So What Wednesday

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This week I am saying So What If….

~I am leaving the house later and later for school every day. This is not going to work in the winter.
~I’m not sure that WB will ever get a blanket in his crib. Part of me thinks he’s just not ready, but the other part of me thinks that he’ll tie it to the railing of the crib and use it to shimmy down and escape.
~All I can think about is Las Vegas (it’s happening soon). The pool, the casino, the lights, I’m ready.
~I watched Breaking Bad without B for the second week in a row. I think he wants a divorce.
~I love the mess of a lunchbox that L brings me home everyday. Sure he could just dump it all and tell me he ate everything, but he brings it home so I know exactly what he’s eating and what he’s not (he doesn’t even always eat his dessert).
~I about hit the floor when I saw my thredUP payout amount (I’ll post details on it tomorrow). It was good! And now I am even more excited for the other bag I sent in there to get processed.
~I am getting super annoyed that I cannot find Tamra’s OC Wedding anywhere on my tv.  Listen I have a lot of options on that thing and can watch ANYTHING.  Except this.
~I haven’t had a PSL yet this year.  I have thought about trying to steal their container of salt they use on the salted caramel drinks.

That’s it from here. What are you saying so what to this week?

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Shannon Dew

    I’m jealous of your Thred Up payment! Didn’t you say that was just 11 items?

  2. Leana

    So, what did you think of Breaking Bad? It was overall pretty depressing to me. I’m sad it will be over with soon and am excited to see Sundays. Also, did you watch the cast on Conan the other night? It was really good.

  3. alison

    what’s a psl??? I gotta know!!

    1. Lauren

      I think it’s Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks.

      I’ve already had at least 10, haha!

  4. sara

    Mackenzie has blankets in her crib and wants one on her when we put her to bed, but she immediately kicks it off. I’m hoping she will use one this winter….otherwise I need to stock up on fleece feet pjs. I have a hard time not watching tv show and waiting until Erin gets home. I’ve been known to watch them and not tell him. :o)

  5. Jodi

    I just watched Part 3 of the reunion last night and I NEED to see the wedding too!!! Why wouldn’t Bravo air it?? Come on guys!

  6. Leigh

    The salt on top of their caramel drinks is a simple coarse sea salt! I’m sure you have a glorious heist already planned, but you can also just buy some at your local grocery store. Or Target. They may even have some fancy ones at Target!

    However… if you go ahead with the Great Starbucks Salt Pilferage of 2013, I want details! 😉

  7. Suzanne

    I have visions of WB scaling down the side of his crib now to the Mission Impossible theme!

    I love the salted caramel drinks & have often thought about stealing it too. I went over the weekend & ordered a salted caramel frappachino w/o the whip. When I got to the window it had whip so they scrapped it off & re-did the top. I got it and looked at it – no salt topping!! Motioned to the guy in the window and asked them to please put the salt on- they were out!!!! Really?!? – might want to mention that when someone orders a salted drink. He did apologize & give me a coupon for a free drink next time. But I was still bummed.

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