Painting With A Twist Review

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"Winter Night"
“Winter Night”

Like I have mentioned a zillion times, B and I went to Painting With A Twist on Friday night. My Dad (so random) went last year for a work event and thought I would enjoy it so he got me a gift card for Christmas last year. I spend most of the year stalking the classes trying to settle on the perfect thing to paint. And then I’d wait too long to sign up and we’d be busy or it’d be sold out. Finally, I found “Winter Night” which was totally perfect.

So class started at 7pm, but they recommended that you get there early to check in, find your seat (they pre-assign) and all that.  That took all of two seconds, so B and I basically sat around looking at each other waiting for class to start.  Everything is totally set up for you. You have all your paints on a plate, brushes in water, etc.  They give you aprons as well. And when you are done, you just leave your mess and head home.

Step 1
Step 1

So I’d seen a bunch of people’s paintings (including my Dad’s) and thought WTF, I would never be able to do that, but the instructor swore that it would happen so I went with it.  We started by drawing a horizon line and then drew in some lines in pencil for our winter pathway.  And then were instructed to make a tornado shape and “thing” next to it.  The instructor tells you were it needs to go, what color(s) to use, etc.  Ours both drew on a dry erase board and painted her own painting along with us.

Step 2
Step 2 (see my wine bottle)

And then we filled in the rest of the sky area with dark blue.  Easy enough!  My phone was totally dying during this and dumb me didn’t charge my block charger, so I had to snap these fast!

Step 3
Step 3

After the sky we started in on our snowy pathway.  I’m not sure what was up with all the yellow, but again I just went with it.  B’s painting style used more long brush strokes.  I kind of just dabbed my paintbrush around where I felt necessary.

Step 4
Step 4

Obviously a lot seemed to have happened in between these two pictures.  LOL!  The instructor told us exactly where to paint, what brush to use for which section, etc.  And everyone was drinking (we bought mini bottles of wine which were delicious) and scoping out everyone else’s work.  Also, the place was full of women.  It was B and one other guy and all women.  And I think they sat B and the other dude next to each other on purpose.

Step 5
Step 5

Once we painted in the lampposts, things really started to look better.  I quickly realized that painting straight lines is not my thing at all.  If you ran out of paint there was an area in the back that you could help yourself to more.  Also, there was about a 15 minute break in class that you could leave and get more wine if necessary.  Our class was 3 hours long, but honestly, we could have done it in two if we’d worked a little faster and maybe drank a little mess.  However, no one likely wants that.  Plus, I was entertained by questions like “what colors do I need to mix to make green” after people started drinking ;).

The End Result!
The End Result!

The final step was the trees!  I totally screwed one of mine up (the second one in on the right) and ended up redoing all of the branches.  They have hair dryers set up in the room for drying your painting quick if necessary!

image credit: Painting with a Twist
image credit: Painting with a Twist

For reference, here is what the painting looked like online. I didn’t think anyone’s paintings in the class looked horrible by any means.

Classes range from $25 to $45/person (ours were $45) and I would totally go back and paint again!  B and I had fun and I thought it was quite a stress reliever.  All you really think about for that time is painting. I totally see why George Bush is all into painting.  Also, B doesn’t know it yet, but we are totally going when they do a “Paint Your Pet ” session.  OMG how fun would that be!  Painting Baxter and Buddy!

Have you been to Painting With A Twist or somewhere similar?  What’d you paint?  And if you have never been do you think you’d like it?

Disclosure: Painting With A Twist did not ask me to write a review nor was I given a free class or anything along those lines. I just blogged about it because I had fun and thought it was cool.  But if they wanted to give me a free class I certainly wouldn’t be sad.  LOL!!!
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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 34 Comments

  1. Steph B

    A couple of weeks ago we went to Paint Nite in Boston! The whole process is amazing and I was pleased with the final product ( I am NOT an artist!) My boyfriend has now asked for paint supplies for Christmas because he found it so relaxing! I’m glad that you had fun!

    1. Jennifer

      OMG I am cracking up. Someone else JUST asked about painting in Boston and I just searched and found Paint Nite! What did you paint???

  2. Meghan C

    Oh this looks like so much FUN! I wish they had one around Boston – my boyfriend would hate to do this but I think I could drag him along!

  3. Katherine

    We have a local art studio that does something similar. I took a painting class last year. My end result was snowman with extremely long carrot nose sitting in the field at night. The instructor made it seem so easy.

    1. Jennifer

      Did you like it??

  4. Bethany

    Your painting looks great! This would be an awesome date night idea for us.. I’ll have to see if we have anything like this locally.

    1. Jennifer

      Thanks! I hope you do! It was fun.

  5. tina

    This looks awesome!! I want to go and try it…already asked hubby if he wants to go and found 2 locations near me….thanks for the idea!!

    1. Jennifer

      Yay!! Is he game?

      1. tina

        Yes!! Told him to check out the site and he said he was excited…we even asked another couple to go along..woohoo for a double date night! 😉

        1. Jennifer


  6. I love these types of classes! I’ve done two with two different companies, have two in the works and just bought two more deals to go. I’m not artistic or creative at all and I just love the results. I actually find the move of the brush to be very relaxing. 😉

    1. Jennifer

      Me too! I was surprised. Totally relaxing.

  7. Jen K

    This is the coolest thing ever. I love these paintings… and I just checked out their site and I don’t have a location close to me… 🙁

    Let me look around for something like this… this is awesome. I love how you have a pic for every stage… The pic looks so complicated and professional and you broke it down so well.

    So where are you putting two of the same paintings up?

    1. Jennifer

      That is a good question. I don’t know????

  8. Mrs. L

    Well, I was impressed right away at the painting…then I read that you were actually DRINKING during the painting session so I’m even more impressed!

    1. Jennifer


  9. nikki

    Looks fun! I am so bummed. I was signed up for a class like this but it was cancelled when the snowstorm hit MN last week. It’s rescheduled for Jan. Was hoping to make a christmas present for my parents.

    1. Jennifer

      Boo!! I will admit though, I am jealous of your snow!

  10. Lisa D

    That looks fun! I would totally drink too 😛

    1. Jennifer

      I think everyone was. LOL!

  11. Stacey

    Ok this is totally amazing, I want to go to something like this, although I’m convinced my painting wouldn’t turn out so good!

    Five Minute Style?

    1. Jennifer

      Yours would be better!!!

  12. Rachel

    Love the painting and PWAT! We have several in the Tampa area and I’ve done 4 so far. I don’t always love my art while painting or even after finishing initially, but after hanging them up at home (and not being so close to your canvas like you are when painting) they become more and more awesome. Plus, it’s pretty exciting to have your own artwork hanging up 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      Yeah, they for sure look WAY better if you stand super far away!

  13. Samantha

    That sounds like SOOOO much fun! I’m going to see if I can find something around Memphis!!

    1. Jennifer

      I hope you can find something!

      1. Valarie

        Memphis and Jackson have Painting With a Twist, and Dyersburg has Paint N Gogh. 🙂

  14. Veronica

    My mom and I signed up for one in a couple weeks! After reading your post, I’m even more excited than I already was! I feel like this is going to be something that I will go to again and again.

    1. Jennifer

      What are you painting??

      1. Veronica

        I’m pretty sure it’s called Just the Two of Us!

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