Sunday Social

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I am, once again, linking up with Ashley and Neely for today’s Sunday Social.

1. What is your biggest driving pet peeve?
Tailgating.  OMG, this couldn’t drive me more crazy.  Unless I am going under the speed limit, this is NOT necessary.  And yeah, I usually slow down when someone is tailgating me.  Just to tick them off even more.  I’m annoyed so they should be too.  Sooo unnecessary to tailgate.

2. What is your biggest blogging pet peeve?
This one is too easy. CAPTCHA. Turn that sh*t off. Every time I have to try and figure out what the F those letters are I am annoyed. UGH. If I can’t get it right the first try, I’m done. I just leave and take my comment with me. Sponsored blog posts that are totally irrelevant to a blog are another pet peeve.

Stop it.

3. What is your biggest general pet peeve?
Hmm, this is harder.  I have so many pet peeves.  I’m going with the incorrect use of their/their/they’re.  Also, I don’t like when companies spell things wrong on purpose.   Especially if it’s something marketed towards kids.  It’s “kids”, not “kidz”.  “Time” not “Tyme”.  And we wonder why kids can’t spell.

4. What is your most irrational fear?
Can I say webMD?  Because every time I go on there, I get this irrational fear that I have everything.  And heck, I just might.  B is so over it that he now just agrees with him that I have whatever random disease I am reading about at the time instead of telling me I’m okay.  It’s so bad!

5. Name 3 celebrities you’d want to have dinner with.
Britney Spears, Kate Middleton and Tom Cruise.  All at the same time. 

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Alena

    How funny, our pet peeves are very similar!!

  2. Completely agree with #2. If a blogger wants comments and reader interaction, CAPTCHA has to go. There are better ways to moderate and screen comments.

  3. Carrie

    I agree with #2 as well! There have been several times I’ve gave up on commenting because of that.

  4. Glenna

    I agree with everything you said! Just add in the misuse of apostrophes, and we’re exactly the same, lol 🙂

  5. Jennifer

    I linked up with Sunday Social today too, if you want to have a look. I ALSO hate CAPTCHA, why do they have to make it so difficult to read. I use Askimet and love it. Sometimes it flags people that aren’t exactly spammers, they are just trying a little too hard to promote themselves with links to their blog.

  6. Alexia561

    CAPTCHA is the evil spawn of Satan. Just saying…

  7. Jackie

    i forgot about Captcha. That annoys me every time. I have stopped using WebMD. As a nurse I should be smarter than that haha, but I am not, and I still think I am dying of some random autoimmune disorder…

  8. Shauna

    Oh my gosh. Grammar misuse is one of my ALL-TIME pet peeves. Especially people who say they’re doing good after I ask them how they are. Seriously! Doesn’t everyone know that you’re supposed to use well instead of good? Yeesh!

    Roger doesn’t like me to use WebMD. He says it makes me paranoid.

  9. Jill

    I hate hate hate when people use “could of” instead of could’ve.

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