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B and I receive Dollar Shave Club every month, but I never do a review on it. No reason why, I just don’t. But we do love it, so I wanted to share. Dollar Shave Club delivers razors to your door each month at crazy low prices, so not only don’t you have to pay a small fortune for razor blades you don’t even have to shop for them!
Dollar Shave Club ships via DHL Global Mail, but I don’t receive a shipping notification from them (B might, but I don’t) so I don’t get annoyed that it takes a while to arrive. DSC allows you to select from 3 blade options each month: “The Humble Twin” which is $3/month (includes 5 cartridges), “The 4X” which is $6/month (includes 4 cartridges) or “The Executive” which is $9/month (includes 4 cartridges). You get a handle with your first order and a new one every time you upgrade or downgrade your subscription.
Dollar Shave Club also offers add-ons each month (shave cream / wipes) and I finally decided to go for one, so my order came in a box instead of the normal brown cardboard pouch.
The Executive: B receives The Executive each month, which is $9 and includes 4 cartridges. That breaks down to only $2.25 cartridge which is INSANE. The executive has 6 stainless steel blades and is B’s favorite. He has tried “The 4X” as well, but prefers the executive. He says it’s totally comparable to the Gillette Fusion ProGlide razors he used to use, but it’s half the price!
~One Wipe Charlies ($4): I love the sense of humor the guys have over at DSC and I finally broke down and bought the wipes. They smell good (I don’t even know if that matters, but I like it) and, well, you get the idea!
What do you think of Dollar Shave Club? Are you a member of DSC or one of the other shaving subscriptions out there? Which one do you like best? I usually use men’s razors, so it doesn’t matter to me that DSC don’t have an option for women, but I know some of the other services do. But I swear by men’s razors. Always have. They are amazing.
If you are interested in subscribing or just want to learn more (and / or watch their funny videos), click here!
Dollar Shave Club sells a cheap Korean razor and is available everywhere – nothing proprietary about it. Buying their product makes American’s lose jobs. You should go to http://www.800razors.com where you will find the best possible razor to compete against fusion and their blades are made in USA and for about 1/2 price.
I love the look of the 800razors womens I think I’m going to order from them next time I need to get some(I got some back in Feb 40 disposables for $6 couponing and still have about 10 left :))…. does steven have his referral code?
Steven, just an FYI, a company such as Gillette does not manufacture their razors in the USA either. It’s just all part of the gig…
Why would I want to buy made in USA? I live in Australia, everybody is a foreigner and why are all the autumn sale on in spring….
Try their shave butter! It’s hands down the best.
Seriously only $9 a month?! and they compare to the Fusion proglide.. I may have to start ordering this one… My Fiance Damien uses the Fusion and they are seriously $14 for 4 cartridges or close to $24 for 8! It’s crazy how expensive they are.
He often uses dull ones just to save money.. WOW I am def going to try this out!!
I almost signed up for Dollar Shave Club. But, after some research. I was stunned to find… Dorco…http://www.dorcousa.com/ gives you a years supply of razors, free postage, ships in less than a week for $35. That’s $3 a month. AND THE VERY SAME RAZORS used by Dollar Shave Club. Only problem you have to find a place to store them. About the 1/3 the size of a shoe box.
I saw this, too – Does anybody know about dorcousa, though? Is it a USA company, since it’s in the name? Are they really the same razors? if so, then DSC is a ripoff…
I’ve been hearing a lot about dollar shave club on the radio, but I’ve gotten so used to electric shaving it would be tough to go back. I have to shave everyday for work and electric makes it so much easier. I even started a website about this topic at http://bestelectricshavershub.com/ which reviews the top electric razors currently. In the end I think you save a lot more money, I’ve had my electric for 4+ years now.
I also use an electric. I shave my face and head every day. I tried headblade, I tried proglide, I tried Fusion.. But the cost was out of control. I use an electric razor for 3 or 4 years before I have to buy a new one and think electric is the way to go. However, my son uses dollar shave club and I think its been the best thing for him. No more $24 dollar refills!!!
Also just ordered from Dorco. I got “the executive” for a fraction of the price.
I should also mention that retailmenot had a 15% coupon code available as a bonus!
I used the DSC product for 2 years now. Lately I’ve noticed that the blades are getting duller faster. My last 3 shaves resulted in many nicks and cuts. I threw that blade away thinking it was a bad one. The next 2 blades produced the same results. For the next 2 weeks I used an old Fusion razor I had and it worked better than the new blades. When DSC sent me my next set of blades I again had the same results. I just went back to the Fusion blades. It’s worth the extra cost to me to get a cut free shave.
I love DSC’s concept and the price is right. I used the “executive” blades/handle. Unfortunately, the handles are very poor quality. Twice in a row when I tried to switch blades, some part of the handle would break off. One time it was the tab you push to pop the blade off. Another time it was some plastic piece at the tip that keeps the razor steady.
Another frustration I had was their claim that you can switch blades every week, and they sent you four blades for the month. Sounds good – one blade a week, right? Well, they ship your new blades via Pony Express so it takes forever to arrive. My renewal date was the first of the month, the blades wouldn’t arrive until the 7th or 8th. So it’s actually at least five weeks for four blades.
In DSC’s defense, their customer service was wonderful and did try to make things right. They have sent me free replacement handles, provided me credit, etc… but I just don’t want to deal with the frustration in the morning, so I’m switching back to Gillette.
Fusion blades price in France are much more expensive than in US, maybe the double….most of men are coming back to the standard Double edge blades and even to straight razors, with a proper prepare and skin care, shaves are smoother than with a fusion, irritation free….
The only problem is to find the right combo (razor and doubles edge blades) for Your skin…
Since several years the doubles edges razors are coming back due to the price Gillette sells their stuff and poor alternatives ….
You can buy on ebay and many other places vintage Gillette beautiful razors, once you get the good blades for your beard and skin , it will cost you less than $25 a year for quality blades…
As an example feather japanese top quality blades….. a hundred will cost you $25 or less and will last more than a year ….. one blade lasts 3 to 8 shaves ….
So you can spend some $ on best quality shaving creams …. and coming back to double edge shaving or discover to shave like your dad or grandpa is not a hard job ….
Think about it ….
Those interested in US made blades will look for personna blades …..
You can also return to the mythic Schick Injector less than $10 on ebay and $5 for 20 blades for very close and easy shaves …..
It can also be interesting to collect vintage shaving goods, this is what I’m doing for years ….
To see some of the beauties I founded through years just see my gallery here :
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From Nice, France
Dollar Shave Club is a ripoff and the razors they sell are cheap, poorly-made units which cut you easily and leave you feeling irritated for days. I tried the same model they sell for three days, and each time, I was carved up like a Thanksgiving turkey a nd drew more blood than I would have in a heavyweight boxing match.
Michael Dubin is a douche. A giant douche who is getting rich at the expense of gullible fools who believe his bullS***T.
You want a good shave? Get an old-fashioned double edge safety razor. Spend the money for the best possible handle. The blades cost far, far less than the crappy cartridges. Your face will be so happy. And so will your wallet.
Cancelled my membership because the back of the $6/month blades kept breaking at the top. The blade then just flops around. The last straw was when the 4 blades delivered in plastic housing were packed in so tight, they broke when having to muscle them out. Shave club promised to replace the blades with the top of the line executive blades, but they never delivered. Like the idea of receiving blades every month, but this product is junk.
I’ve been using DSC for 2 years now, and am still using the same handle I got with my first shipment. Never had any trouble with the blades breaking, either. I do the $6/month 4 blade cartridge, and have always gotten a smooth shave.
My boyfriend and I receive DSC Razors (4x) every month and couldn’t be happier. He used to buy Gilette Razors for $40 and using them till they were dull. Ever since he started using them he can’t get enough. I used them to shave my legs out of curiosity and now am planning on getting them for myself! One razor head a week is awesome especially since he has to shave every day for work. our gilette razors barely get used now! Micheal Dubin acts like that as a joke I’m sure. all razors are made somewhere that isn’t benefitting people in americas jobs?. I LOVE DOLLAR SHAVE CLUB!
Women Shave & Save Every Month
The only monthly subscription site for women that actually saves you cash.
Girls come join the shave and save revolutionBased in Canada.
I got my first shipment of DSC Razors in a month or so ago. EVERY single blade (the $6 a month one) broke – WITHIN 2 shaves. I called, and they sent out a replacement pack of razors and a pack of their fancy $9 blades as an “I’m Sorry”. I loved the $9 blade, it shaved well, but then it broke along with my handle. Seriously, every thing I got from them that I had used, broke. And it’s not like I was beating anything up. Stuff just popped off or fell off. And then the blade would wobble around on the handle. I contacted them again – because the handle had broken. They sent me a new handle and gave me a credit. Their customer service is great – but I still cancelled. I’ll spend an extra $3 just so I can actually USE my razor for more than one shave.
The DSC razors are not good quality. I have gotten nicks and cuts with these, and I have never had that problem with the name brand razors. I cancelled my subscription.
I used Venus razors for years. But the cartridges are so freaking expensive! I signed up for Dollar Shave Club to get the executive-5 blades, just like the Venus. Once I switched, I started knicking my legs almost every time I shaved, no matter how careful I was. Shaving took much longer so I could avoid irritation, too. I figured I’d give it a while in case my leg hair needed to adjust or something, but many months later it never got better. I finally broke down and bought a Venus razor again and realized that I never should have strayed. I’m able to shave quickly without worry of cutting myself, and my legs are smoother. For what it’s worth I have pretty coarse leg hair. Maybe dollar shave club blades are ok for ladies with finer hair. I gave the leftover blades to my husband but he hates them and has decided to stick with his good old Mach 3 or 4 or whatever they are. I finally gave up and cancelled. Just wanted my fellow hairy ladies to know.