July The Homegrown Collective Review – “The Beauty of Coconut” + A Giveaway

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.
August The Homegrown Collective
August The Homegrown Collective

The Homegrown Collective includes seasonally appropriate, professionally curated products that deliver the satisfaction of living a more self-sufficient & sustainable lifestyle to your doorstep each month. I always look forward to seeing what they come up with each month because you never know what it will be!

August The Homegrown Collective
The Box

I received my first July Homegrown Collective box a week or so ago (they ship via USPS and service is fast), but one of the items in it had leaked. I planned to just run out and pick up some essentials oils (which is what leaked) so I could do the projects, but The Homegrown Collective insisted on shipping me a whole new box! I gotta tell you though, that first box smelled AMAZING!!! But I did appreciate the customer service response and also the fast shipping time on the new box.

August The Homegrown Collective
First Look
August The Homegrown Collective
Second First Look

As you can see, the second box was packed nice and secure and there wasn’t much chance of anything happening to this one.

August The Homegrown Collective
The Beauty of Coconut!

The July The Homegrown Collective theme was “The Beauty of Coconut” and included all of the items you needed to make Homemade Coconut Milk, Coconut Orange Sugar Scrub, Citrus Coconut Lip Balm and a Coconut Oil Lotion Bar. It’s quite possible that this may be one of my favorite, if not my total favorite Homegrown Collective Box ever. The thought behind this box is to know what you are putting on your skin because if can’t pronounce an ingredient in your lotion, it probably shouldn’t be on your skin.

Homemade Coconut Milk: The first project is Homemade Coocnut Milk and is the only one of the bunch that I didn’t do. I just don’t like coconut milk and know I will never drink it. When L gets home we will probably make it though because I think it’s something he will enjoy. You blend shredded coconut and warm water in a blender until it’s thick and creamy. You then have to use a strainer and a towel to get any remaining hunks of coconut out. After that you can add flavor (strawberries, vanilla extract or cocoa powder) or enjoy on it’s own.

Coconut Orange Sugar Scrub: The second project is Coconut Orange Sugar Scrub. All you do is mix coconut oil, sugar and essential oil and that’s it. Three things. I used to think it was so difficult to make things like this on my own, but recently (thanks in part to The Homegrown Collective) I have realized it’s so easy. At first I thought there was no way the sugar would mix in okay with the melted coconut, but it worked out perfectly.  This smells amazing and rivals store bought scrubs. It would also make an amazing (and inexpensive) gift! Cute labels and fancy ribbon on the jar would make it even fancier!

August The Homegrown Collective
Homemade Coconut Milk & Orange Coconut Sugar Scrub: The Instructions
August The Homegrown Collective
Orange Sugar Scrub: The Ingredients
August The Homegrown Collective
Orange Sugar Scrub: The Results

Citrus Coconut Lip Balm:
I LOVE all this make your own lip balm lately and this was no exception.  This is made from beeswax, organic coconut oil, cocoa butter and citrus fresh essential oil.  The making of this was a tad more involved than the sugar scrub, but probably only took 10 minutes and involved melting it all together double boiler style on the stove.  I didn’t use the exact amounts of each ingredient, I more of less just guessed what I thought was close and all was well. I didn’t realize that the reason that lip balms needed to be reapplied so often is because they contain water and that dries your lips out.  I can’t wait to see how how works after using it for awhile.

August The Homegrown Collective
Citrus Coconut Lip Balm – The Instructions
Citrus Coconut Lip Balm - The Ingredients
Citrus Coconut Lip Balm – The Ingredients
August The Homegrown Collective
Citrus Coconut Lip Balm – The Final Product

Coconut Oil Lotion Bar:
The final project was the coconut oil lotion bar which is made from coconut oil, cocoa butter, beeswax and citrus oil.  This was made double boiler style again and I was totally sure that this wasn’t going to work out because I didn’t think I had enough coconut oil left (clearly I should have measured better).  But to my surprise, it turned out PERFECT!  I was so excited and tested it right away.  I think it’s awesome for elbows and knees and would totally make this again!

Coconut Oil lOtion Bar - The Instructions
Coconut Oil lOtion Bar – The Instructions
August The Homegrown Collective
Coconut Oil Lotion Bar – The Ingredients
August The Homegrown Collective
Coconut Oil Lotion Bar – The Final Product

As usual, I didn’t do a value calculation for the July Homegrown Collective box since it would have been too difficult.  However, I do think it was totally worth the $48/month ($39 + $9 shipping) price tag.  The Homegrown Collective actually gets me to do all the projects I have always wanted to do which I love!  And, of course, the box is even cheaper if you buy a 6-month ($39/month) or 12-month ($35.75/month) subscription!  If you are interested in subscribing, or just want to learn more, click here.  And don’t forget to use the code “RAMBLIN10″ to save $10 off your first box!!!

But wait, The Homegrown Collective wants to give one of you guys the July Homegrown Collective Box so you can make your own beauty products too!!!  How cool is that? All you gotta do is enter in Rafflecopter below and you will be all set!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: This box was received free of charge in exchange for an honest review. No compensation was received and, as always, all opinions are my own. Just in case that’s not enough fine print, this post also contains affiliate links.
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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 139 Comments

  1. jenny Whiskey

    i’d love to see some indoor planting supplies. like aparment herb gardens. i’ve always wanted to grow things, but space is at a premium where i live

  2. Sarah Q

    I love homemade soaps and other bath and body stuff. But also homemade cleaning products would be nice too!

  3. Libby Sawyer

    I’d be interested in homemade cleaning products that don’t involve vinegar. The only “natural” solutions I see use vinegar, but I don’t want my house smelling like a salad! lol

  4. Bethany

    This looks like a really fun box. I look up projects like these all the time, but never get around to buying the supplies for them.

  5. Shannon

    I really like the idea of homemade beauty products. Like lotions. It’s nice to know what you’re putting on your skin.

  6. Alexa Angell

    For the fall, I would like to see a box focused on cinnamon!

  7. Stephanie Drost

    I want to win!!! 🙂

  8. Faty oth

    I would like to see and make laundry detergent

  9. helen rowland

    a make your own candle! with different scents to choose as you please!

  10. ana ebright

    I would like more soap or cleaning stuff

  11. Brooke

    I think that a box on canning/preserving produce would be awesome, and perfect for fall! I have a vegetable garden with way too many tomatoes to know what to do with, so I’m always looking for ways to keep them around longer.

  12. tia

    I would love to see oranges!

  13. Jackie

    I’d love to see homemade scented candles!!

  14. Joanne Tu

    I would like to see similar make your own beauty products like the ones in this box.

  15. Juli

    More of the same! This box looks amazing!

  16. Shana

    This would be veey cool to try out!! I love the concept and idea. Homemade perfumes would be cool

  17. Jennifer

    I am in love with coconut! I have tried coconut chocolate, coffee, shampoo, water… and would love to try these too!

  18. Melanie Conger

    Moroccan Argan Oil!

  19. Caroline P

    it would be fun to see something regarding dying fabrics or paper making

  20. Cathy@Five Boys

    I love all of the body scrubs, soaps and lip balms. I would love to see them do variations on those themes.

  21. Gina F.

    Love anything coconut! Maybe they could do more of that lip balm making stuff. Love that!!

  22. Jenny

    I have no idea what else I would like to see. There are so many things out there that I would love to try. Candle making, herb garden, pressed paper etc. So many good ideas and so little time to actually try them all.

  23. Sarah

    I like the idea of more body/beauty products- they are SO expensive to buy from Lush or similar stores! I had no idea making your own lotion bar was that simple, I have a huge jar of coconut oil already sitting around for various hair treatments.

  24. Diana B

    hmmm….candles, soap, diy cleaners. To the above poster about the vinegar smell, you can put essential oils in the vinegar mixture. I use tea tree oil, but I bet orange or lavender would be really good too.

  25. Mary

    I would love to see a mix boxes for beauty/body products (like the coconut one) and then some that would focus on products for the home (cleaning, candles, etc). Maybe even a pet related project sometimes. My dogs like to look good too! This just may have to be my next box subscription, looks so useful and fun 🙂

  26. Jamie

    I would love to see them do a conditioner or hair oil (for frizz!)

  27. Crystal G

    Natural cleaning products, definitely! I can’t stand chemicals, and I swear I can’t get anything clean with vinegar!

  28. Emmy

    I would love to see a box centered around making candles and more beauty supplies, a lip scrub would be fun. 😀 And I hope a future box theme is citrus!

  29. Tiffany

    This all looks great! I would love to see more of the scrubs maybe a good foot soak!

  30. Vivian

    I’d love to have crafts for home fragrances like reed diffusers, potpourri,or linen sprays!

  31. Melody

    Shampoos and Condtioners

  32. Stacey

    I love that this box is coconut themed, coconut is my favourite!!


  33. Tara

    Pumpkin stuff for fall!

  34. Toni

    I think all the boxes Ive seen from them look really neat! Im not sure if they’ve done this theme yet, but I think canning would be cool for the summer. Maybe recipes on how to make jam and pickled vegetables.

  35. Elizabeth

    I’d love to see more beauty products in future boxes.

  36. Gabrielle S

    I’d like to be able to make my own decorative candles!

  37. shelley

    I really like this box but I think I would want to see cleaning products.

  38. Rose D.

    Scented Body Lotion!

  39. Simone

    I love coconut and I love this box !

  40. Amanda Dukes

    love this box and it looks fun

  41. Breann

    This looks like an awesome box! I really like the coconut them! I would love to see more beauty products or extracts to use in baking and cooking!

  42. lynn m.

    I would just love to try their box no matter the theme! hoping to get a few months for a birthday present. I love hands on things!

  43. Judy

    Love this box! I’ve been meaning to make the full switch to natural beauty products and coconut is my favorite way to do so. Wish I got this box!

  44. Julie Meline

    I think candles or cooking herbs would be nice to have in a future box. OHHHH or loose leaf tea bags and coffee mix you make yourself! I know that you hate tea, but it would be cool. Plus, there would be coffee in there for the tea haters!

    P.S. Lovin all the giveaways you have today 🙂

  45. Amy Ballou

    The same kind of things but a different scent, because I do not like coconut. These items look amazing though, and I really hope I get a chance to be able to do this since I can’t afford it at the moment. Thanks again for the opportunity!

  46. Mrs. L

    I’m reading all the suggestions above and I’d go with all of them…candles, cinnamon, soaps, they all sound like fun.

  47. Shauna

    I love all this kind of DIY stuff, so I would love to see more things like this. Also, candles are pretty easy to make as well, and they are really nice when they are made from scratch on your own so that would be my other wish.

    I’d LOVE to try this box. Sadly not in the budget right now, but I’d LOVE to win one!


  48. Amy

    Something cute like a D.I.Y. hemp bracelet!

  49. Rachel P.

    I love almond scent, but for fall I like apple and pumpkin. Lotion or body wash would be amazing 🙂

  50. Jean

    I love this coconut box! this is exactly what I would like to see in a box- LOVE COCONUT 🙂

  51. JT

    I’d love a box that involved pickling. Or candles, but not in the same box because that would be gross.

  52. Kristin Rice

    some facial wipes for kids

  53. Julie Baldock

    I love all things coconut. Also, I saw you were interested in reading orange is the new black. I’m reading it; it’s good, but not as good as the show. John green’s the fault in our stars is a REALLY GOOD BOOK.

  54. esmeralda

    I would love any of the past ones but maybe a fancy soap (the ones with stuff inside) or a candle???

  55. I loved the coconut smells so this box would have been good choice. I would love to see how to make your own nail polish. I wonder if it can be done?

  56. Stacy

    What a great box! Who knew so many things could be done with coconut?

  57. Shiree Shaffer

    Wow, I really like the coconut theme box, but for fall I would like to see some household cleaners or fragrances involving either pumpkin or cinnamon! I also think some items to make homemade pasta sauce, (basil, oregano, garlic, etc) , and instructions to use fresh tomatoes would be really neat!!

  58. Shannon Holler

    Thank you so much for this post! So glad to come across Homegrown. I just purchased my first box!

  59. Jennifer maddux

    I have been eyeing up homegrown collective for a long time now just can’t afford it. I would love to see something woth avocados or making your own soap.

  60. Rebecca Doud

    This looks like fun. I love the smell of coconut.

  61. Sarah K

    I love coconut!!

  62. Suzanne

    That looks like a great box! I would love to see more sugar scrubs or maybe candles!

  63. Rachael

    Im on huge coconut kick right now! Love it!

  64. Nicole

    Pumpkin candle would be neat!!

  65. Melissa M

    What a fun project. I really like the diy angle on this box.

  66. Kaitlin

    Would love to see cinnamon and pumpkin things for fall 🙂

  67. Heather

    This box looks fabulous.

  68. Mary Q.

    I’m SO excited for this!! I’m *this* close to a job and I just can’t wait til I can subscribe to Homegrown, it’s at the top of my wishlist. I’d love to see them do a blueberry-themed box since that is my faaaavorite fruit and it’d be so cool to do these kinds of projects with them. Blueberry scrub or lip balm or lotion? Yes please!!

  69. Sara

    Lavender products!

  70. Jill

    I’d like to see a box that has stuff to grow an herb garden.

  71. Erin Montgomery

    I am all about homemade body care stuff! I think that homemade house cleaning items would be awesome too! :]

  72. emilia

    Looks really good.

  73. Ruby Yoshi

    I love homemade soaps and spa products..

  74. Rachel

    I really want to try goat soap

  75. Caitlin

    I would love like a home make up kit from home grown!

  76. Glenna

    I would love to see something where you make your own paper or notecards. I think that would be fun 🙂

  77. rachel

    Cheesemaking!! Or some sort of food product that we could make

  78. Sarah

    Homemade cleaning products

  79. Allie

    I realllllly want to try this box and would love to win but I don’t have a twitter to get extra points!

  80. L B

    I am interested in seeing projects that combine supplies from the box with fresh ingredients, possibly such as a face mask?

  81. Lynsey


  82. Allie

    For the fall I would like to see cranberry themed or pumpkin theme boxes

  83. Joi

    This box looks beyond amazing. All their boxes do. I am so jealous you get this every month.

  84. Val

    I’d like a coffee theme

  85. Maddy

    Something with honey!

  86. jeny

    I’ve been wanting to try this box. It is on my list 🙂

  87. Tiffany

    I’ve made that scrub before and it rocks! I packaged it up for all 6(!) of Little Man’s teachers for teacher appreciation week. Super inexpensive and I got tons of compliments on it.

  88. Ericka

    This box is great! I would love to make my own beauty products or natural cleaning products.

  89. Kelly G.

    I would love a box with DIY beauty products!

  90. Kathy

    maybe a sunscreen, or some sort of hair treatments.

  91. Virginia C

    These seem like such a fun project!

  92. Nichole Norris

    The coconut oil lotion bar!

  93. Victoria

    Candles or a body lotion!

  94. Shannon

    I’d love to try this out!

  95. Tomi

    I love love coconut oil, and especially scrubs. Anyone tried oil pulling? Google it! Hint, it’s for your teeth! 😉

  96. Hannah

    Love the coconut theme! I would like to see them make a winter themed beauty box or a cool herb garden / composting theme.

  97. Megan

    Sugar scrub!

  98. Catherine Faulkenburg

    What a great idea for a box. You could get similar supplies and make items for gifts.

  99. christina

    u would love to make candles and any sort of beauty products!!

  100. hayley

    I’d love to see more diy bath products like a face mask and even shampoo

  101. miranda

    homemade vinegar

  102. Sarah

    Wow! This looks like a great box! I would like to see what they will do with some fall scents!

  103. Kristin Lockwood

    Candles, body scrubs, bath bombs, laundry detergent. 🙂 fun!!!

  104. Jennifer

    I really liked the mushroom box they had last fall! I would love anything from this company. I have really been wanting to try them out-and I might treat myself to a box for the holidays.

  105. Jennie Sanderson (@jenpsht)

    wow that is actually a really hard question, I love this box and I’d like to see some sugar scrubs and things like that!

  106. Shannon N

    I would love beauty products too like lotion. I also second the cleaning products without vinegar!

  107. Dawn

    Peppermint anything… I can’t get enough of that scent!

  108. Karen

    I’d love to see some cleaning supplies.

  109. Melanee

    Lemon themed stuff

  110. Laura

    Every month I am so impressed by this box. They look amazong!1

  111. Laura

    I am not as impressed by my spelling.

  112. Vanessa

    Shampoo bars or something for the kiddos.

  113. courtney king

    I ADORE anything coconut. Its amazing as a hair mask too.

  114. jessica

    would love to try this box!

  115. Atrayee Sarkar

    I would like to see a box focused on pure EOs 🙂

  116. Tabitha

    I’m not sure what I would want to see in a future box from this company. I like the things you have made (scrubs, lip balms, etc). I don’t know if they do this, but I think matching the scents and items to the seasons would be cool…like pumpkin or apple spice scrub in the fall and something equally good smelling but cozy/warm for the winter like bubble bath or candles.

  117. Ally

    I would like to see more scrubs— maybe a salt scrub?

  118. I would love to see a box that is a canning kit (the lemos were kinda close but the whole box to be canning) like jams, pickles, I so want to do all that but forget whatall my granny taught me

  119. Mary m

    Present ideas for the holidays–cute glass jars etc, with different things cooking or beauty products

  120. Ashley

    I’d love to see a planting theme for veggies and flowers

  121. Tami

    Homemade cleaning supplies would be great

  122. soon p

    More lip balms and chapsticks. I am really feeling the coconut lip balm in this box.

  123. wisconsin gal

    Fun! I’ve made my own lip balm way back in college, this is taking it to another level of quality and use. Coconut too? Very fun! This looks like a real treat.

  124. Charlotte

    Beeswax candle making, with smelly smells to make them smell good 😀

  125. Lauren

    I would love candles or a bunch of things with fall inspired scents. It’s August now which means pumpkin everything is around the corner and I’m so excited!

  126. Alicia

    I am so in love with this set. I love coconut. I wish I had known about this company sooner..

  127. Alicia

    I would love to see a future box on carrots. Funny I know but they are great for you. lol

  128. Linda Flick

    Essential oil scented candles!!

  129. BB Kirby

    I’d be smitten to get a box w/a fine scented spray/refereshing mister theme-for rooms & linens! It would be fun to mix up personalized scents using all natural/essential oils, like grapefruit, peppermint, orangen/lemon, etc.

  130. Kristy

    What a great idea! I would love to see pumpkin stuff for fall.

  131. Erin

    Candles or anything candle related

  132. Caroline

    Body oil!

  133. Mallory

    I would definitely love to see some pumpkin and/or fig related things for fall. More lotion bars, for sure! Candles would be great, too.

  134. Shayron

    Oh my goodness, I love this box. I wish the price point was a little lower, I can’t afford $40 extra a month but I would be all over it if I could. I’m obsessed with anything coconut oil! I think making your own laundry soap, face and hair washes, growing your own veggies/herbs would be great additions. I love that kind of stuff.

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