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August 2013 Citrus Lane Review – 16 Month-Old Boy / 40 Month-Old Boy

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August Citrus LaneAugust Citrus Lane
August 2013 Citrus Lane (16 Month-Old Boy)

Eeek!  My August Citrus Lane box(es) arrived today!  I’ve mentioned it before, but I get two boxes each month.  A 16 month-old one (for WB) and a second box which I randomly have aged at 40 months.  I do a full review on WB’s box and just a brief breakdown on the second box.

August Citrus LaneAugust Citrus Lane
The Box

Citrus Lane ships via USPS (through Narvar?) and sometimes it’s speedy and sometimes it’s not.  This month was just meh.  I really wanted it to arrive on Saturday, but no such luck.

August Citrus LaneAugust Citrus Lane
First Look
Second First Look

I had peeked at the spoilers so I knew what to expect, but it didn’t make me any less excited to actually get the box.  Oh and I should mention that WB is actually 16 months-old, but CL also had him classified as 16 months last month (they skipped the month he was 13 months and his age went from 12 months to 14 months) as well.  I don’t get it and don’t care enough to e-mail them about it.

The Information Card

I mention it every month, but Citrus Lane said they did away with themes last winter.  However, they do seem to make exceptions quite often and do themes.  This month was “Back to School” and included the following:

~Crocodile Creek 5″ Playground Ball ($7.99): WB and L will both enjoy this ball. It’s a super cute print and a good quality, which is key since my boys are quite rough. I love when they send things both kids will enjoy! The box also included some bowling pin color pages / cut outs so you can bowl into them. L was all over this. WB didn’t get it.

5″ Playground Ball from Crocodile Creek

~Octopus Opposites from Barefoot Books ($7.19): This is an adorable book and as luck would have it, we don’t own it. The illustrations are fabulous and WB loved it (we’ll be reading it a dozen more times today before he goes to be bed too I would guess). L isn’t the right age group for it really, buy he enjoyed it as well. We play a sort of opposites game with L that involves naming two people and asking him who is older. It’s a fun game, unless he thinks you’re older than someone you’re not ;).

Octopus Opposites from Barefoot Books

~Clean Well Hand Sanitizer Canister – Orange Vanilla Scent ($5.99): These are going in the car ASAP and will be perfect for our IKEA trip, a trip to the playground, etc. I probably wouldn’t buy these on a regular basis (they are kind of $), but I am going to love using them!

All Natural Hand Sanitizing Wipes from CleanWell

~Ouchies Adhesive Bandages ($5): L has already claimed these as his own (he doesn’t care that they are kind of baby’ish – he just like bandaids). WB is too little to appreciate the magical healing powers that a bandaid holds, but L is very familiar and seems to have at least one on 99% of the time. Summer is extra rough because he’s outside SO much and we go through a ton. I have never tried this brand, but I look forward to adding it to our extensive bandaid collection.

Adhesive Bandages from Ouchies Jr.

~Plum Organics Fruit Straws ($2): I don’t know that WB can eat these (he’s only got 4 teeth), but he totally gets how to use a straw and will get a kick out of it. The other one will of course go to L who’ll love it even more.

Fruit Straws from Plum Organics

All totaled the August 2013 Citrus Lane Box (for a 16-month old boy) had a value of $28.17. Not the most valuable box to date, however, we did enjoy everything and certainly will use it all.  Oh, the box also did come with a FabKids voucher for a free outfit.  We will likely take advantage of it, however, you can also get a free outfit if someone refers you and it’s for new customers only so I’m not including the value of the voucher in my total!

August 2013 Citrus Lane (40 Month-Old Boy)

Our August Citrus Lane Box for a 40 month-old boy included the following:
~Ouchies Adhesive Bandages ($5), Clean Well Hand Sanitizer Canister – Orange Vanilla Scent ($5.99), Barefoot Books Driving my Tractor Puzzle ($14.99), Creativity for Kids Construction Zone Coloring ARTivity Book ($7.99) and Annie’s Cheddar Bunnies ($1).
This box had a total value of  $34.97 (not including the FabKids code – which I can only use once). I actually liked this box even better than WB’s box.  It’s got stuff that L can use now and stuff I can save for WB for later.  And seriously who can’t use more bandaids and wipes??

Did you get Citrus Lane this month?  What’d you think of the box? And what age do you get?  If you are interested in subscribing or just want to learn more, click here!  Using my link will save you $10 off your box (boxes are $25/month), however the coupon code “TAKEHALF” will save you a few dollars more!

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links!
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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