Ramblings of a Suburban Mom 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway – Day 3

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Day 3!
Day 3!

It’s Day 3 of the 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway(s) and today I am giving away a few of my favorite “everyday” items including:

~TOCCA BEAUTY Crema da Mano – Hand Cream (Stella) ($8)
~Pinch Minimergency Kit – For Her (Fushia w/ Gold Dots) ($15)
~Fresh Sugar Bare Nourishing Neutrals ($36)

If you want to win all you need to do is enter in the Rafflecopter widget below.  If you can’t see the Rafflecopter box, try a different browser, a different computer, your smartphone, etc.  I know sometimes people have trouble with it at work.    The giveaway is set to end on 12.11.12 at 12:00am and the box will be shipped to the winner (the winner will receive all three items) ASAP! 

All these giveaways are tagged with “12 Days of Christmas” and “December Giveaways“, so they will be super easy for everyone to find and enter daily!  Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

(*) This giveaway is in no way sponsored by or related to any of the companies / brands included in the giveaway. I just flat out like this stuff
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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 246 Comments

  1. Hillary

    My birthday is on Christmas so celebrating that and spending time with my family!

  2. brittany

    my favorite holiday tradition is going to get the christmas tree with my husband! we make a whole day out of it full of the wagon ride, hot chocolate, cider, and our christmas card pictures 🙂

  3. Mackenzie

    I L.O.V.E. holiday traditions! One of my favorites is our Christmas eve tradition. We’re allowed to open one gift each, which always “happens” to be a new set of PJ’s to wear that night. Keeps the kids camera-ready on Christmas morning!

  4. Emilia

    Love all these! Thank you!

  5. hillary

    My favorite holiday tradition is decorating the Christmas tree and watching all the sappy Christmas movies on ABC Family

  6. angela

    my italian side-
    pizza rustic (easter pie) on easter!! i wait all year for the stuff.

    my german side-
    we hide a pickle in the tree and whoever finds it gets an extra present 🙂

  7. Mar

    My favorite holiday tradition is decorating holiday cookies with the family.

  8. Judy

    My favorite holiday traditions are picking out the perfect tree and cutting it down, drinking christmas coffee from our local coffee shop and going cross-country skiing at our school forest on Christmas Day.

  9. Elizabeth

    I love reading the Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve then having the kiddos open their Christmas PJs.

  10. Erin

    We go to Fantasy in Lights at Callaway Gardens. The lights are beautiful!!! I started going when they 1st started it when I was in the 9th grade and now I take my 2 boys.

  11. Avery Germaine

    Ice skating on top of Whole Foods!

  12. Sophie

    I love doing the Advent calendar with my kiddo!

  13. Enrica

    All the cookies that I bake to give to the neighbors 🙂

  14. Gabby G

    My favorite holiday tradition has to be being back home with family all cooking together. We don’t get to see each other much, and while it can be hectic having all of us packed into the kitchen, we always have the best time cooking and listening to music…and because we are so cheesy we usually break out in song in dance as we cook LOL. I love it!

  15. Savanna

    Opening up pajamas on Christmas Eve to wear to bed. I’m passing it on and doing it with my kids as well!

  16. Christine H.

    My favorite Christmas tradition is getting to open gifts after Christmas Eve dinner. Everyone gets to sleep in on Christmas morning!

  17. Melissa

    I love Tocca, Fresh Sugar & polka dots! The perfect giveaway 🙂

  18. nicole

    Favorite tradition is drinking hot cocoa while looking at the neighborhood christmas lights 🙂

  19. Bethany

    Favorite holiday tradition is decorating the Christmas tree and lighting it!

  20. Amanda S.

    We really don’t have any traditions in our family. The only thing I can think of is Santa leaving a present on our bed to wake up to christmas morning. And I really don’t know how we haven’t caught him over the years 🙂

  21. Shelby

    Fave holiday tradition : driving around looking at lights and making/decorating cookies

  22. Amy Ballou

    My favorite holiday tradition is our tree trimming party we have every year on the 1st, where we put up the tree and all the decorations.

  23. Sher

    What fun! Thanks for helping to make Xmas merry!

  24. Diane F

    Going to the Christmas Parade and also everybody has their own stocking Christmas morning even anybody that is visiting us.

  25. Jennifer Frank-Lopez

    My favorite family tradition is cutting down our Christmas tree. And this year with be extra special because not only will we be cutting one down for our house.. But we will also be cutting one down for my sons house since this is his first year not living at home. So happy he will keep the traditions going in his home as well. A little bittersweet but I am so proud of the young man he has grown to become 🙂

  26. Jayme

    My favorite Christmas tradition is making cookies & candies with my grandma. She passed away a few years ago, and now my cousins & I still carry on the tradition.

  27. Stephanie B

    My favorite tradition is a girls day cookie baking party! We each make two types and trade them.

  28. miranda

    I love baking cookies

  29. Jenny

    My favorite holiday tradition (besides Christmas cookies) is the advent calendar.

  30. Sarah

    I feel kind of bad that it isn’t a tradition with my partner or child, but my favorite holiday tradition is my mother and I buying each other a box of cordial cherries every year. Neither of us LIKE them, but when I was a kid, my dad loved them and bought them for all of us every Christmas. This led everyone to believe that everyone else actually liked them, and as I got older and my parents split up, she kept buying them for us. I thought she was buying them for us because SHE loved them, so when I got a job, I started buying them for her. All these cherries and no one even likes them…

    Here I am now, 32 years old, and my mother and I still include a box of cordial cherries in each others’ gifts as a joke.

  31. Lindsay

    My son is 19 months old now, so we haven’t quite settled on a family tradition with the 3 of us yet. I still do the Elf on the Shelf, but I just move him around the living room!

  32. Jen

    I love our annual tradition of gathering at my grandma’s as a big family on Christmas morning – and we all wear our pj’s!

  33. Mikkii

    My favorite holiday tradition has got to be keeping an advent calendar with my children. We maintain the calendar and each baby gets a small gift each day of Advent. We also have a daily reading for the chapter of Luke and do a craft activity related to the reading. For example, yesterday we read about the angel telling Joseph that Mary was a virgin pregnant with the Messiah so we made construction paper angels. It was amazingly sweet to hear my special needs four year old wake up this morning and point to his angel and whisper to me, “Momma, angel said baby Jesus is coming.” :*) He struggles so much, but we are getting the important things across to him 🙂

  34. gary

    I like our Christmas Eve dinner – we do something fancy

  35. laura maya

    For me Christmas is so magic for kids (I had an amazing childhood filled with so sweet memories of Christmas – even tought I spent them all in Brazil, during summer time, no snow or cold weather) that we do a lot of things: decorate the tree, advent calendar, books and music about Christmas…

  36. Rose D.

    It’s not really a tradition, but I love spending a bunch of quality time with my family.

  37. Kim Henrichs

    Opening a gift on Christmas eve and watching the Santa Clause!

  38. Ally

    Setting up the Christmas tree. 🙂

  39. Mallory

    I have two favorite traditions – we always watch “A Christmas Story” on Thanksgiving day and open new pajamas on Christmas eve.

  40. Paige

    My favorite tradition is when my stepsisters and I open our first present on Christmas Eve, usually now that we’re so far away from each other we do it via Skype, but we always have matching Christmas pajamas that my mom picked out for us, and we wear them to open gifts in on Christmas morning! Last year, both of my sisters were here for Christmas, and even though we’re all grown up now, we wore our Christmas PJs and sat on the floor to open gifts! 🙂

  41. Chelsey

    Favorite tradition is opening a new pair of jammies Christmas Eve with either a Christmas book or movie:)

  42. Amy S.

    My holiday tradition is calling my Mom!

  43. Jenny

    Hmm not sure we have any really special traditions. We do advent calendars and those are fun but the funnest thing we do for the holidays is the Santa Train at our local museum. You go and they have little crafts and face painting etc. Then you get on their outdoor little train and ride around with a stop in the middle where Santa walks down the side of the train and gets everyeones wishlist. 😉 We go with a my brother and sister in law and family so its a large group and a ton of fun.

  44. Judy Louie

    My favorite holiday tradition is putting up the tree and getting out all the ornaments that have a story behind them and talking about them as we decorate. I especially love the handmade ones that my daughter made thru the years.

  45. Nicole

    I like buying my children an Ornimint each year, so they have a whole set when they put up their own tree.

  46. Jordan M

    My favorite tradition is trying to find the pickle in the Christmas tree!

  47. Katie

    One of my favorite Christmas traditions is shopping with my Mom – we always stay overnight somewhere, go out for good meals, and have lots of quality mother-daughter time!

  48. Alice

    Hanging out with my family and building Ginger Bread houses together (we compete big time).

  49. Nikki

    My favorite tradition is going and looking at Christmas lights. Christmas music is must during it!

  50. kara mishmash

    My husband and i do Christmas day with his family because his parents adopted 3 young kids several years ago and they still “believed” (though they don’t now so i’m not sure how long this will be happenimg). With my family, we get together the weekend after at my house, cook beef stew, open presents and play wii. I love it and it’s so much more low key than Christmas day.

  51. Brooke

    My family and I watch “Home Alone” on Christmas Eve–Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal!

  52. Beth

    My favorite tradition growing up was going out to sing Christmas carols door to door with friends. When did people stop doing that? Now, my favorite thing is filling my son’s stocking and watching his delight as he empties it on Christmas morning. His dad really isn’t into Christmas or gift giving, so it’s just something we two share apart from Christmas Eve when my in-laws like to exchange gifts.

  53. Evelyn

    We have Christmas tree lane it’s about 2 miles long with lights and decorations. They have two walk days and since my hubby and I been together we’ve walked it pretty much every year.(I even walked it hoping to get labor started)lol Since the kids have come along we’ve been adding new ones.(pics with santa, ornaments for the kiddos, zoolights) Ha ha Now we added the advent book calendar and elf on the shelf. Oh my.lol The holidays always seems so busy. ha ha 😀

  54. Alicia

    I miss the big family gatherings that we had when I was young but now I enjoy going to Disney to see the osbourne lights!

  55. Sarah

    Buying a new ornament for our tree-especially now that we have a son, it’s so fun to take him and let him pick out his own! I love all the baking we do, secret santa, and family we get to see!

  56. Kellie

    We we’re never allowed to go downstairs until my parents were down stairs with the camera rolling. Then us kids had to go down in age (then eventually height) order. They video-taped EVERY single Christmas, for 32 years….and going strong. I hated it, but now am grateful we have those videos.

  57. jmd

    Favorite tradition is the waffles and cocoa on Christmas morning before ripping into presents!

  58. Karen

    Making a ginger bread house!

  59. Jill

    We hide a pickle ornament on the tree. The first kid to find it on Christmas morning gets an extra small present.

  60. Mandy Hillman

    Decorating the tree as a family!

  61. Jacqueline

    I stopped having holiday traditions when I turned into a teenager, however I remember that I used to love going to the yearly, typical, family party that my aunt would hold in her house. There, we would sit around in a circle, and play a secret santa type of game, as well as other family friendly games. Those were sweet memories.

    These days I just cherish the moments that I end up spending time alone during the holidays. Not as bad as it would seem.

  62. Elle

    I love making spritz cookies with my mom and then putting green and red sprinkles on them (:

  63. wisconsin gal

    Favorite holiday tradition?

    When we go places, special places, or do special things together. For instance – we went to Wisconsin Dells together (HUGE water park) or took a trip to the Shed aquarium, we would get an ornament. My husband and I also did this while were kid-less. So we have a tree of memories of all the stuff we did together. So every year we get to remember times and stuff we did together. How about mommy/daughter day at disney world. That’s a great ornament.

  64. Lyndie

    My favorite holiday tradition is Christmas Eve at my mom’s house. The whole family comes over and we visit and laugh for hours.

  65. Natalie

    making tamales with my family is my favorite christmas tradition!

  66. Samntha

    Too put up the xmass tree on thanksgiving

  67. Juli

    We all get new pjs on Christmas Eve night! I always get the kiddos the cutest ones!

  68. Melissa

    My sister and I would always go see a movie on Christmas night! Too bad we live in different states now 🙁

  69. Alison

    my favorite holiday tradition is stockings!

  70. Danielle

    Baking Christmas cookies with my daughter, niece and sister in law!!

  71. Kristen Norton

    One of my favorites Christmas traditions is spending Christmas Eve at my grandparents home. It’s a time of sharing gifts and stories and spending the night with family and loved ones. I look forward to it every year. 🙂

  72. Ashley C.

    I think my favorite Christmas tradition would have to be getting all the family together for a big festive meal!

  73. Cathy@Five Boys

    Favorite tradition would be going to church, having the kids spread their reindeer dust on the front lawn, and then off to bed to await Santa!

  74. Margo D

    Going to our town’s wonderful Christmas parade!!!

  75. Mansi

    I love advent calendars!

  76. Laurah

    My favorite is the Christmas morning stocking exchange!

  77. Megan

    Tradition on making dozens of Christmas cookies while listing to Christmas music.

  78. Pilar

    Buying a new ornament for our tree, and drinking hot coco and watching Christmas movies.

  79. Robin Whiting

    Decorating the house while playing Christmas music.

  80. Jen K

    Christmas is my favorite time of the year. The lights in New York, the snow, the gift planning and buying, the spirit in the air, how everyone gets nicer, how every third word you hear anywhere is ‘Holidays’, the warm meal, the songs!
    The tradition I love best is the church choir and how everyone comes around to it and then come home from the cold to sit under a Christmas tree and share hot chocolate, stories and love.

  81. Elise

    When I was little, we weren’t allowed to see the tree until my parents were up, but my brother and I would sneak out at 3am (I swear it’s the only time we ever woke up early!) and look at it with our little flashlights. I love those memories!

  82. Kayla

    Riding around to see Christmas lights!

  83. Alena P

    Of course decorating my tree with my family- but I love drinking a glass on wine, listening to Christmas music and wrapping presents!

    1. Jennifer

      You come wrap all my presents. I’ll get you some wine!

  84. Emily Cecilia

    I love blasting Christmas music and decorating the Christmas tree with my family each year! Then we gather on the sofa and watch a movie 🙂

  85. Tuan

    Favorite tradition that we started with the kids is to let them open one present on Christmas Eve night!

  86. Alexia561

    Our favorite holiday tradition is to drive around Christmas Eve to look at all of the Christmas lights/decorations.

  87. Emily W.

    There are so many holiday traditions that I love, from baking cookies to listening to Christmas music. I’d have to say my favorite is trimming the tree, though.

  88. Ruby Yoshi

    I started doing advent calendar with my daughter this year.

  89. Berit

    We always watch my favorite movie “It’s a Wonderful Life”

  90. Amanda Dukes

    the tocca is good stuff 🙂 good giveaway and sweet of you

  91. Caitlin

    My favorite tradition is having a huge holiday dinner with my family and then having another the day after with just my mother and sister.

  92. Lana

    Going to see a movie on Christmas Day with my little brother 🙂

  93. Gina F.

    Wrapping the gifts while watching a FaLalala Lifetime marathon!

  94. Julie McLaney

    I love that kit!!! 😀

    Hope you had a great Turkey Day and you and yours are well on your way to a wonderful Christmas!

  95. Meredith

    My favorite Christmas tradition is listening to Christmas music

  96. LaLaLauren

    My favorite tradition is snuggling with my nephew, while we watch Christmas movies for the entire three days leading up to the holiday. Then, on Christmas we drive around and deliver presents to homeless people we see on the streets. He is seven and last year, a man who we gave the present to was so thankful that my nephew gave his own five dollar bill that he had just received as a gift. Made my heart melt.

  97. We make beignets on Christmas morning when we first get up and then have family/friends over for brunch. In the afternoon our family goes to a movie. I love Christmas day. We’ve learned to make it so chill.

  98. Cheryl

    My favorite tradition is baking Christmas cookies! I’ve been doing it every year since I was in 6th grade, and now my daughter is part of the tradition. 🙂

  99. Katy

    When I was a kid my favorite christmas tradition was on Christmas Eve my parents would always give my sister, brother and I christmas pjs. We knew it was coming every year but it was always something to look forward too after christmas eve with the family.

  100. Melanie K.

    Every Christmas morning, we always have cinnamon rolls and orange juice before we open gifts. It just can’t be Christmas without it in our house!

  101. Ashley

    My favorite tradition is turning on christmas music and wrapping gifts.

  102. Celeste

    going to church together, baking cookies, and going around town to look at lights!

  103. Rebecca

    I love decorating the tree with my family!!

  104. Charity

    Stockings are by far my favorite tradition!

  105. ashlee f

    my favorite holiday tradition is going to zoo lights and watching the abc 25 days of christmas

  106. Kelly

    I love just spending time with family and decorating the Christmas tree.

  107. Lauren

    Listening to all the Christmas music, shopping with my mom and sister, decorating the house!

  108. Rita Morgan

    Our tradition is…. We are celebrating Xmas on the 24th eve. Having dinner then Jesus and Angels bring our presents not Santa, in away it make sense because at the end of the day we are all celebrating Jesus birth. We have Santa but it come on the 6th of December. On the 25th & the 26th strictly stay in PJ’s all day long , eat the leftovers and watching Xmas movies. Even I moved to US I still keep this tradition and I still celebrating Xmas on the 26th.

  109. Shana

    decorating the tree!

  110. Ashlee

    Favorite holiday tradition is making those gingerbread houses that always fail but are always so fun.

  111. Jocelyn Dunlop

    Oh, my favorite holiday tradition is definitely watching childhood Christmas movies. I purchased all the Christmas Classics (Rudolph, Little Drummer Boy, etc) and I start playing them in the background of my every day life around this time of year. So festive. Also, I watch Elf at least 2 or 3 times every holiday season. It’s quickly becoming a classic in my life.

  112. Alexis K.

    baking cookies with my grandma!

  113. Kali

    I love the Christmas music! I usually have it on the radio station that plays it 24/7 as soon as they start on Thanksgiving. Oh, and I love the Fresh Sugar lip balms. I have them everywhere!

  114. Ashley

    My favorite holiday tradition is decoration my house with my nephews. 🙂

  115. Suzanne

    Riding around in the car and looking at Christmas lights!

  116. Rayana Benson

    Getting new pajamas from mom on Christmas eve. We dress in them and play board games.

  117. Jennifer Schrader

    I love baking and decorating Christmas cookies with my kids.

  118. Shana

    Baking holiday treats with the Christmas music blaring

  119. Adrienne A.

    I love finding little items to fill the stockings.

  120. Nikki K

    I dont have any christmas traditions yet

  121. Sibyl

    My favorite Christmas tradition is decorating the tree. I grew up on a Christmas tree farm and they are very special to me. Although hanging out all days in PJs is a close second.

  122. Allison

    Driving around looking at over the top Christmas lights on people’s houses!

  123. Janaya

    My favorite Christmas tradition is staying up late watching Christmas movies with my family on Christmas Eve! It started when we were kids, my parents attempt to get us to stay up late on Christmas Eve so that we’d sleep in on Christmas morning. But we still do it every year!

  124. Julie B

    Fresh sugar is my favorite.

  125. Suzanne

    PJs on Christmas Eve.

  126. Adrienne

    Decorating the tree and driving around to look at all the Christmas lights!

  127. Diana Kang

    Cooking our holiday Ginger Duck for Christmas dinner!

  128. Jill

    My favorite holiday tradition is our family Christmas party.

  129. Melissa M

    Listening to Michael Buble christmas cd on repeat and wrapping all the presents!

  130. Christine Fortes

    I love the pinch bags!

  131. Julie S

    My favorite holiday tradition is the white elephant gift exchange with my husband’s family. Everybody gets so creative.

  132. Kathy

    Getting a fresh tree and decorating it with my husband while Christmas CDs play. We decorated the tree this past Sunday and it makes me smile every time I see it. 🙂

  133. Gyps

    Drink a lot of wine. That is usually a Christmas “tradition” at my parents’ house in Chicago. It’s never really planned but it always happens.

  134. Jessica

    I love lighting a fire in the fireplace and decorating the christmas tree 🙂

  135. Sara

    What a great giveaway! Reading your blog is a gift in itself, so this is such a bonus.

  136. Sara

    My favourite tradition is opening the advent calendar!

  137. Caroline

    The pinch kit is great!! I love the idea!

  138. Yvonne Jones

    Peterbrook! I always bring home some chocolate covered goodies for the holiday. YUMMY

  139. Meg Mc

    I love the family party on Christmas Eve, and the ornament steal we do!

  140. Erica

    Taking a long walk after a big meal Christmas Eve and looking for Santa. We’ve done this since I was little and believed I could see Santa flying over rooftops–and my cousins have continued this with their little ones.

  141. Beth

    When my brothers and I were young, it was waking up at 5 am to watch Christmas movies before my parents woke up at 8 and we could officially go open presents.

  142. Lauren A.

    My family always goes on a “winter” vacation after the new year, but before school starts back up. We live in Texas so we always go somewhere that has snow like Colorado or the NE. We’ve been doing it ever since I can remember and Im still REALLY bad at skiing.

  143. Lisa

    We’re Jewish but my birthday is Christmas Eve and my godparents are Episcopal so our tradition when I was growing up was always to have Christmas dinner at their house with latkes, since their boys went to a Jewish preschool! Now that I live in NYC my tradition is always to go over to Rock Center and see the tree, since it’s a few blocks from my office. I love to ice skate outside, too… but not this winter since I am 7 months preggo.

  144. Meghan C

    Putting up the tree! On the first day of December we put up the tree with Christmas music blasting in the background. This is my first Christmas away from my family, but I made my boyfriend do it anyway!

  145. Traci C.

    Im not very good with baking, but every year my kids and I attempt** holiday cookies and fudge. One year not so long ago, we did manage to get my grandmothers “wedding cookies” right. Everyone calls them something different, but they are little cookies with almonds and we shape them like cresent moons and roll them in powdered sugar. Now, my son LOVES baking, and he is WAY better at it than I ever was.

    !!Long live tradition!!

  146. Jessika

    I love Christmas!! Putting up the tree, watching Christmas movies, lighting the advent wreath. One of the things I love is getting in the car putting on some Christmas music and just driving around looking at all the Christmas lights people have put up.

  147. Bonnie

    I don’t have a set tradition, I like to change things up. One year we stayed in a hotel and watched HP movies, another I bought advent calendars and filled them with fun treats. When they were little we used to make ornaments and decorations. Basically it boils down to spending time together. Sometimes we bake or make candies.

  148. Meghan

    I so so love that my dad still reads “Twas the night before Christmas” to my sister, brother and myself, but also has all the grandchildren. He does voice changes and makes it silly. I think the kids love it too. I cherish it more than I could ever express. 🙂

  149. April McDonald

    My favorite tradition would be our Christmas Eve dinner with my extended family. Since I was very little we’ve always had a seafood feast consisting of crab claws, shrimp, oysters and sides. YUMMO! Even as adults we all still get a stocking on my grandfather’s mantel and I LOVE opening my stocking. The we watch the kiddos open gifts and we read a Christmas book then turn on the news to watch the ‘Santa Tracker’ which always gets the kids excited 🙂

  150. soon p

    My fav tradition is to not work ( I wish)! And spend time with family.

  151. Kristin Lockwood

    My favorite tradition is that all my life (kids lives and niece and nephews lives), we’ve always had my parents with us (Minus 4 years), no matter what house, getting up and opening presents with us. I pray my kids get to have many many more of those. My Dad and I would always get up the earliest, like 6 and have coffee and sit on the couch together waiting for everyone else to come down. ??

  152. Jessi N

    My families annual xmas eve dinner. We all get dressed up and go out to eat. We look forward to it every year, it’s the only holiday we’re all together! Thank you for the giveaway!

  153. Kelly G

    My favorite holiday tradition is the advent calendar from when I was younger and my mom always buying me a new Christmas ornament each year for me. She still does that today and I look forward to what it will be!

  154. Emily Kim

    Since I’m in the Christmas mode right now… Our family would get new pajamas for Christmas, so it would be the one present we would open on Christmas Eve!

  155. Erin

    each of us opening one gift on Christmas Eve

  156. Marney

    Very excited to win!! Would love to share the win with my mom.

  157. Amy P

    Sleeping in.

  158. Lauren

    Christmas dinner at my grandma’s house. I love seeing my family and the food is always delicious!

  159. Shannon

    Now that my daughter is almost 3 I think baking cookies is going to be our favorite christmas tradition.

  160. Kara

    We open our “big gifts” on Christmas Eve, but anything under $50 or so retail value ends up in our stockings. It’s so awesome to have Christmas part one and part two.

  161. Dawn

    Going to Temple Square in Salt Lake City to see the lights. There’s just something magical about it 🙂

  162. Janelle

    Spending an entire day baking cookies with ,y mom, sister, and daughter!

  163. Shannon

    Everyone needs a minimergency kit!

  164. Sara

    Opening Xmas presents with all the kids on Xmas morning!

  165. Jess

    On Christmas Eve we always celebrate with my mom’s side of the family. We always have sushi and non traditional Christmas gmfiod since everyone has so much of that Christmas Day. We then go home and get new pajamas to wear for Christmas morning!

  166. Amanda Engler

    My dad has the nuttiest Christmas light display in Southeast Michigan. I swear you can see it from space, and it’s all synced to music. That has become one of my favorite Christmas traditions. Until I’m asked to tape lights to backing with special tape for tediously long hours in mid-August.

  167. Rachel

    driving around looking at christmas lights. 🙂

  168. Lauren M.

    I love driving around to look at all the Christmas lights!!!!

  169. Stephanie Salerno

    The only holiday tradition I need is going home for Christmas lol.

  170. Breanne

    Baking sugar cookies!

  171. Leah McDaniel

    My son and I dressing up and going to see The Nutcracker every year at Christmas!

  172. Jessica

    Decorating the tree!

  173. Shannon

    My favorite Christmas tradition is decorating the tree 🙂

  174. Rachel Uresti

    New favorite tradition- elf on the shelf! My son just turned 3 so this is our first year!

  175. Laura

    Putting up the tree 🙂

  176. Leigh

    baking cookies! (and then eating cookies!)

  177. Allison

    My favorite part of Christmas is putting out the gifts after the kids are asleep and knowing their faces will light up in the morning. Even before I had children, I used to help my dad put out the gifts for my little brothers. That was the best!

  178. Dashery

    Hmmm…? Favorite Christmas tradition? Putting up the tree. I know, unoriginal. But it really is the best.

  179. Denise F

    Just spending time with my family. 🙂

  180. Aimee A

    I do love the family getting together, but I love that any time of year, so I’d say eggnog! Love me some eggnog!

  181. MJ

    Hmm… spending lots of time with the family!!! 🙂 just being happy

  182. Lisa

    I live baking cookies as a family

  183. Niki T.

    Driving around neighborhoods looking at Christmas lights with my family. =)

  184. Iris

    I bake cookies!

  185. Sara Dunn

    My favorite is eating breakfast with my family before opening presents. My mom makes the same thing ever year and I always look forward to it.

  186. Jackie

    Baking cookies, building a gingerbread house, going to see Santa and the local lights at the zoo, so many fun things to do this time of year!

  187. Tiffany

    When I was little we had a pickle ornament it was ugly and I have no clue what it was made out of but it had been in my family for ever lol. My parent would put it in the tree last and if I could find it I would get to open one small gift before Christmas . When I was 12 it went missing. Two years ago I found at I think hallmark a glass pickle ornament and freaked out it was my best find that year.

    1. Tiffany

      I think the pickle is ment for family’s with more the one child my grandmother was one of four and she told me that when she was little they had to compete. And the first one to find it would get a gift and the others would get a smaller gift.she told me one year she found it and got a adorable doll. Her sisters got hair brushes. And on Christmas she got the hair brush in her stocking but it was fancy compared to her sisters

  188. caroline p

    favorite holiday tradition is Christmas eve dinner – a mixture of german and polish food

  189. karen

    My favorite is putting up the tree. I like doing it Thanksgiving weekend, the kids like to help!

  190. Elizabeth

    My family has moved Christmas to January to accommodate all of our schedules (I have 4 younger sisters and all but one of us lives in a different state than my parents). But whatever day we have “Christmas” on, we have to have mimosas!

  191. M'ris

    My mom uses her great grandmother’s recipe for latkes. They’re the best ever.

  192. Ginger S

    Just spending time with my family.

  193. Mary

    My fave Christmas tradition is putting up the Christmas tree! I think it is just the best, and having a pretty tree for a month is great too.

  194. Tracy

    My favorite holiday tradition is at Christmas, we love to drive around town in our PJs and see all the decorations people have put up on their homes.

  195. Brianna

    Driving around and looking at lights after Christmas Eve candlelight service with the family. 😉

  196. Ashley

    My favorite is going to look at christmas lights in the fancy neighborhoods

  197. sarah berry

    my parents give us all scratch-off tickets in our stockings!

  198. Shiree Shaffer

    I actually have two favorites: decorating our Christmas tree while listening to Christmas music and driving around to look at Christmas lights while drinking hot cocoa or apple cider!!

  199. Sara

    My favorite tradition is French toast and bacon galore on Christmas morning!

  200. rayraycartucci

    making Spice cake is always a tradition for Christmas at my house!

  201. Susan O'Bryant

    My favorite Christmas tradition is sharing quiet time and exchanging gifts with my hubby on Christmas Eve.

  202. Kara Cheek

    Opening a gift on Christmas eve!

  203. Becky

    My favorite holiday tradition is christmas cookie exchange.

  204. Samantha L.

    I love baking cookies with my boyfriend. We put on Christmas music and make a mess!

  205. Erica

    I just love when my family gets together. I’m in one of those rare families that don’t drive each other crazy during the holidays. I very much cherish the times that everyone is together under one roof.

  206. Kristi P

    I love the kids getting jammie on christmas eve and driving too look at lights before we all head to bed.

  207. Lauren

    My favorite holiday tradition is baking all kinds if goodies!

  208. Melanie Ann

    I love baking with my mom & grandma!

  209. Catherine F.

    We have lowcountry boil on Christmas Eve and steak on Christmas Day. I wanted to break away from traditional stuff and darn it, I did it!

  210. Sibyl

    this will be the first Christmas for my son. I am so excited to start Christmas traditions with him! he’s too little to understand this year (7 months) but the photos will be precious later!

  211. Cara James

    Looking at the lights and being with family!!!:)

  212. Rachael

    Going to see the Christmas lights at Temple Square.

  213. Elaine

    I love watching cheesey Christmas movies, like Lifetime’s Fa La La La Christmas marathon and ABC Family’s 25 days.

  214. Kari

    Decorating sugar cookies.

  215. Amy

    I just love being with my whole family.

  216. Sonya

    My family and I go to church christmas eve, go through the mcdonalds drivethrough and then drive around and look at lights! It is my favorite tradition.

  217. Jayden H.

    On Christmas Eve my mom, sister, and I make a bunch of awesome snacks and stay up late playing board games!

  218. Alicia Mc.

    I just love baking with family. And this will be our second annual ping-pong tournament, so fun!

  219. Christina

    decorating the tree with christmas music playing!

  220. Crystal Gregg

    It’s probably the only good thing for me on holidays since I’m normally alone.

  221. Julie Lee

    We do an advent calendar with the little ones and it’s great to see the kids get excited to open the next bag!

  222. Dianne

    We got to my parents’ for Christmas and spend time with my siblings, their children and their childrens’ children. We just have cats but the grandcats are never allowed to visit my folks. 🙂

    My mom used to do the big turkey and dressing thing for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. It seemed that we would finally get rid of Thanksgiving leftover before we’d be given another batch at Christmas to take home with us. We were so burned out on holidays that we would actually kind of dread it. Mom always worked so hard to make everyone happy that she wasn’t able to relax and enjoy the party and was always so tired at the end of the day. One year, maybe twenty years ago, my mom was feeling really bad and not up to cooking so I suggested just getting a meat and cheese tray from the deli and that we could make our own subs and we could eat bring a covered dish and dessert. It worked out really well and mom could finally enjoy the food and her family so it’s become our new family tradition and everyone has a good time. It’s not fancy but it’s home.

  223. Dianne

    But on another note, I stock my fridge and freezer with Ghirardelli Peppermint Bark chocolate bar and indulge all year round. And you won’t believe what I found at the grocery, Haagen Dazs has Peppermint Bark ice cream for a limited time. It’s white chocolate ice cream with bit of chocolaty peppermint bark and it’s so yummy. That’s my personal holiday tradition.

  224. Amanda G

    Making my grandma’s Christmas tree cookies!

  225. Lori K.

    When I was young, I’d always be allowed a new outfit for the new year. My mom still likes to buy me a new year outfit, and I love shopping with her for it.

  226. Frances

    Thanks for the Xmas giveaways!!

  227. Jennifer Pittman

    Baking homemade cookies and cutting them out!

  228. Any

    When we wake up on christmas morning, we take a dice and roll until someone gets a 6. Then this person gets to open a present. Opening all of them takes much longer but it is also way more exciting

  229. Lola K.

    I think the holiday shopping. My mom, my sister and I, go every year to the mall to buy others gifts and we always have fun together!

    Thanks so much

  230. Lesley

    My dad drives from Maryland to Michigan on Christmas Eve while we go visit my mom’s family. He gets in super late, but we all stay up waiting for him, so we open presents on Christmas Eve instead of Christmas morning 🙂

  231. Kimberlee

    “cookfest” as my youngest daughter calls it…I am the keeper of the family recipes from my grandmother so everyone expects all the goodies from me every year…I start the week before Thanksgiving and bak/cook through New Years…my daughters by my side

  232. Sydney

    Christmas dinner with my dad and brothers!

  233. Lauren

    Our holiday tradition is decorating Christmas cookies !

  234. Christeen

    Baking cookies with my little one.

  235. Alice H

    Driving around looking at Christmas lights.

  236. Sarah Dineen

    Christmas cookies!

  237. kristina olmedo

    My favorite tradition is getting dressed up with my hunny to go to the Nutcracker! Also going to get Starbucks and looking at Christmas lights with my mom 😉

  238. Jennifer Metz

    My favorite tradition is making Christmas ornaments and decorations for the tree with my kids, we always have so much fun!

  239. Annie

    The best holiday tradition for me is putting on our new Christmas pajamas and watching Christmas movies with my girls on Christmas Eve!

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