Friday’s Letters

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Dear Jenny W, Congrats, you won the Hello Fresh Giveaway!!! I will be passing your information along to Hello Fresh and they will be in contact!

Dear Up-North, It’s been fun, but it’d be funner if my mail got delivered up here. I mean I might even stay a full week if it did. However, I don’t think your little Post Office would be too happy with me. And I’d probably buy you out of avocados at the store each week so the rest of the folks in town wouldn’t love that.

Dear B, Thank you for going on my C25K run with me the other night. I totally wouldn’t have kept running for 20 straight minutes if you weren’t there to hold me accountable! Also, I know it was harder for you to run that slow than it is to run at your normal speed, so I appreciate you doing it. Also, I was quite pleased that you broke a sweat ;).

Dear Cable, It was super fun to be reunited for a few days! You have so many channels! I miss a few of your channels (MTV to name one), but not enough to invite you back into my house.

Dear FroYo Place(s), I miss you and I hope to see you the day after the Challenge! I plan to continue to eat clean, ohh, 90% of the time.  And that other 10% of the time will be reserved for you and the occasional McDonalds frappe. Only I will have a small instead of a medium now.

Dear L, I am so proud of you for not being scared and jumping off the boat (with your life jacket on of course)! You were totally unsure at first, but ended up going for it and loving it!

Dear Fitbit Users Who Live in a Ranch, How on earth do you need your daily flights of stairs requirement? I live in a colonial (with a basement), so I can easily get in 15 flights of stairs a day. But if I am not home? It’s a total challenge. I don’t know you do it???

Dear Facebook Let’s Get Moving Challenge Group Members, We are having a contest for July (with a prize of course) so if you haven’t checked out the group page lately, let on it!  And if you are interested in joining, just let me know and I will get you added!

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Alison

    one day I will win one of your give aways and it’ll be the happiest day ever no matter what it is I win

  2. Lisa fournier

    Jennifer, what is the fb lets get moving page?

  3. Courtney Crowley

    You always make me laugh! I hear ya on the no cable thing. We cut the cord 5 years ago, so I don’t miss it much but whenever we go to a hotel, I gorge on HG TV and any of the “Wars” shows (Storage Wars, Shipping Wars, etc)

    As for the FitBit, I live on the 2nd floor and even with taking the pups up and down all day, I still barely make the 10 floor goal. I’ve got 30 floors today because I spent my lunch break going up and down the stairs.

  4. Jenny

    We’re supposed to do 15 flights a day? I’ll have to count but I’m sure I do that in my normal 2 story house. LOL With both boys it takes multiple trips just to get us downstairs. 😉

  5. Alex


    I am getting serious with the Fitbit versus enjoying the stats. As of today, I am logging the food and sleep and would be interested in the group. How do you join or link up with you for Fitbit fun (challenges I mean hahaha)?

    By the way, I owned an Ultra that measures stairs and I just bought the Flex. I notice the Ultra shows a slightly better stat result than Flex. I am wearing both for comparison.

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