Friday iPhone Dump

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If you feel like linking up and showing off your weekly iPhone pictures grab the button and link-up below!  If not, that’s cool too. Oh and I forgot to number these again. You know what they should be numbered though…

1. I didn’t find the chairs I was after for the kids at the Pottery Barn Outlet, so I headed to the GAP outlet because I didn’t want it to seem like a waste that we stopped.  Happy I snagged some 40% off clearance items.  L now has v-necks in every color under the rainbow.  For years.

2. Even if you saw this cuteness on Instagram, I figured it was worth sharing again.  WB continues to be obsessed with the dogs.  They get so many hugs and snuggles a day it’s unreal.  Buddy doesn’t mind it because he likes the attention, but Baxter (who is in the picture above) isn’t a fan.  He tolerates it until he can flee to a safe location ;).  Oh and Baxter is a Shorkie.  He’s 1/2 Yorkie, 1/2 Shih-Tzu.  Cutest, calmest, best dog ever.

3. L and Nana found a turtle yesterday in the lake which thrilled L.  He made a little home for it and spent the afternoon making sure he had food and water and even found some (fake) turtle friends for him.  They released him back in the lake last night, but I think he enjoyed having a pet turtle for the afternoon.

4. WB was getting a little crazy on our walk the other day, so I flipped him around so he could face me and we could talk. O.M.G. It was like he’d never seen me before.  He thought it was the coolest.

5. Umm, how sweet are these two “facebooking” (that’s what L calls Facetime)?  They both loved it and WB tried to hug L through the phone.  #idie.

6. I don’t know what led to this, but Orville Redenbachers is following me on Twitter!  It pretty much made my day when this popped up in my e-mai!l!
7. Aww, WB.  WB’s favorite past time is sleeping.  It’s a great hobby for sure, but I’d guess some days he sleeps for 18+ hours.  Seriously.  He’s just pretending here, but I bet he wishes he was sleeping.

8. My ShaveMOB razor came yesterday and I am quite impressed.  Although I don’t know why I ordered a woman’s razor?  I always use men’s ones.  Do you use men’s or women’s ones?

9. L also discovered a wild raspberry patch up-north and went wild picking (eating) them!  I do remember doing stuff like that when I was a kid and thinking it was so cool, so I understand the excitement he felt!

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Cassidy

    I love everything!

  2. Erika

    When I was in 3 rd grade, a 4th grader played with a turtle and then got sick because he didn’t wash his hands. He died a few days later. I always get nervous when I see kids playing with turtles, so here is my PSA, make sure L washes his hands after touching a turtle. I’m sure he does/did, but honestly turtles scarred me for life after that boy got sick, so I cant NOT say it. Lol!!!

  3. Debbie J

    I love the picture of WB with Baxter, best kid-dog picture I have ever seen. And that smile of WB, it’s a smile that makes you wonder what they are thinking….

  4. Mom

    The turtles that made kids sick used to be sold in pet stores, but they carried diseases so they were banned years ago. This was a little fresh water turtle and L washed his hands.

  5. Brian H

    #6…..I get it….popped up in your e-mail…..popped……like popcorn.

  6. Nicole

    I think my daughter sleeps like 18 hours also and she gets so cranky if she doesn’t. It’s totally normal for her to take 4+ hour naps not to mention she sleeps at least 12 hours at night.

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