping shoes on WB, I’d say wait until he’s walking on his own to really worry. Neither of my kids wore shoes until after they were walking, and we rarely had a problem. L loves to pull them off now, occasionally. IF he can get them off. Socks — well, those are always being pulled off. What can I say, I’m raising some barefoot southern youngin’s!

  6. Shannon

    I’m pretty sure Kaylee had some teeth by 12 months (I’m so bad for not remembering!), but she didn’t have a lot of them, that’s for sure. She was a late teether and usually got 4 at a time.

    We use dryer balls at home because of sensitive skin/eczema with Lance and Kaylee. I like them quite a bit. Sometimes it seems like the clothes are static-y at first coming out of the dryer, but then they lose the static cling really quick. You will want more than two though. We use 7 of them. There are lots of sellers on Etsy. 🙂

  7. Brittany

    I seriously adore both of your boys. They are always so happy!

  8. Jenny

    I’m not going to be able to linkup today. Still trying to play catch up with being gone. Love your photos.

  9. tammy tinsley

    That baby boy has the cutest most infectious smile ever. His whole face smiles. Eyes nose mouth even ears. So cute!

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