Tuesdays Troubles

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It’s time for another edition of Tuesday Troubles. I’ve said it before, but this should be named “things i’m annoyed / confused / want to complain about”, however I couldn’t figure out how to make any of those into a snappy title, so Tuesday Troubles it is. And yes, I do realize that these aren’t true “troubles”. I know that many of these for sure could be defined as first world problems!

~So it snowed here over the weekend which I could not be happier about. Love love love. However, I am quite annoyed by people who shovel / snowblow (is that a word) their driveways right into the street. I think I complain about this every year. The street is totally perfect. Totally plowed. But instead of shoveling onto your grass where there is already a pile of snow, you (as in you people who do this whoever you are) think throwing it in the street is the better option. Ugh!!! Drives me bananas. One or two shovels of snow? Okay, whatever. But enough snow so people get stuck in it when driving by your house? Come on now.

~Umm, I just recently realized that “SMH” means “Shake My Head”. What did I think it meant you ask? I thought it was code for “So Much Hate”. BAHAHAHA. I am not even going to tell you what another one of my Facebook friends thought it meant. It’s even worse than what I thought. Please tell you have had similar issues with something like this!

~L has decided that he wants to make those rainbow loom bracelets that are all the rage. Facebook tells me that he will be able to make these on his own, with a little help from me which is totally fine since I am all over that kind of stuff. I am planning on picking up this kit from Michaels, which I should have just gotten last night while I was there. Is there anything I should know? Do I need something else?

~For L’s Class Party this week, we are doing a little photo area with those little props (think Santa Hats, elf hats, Santa beards, etc), however, I don’t have any props. Making them would be a last resort and considering that the party is this week, ordering this adorable set from Etsy is clearly out. Plus I don’t want to spend $35. Is there somewhere I can get something like this in an actual store?

~Talk to me about your morning routine before the kid(s) head off to school. A friend of mine was posting on FB looking for ideas and I realized that mine could use some help too. I try to do everything the night before, but that doesn’t always work out. Is there an easy way to get L to help L and I remember what all needs to be done in the morning? Some fun printable chart maybe? And what’s a normal breakfast at your house? L doesn’t like to eat right when he wakes up (he likes to wait like an hour) and umm, we don’t get up that early and I can’t see it happening. Any “light” breakfast ideas that aren’t like a breakfast bar or a bowl or cereal?

That’s it from here for now! What’s troubling you today?

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 44 Comments

  1. Beth

    Until I read this I also though “SMH” meant “so much hate” — you were not alone. Now I feel all educated……and a little silly……#SMH —- lol

    1. Jennifer

      LOL. I thought i was the only one.

      1. Shelly H

        I had to google it twice.

    1. Jennifer

      It’s going to be a long few weeks!!!

        1. Jennifer

          Ohhh, that is good news.

  2. Mom

    Do you think L would like sausage biscuit sandwiches? Bob Evans has frozen ones. Or maybe a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Breakfast doesn’t have to be breakfast items.

    Any luck finding the photo area stuff at Party City?

    1. Jennifer

      No luck!

      I bet he’d do a pb&j. You know how he likes to wait FOREVER though!!

  3. Alison

    Why does kanye wear that thing on his face? It looks like alright I guess in photos but I watched a video of him here http://www.tmz.com/2013/12/16/kanye-west-rant-arrogant-concert-anaheim-oprah/ and it looks crazy. He is crazy. Comparing himself to a cop or going to war – that was so ridic it was even on Fox news and now the people who watch that in my life are all talking about it asking me who is this kayne and why does he think he’s the police and is he the same guy who ruined taylor swifts award a few years ago?

    1. Jennifer

      Yeah he’s that same guy. I think he’s gotten crazier!

  4. MurdocksMama

    You can get a set almost exactly like that at Crate & Barrel for $20. Plus they have a 15% off coupon right now {if you got one}. I got one for us, too! 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      The Photo Booth props?? That’s awesome!!!!

  5. Aimee A

    I was close with SMH. I thought it was smack my head… Does that make sense? Lol

    1. Jennifer

      That is close!

  6. Shannon N.

    Shake My Head, huh? I thought it was Smack My Head. You know…like Facepalm. But i have to look up so many of them. It took me a looong time to figure out IMO and IMHO. I also had trouble with DD/DS/DH/LO on those mommy group sites. I never would have put together DH as Dear Husband.

    1. Jennifer

      Smack my head is pretty close though!!!

    2. Jennifer

      And who thought of DH and all those? I never refer to B as my “Dear Husband” in the real world.

  7. Jenny

    We have that same Loom but I ordered it online. N is able to get it all set up and then I have to help hook the bands over. You’ll see what I mean when you get started. It doesn’t take much time but he has a hard time not loosing it with the hook. We’ve only done the basic ones but I’m sure he will want to try the fancy ones later. Normally he gets it all ready and then takes it to the girls next door who hook it for him. 😉 Gotta love older girlfriends. LOL

    We have no real set morning routine. But here is our timing. I’m sure it isn’t the best either but seems to be working for us. However saying that I’m thinking of switching my up time up a half hour so I can try to elliptical before showering. Me up at 6:42 shower and downstairs for me time about 7. Back up to get ready about 7:30 and then get N up at 8 if he’s not all ready up. Head down and get him breakfast usually leftover pizza or toast. LOL he’s not a real breakfast eater either. While he’s eating I make his lunch and then help him get dressed if he needs it and he’s out the door at 8:20. Yes really I see him for all of about 20min each morning. If it is Tues or Thur I then finish getting C ready who has by now woken up and take him to preschool. What else are you trying to do in the morning? I get all paperwork done the night before and in is bag ready to go so that all that is left is his lunch. We also have been setting his clothes out for the week in his clothes hanger and that takes that out of the lineup since he grabs a pile. Not always the ones for the day he has them but I don’t really care as long as he has everything and we aren’t changing in the morning.

    Oh and here is my Trouble annoyance today. Kindof goes along with your snow. There is a house in my culdesac that is a boarding house for lack of a better term. Random guys live there together and its all very odd but because of where they are they have no street parking and being all guys they all have their own cars and want to park in front of my house since there is street parking. However there is supposed to be no street parking per our HOA but that is another issue. So basically only 2 cars can fit in front of my house and not impede my driveway and they must have a new roomate who was trying to make it 3 cars. Well I finally caught him outside yesterday and told him he could not park there and he looked at me like I was crazy but really dude you are blocking my driveway and my mailbox. Luckily my mail person delivered anyway but with the holidays I want space for my guests to park. I’m really over this house and am about ‘__’ this close to calling the HOA about them. We are a single family neighborhood so I don’t think they can all be living there together and its really pretty creepy with all those men there.

    1. Jenny

      ok WOW just saw how long that was. LOL maybe I need my own post for this topic. SMH 😉

      1. Jennifer

        So much hate.

    2. Jennifer

      Are they young guys? Or older guys? I don’t know why I think that matters. LOL.

      I seriously get L up like 20-30 minutes before school too. It’s early and don’t want to get him up TOO early and have him exhausted by 7pm. Plus he moves quick. But I probably could stand to get up earlier. I am just so not a morning person?.

  8. Rebecca F.

    Hi. I’m not sure if your Hallmark store will have this or not, but ours had a Pics n Props Holiday themed set at the store. Here is the link to it online: http://www.hallmark.com/products/christmas/gifts/christmas-fun-kit-1XKT1307_DK/ It was cute, I think they have a coupon online still in the “offers” section for $5 off $10, too. They also make them for other occasions. The one I saw wasn’t in with the holiday stuff but in with the photo albums. Good luck!

    1. Jennifer

      I need to go there and see if we have it! Thanks!

  9. Sarah

    My mother-in-law, perfectly in keeping with her sweet nature, thought “LOL” meant “lots of love.” And, if it makes you feel better, I had to look up “smh” when it started being used all over…who knows what I would have guessed it to mean! 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      LOL. That is funny!!!!!

  10. Alexia561

    I thought that SMH meant Smack My Head? Close enough though, right?

    Can’t help you with the breakfast question, as I’ve never been big on breakfast. I’m a bagal-in-the-car type of girl!

    1. Jennifer

      Smack my head is actually pretty close!!!!

  11. heather k

    Target totally had a set of props in the Christmas section for $5. I know because u bought it for my hub’s office party photo booth (ummm not sure I said that in the right order). Since Christmas is like tomorrow 🙂 I am not sure they have any left. Do they have cheesy props at the 1.00 store?? I live in NC and could overnight it to you but I doubt overnight really means overnight during this time of year.

    1. heather k

      Yeah sorry…fat fingered it….u didn’t buy it, I did:). Had you bought it, we totally wouldnt be having this convo!

    2. Jennifer

      Will you e-mail me a picture of it?? What area did you find it in? I SWEAR I saw one at Target, but it’s not there anymore. Maybe I just need to go to a different one???

  12. Jill

    Thank you for explaining what smh stands for!!! I have been thinking it is much worse, but couldn’t figure it out.

    1. Jennifer

      LOL. I can’t believe i didn’t google months ago.

  13. Jessica

    My 11 year old daughter is really into the rainbow loom bands. She makes really advanced ones with letters in them. She watched how to videos on you tube. It is he because she could pause when she needed or rewind. I would recommend he watch some beginner ones and I am sure he will catch on quick. They sell charms and watches to go with the bands, but we don’t have those. She does have 3 looms though since you can connect them to make bigger/wider bracelets. Enjoy the little bands everywhere 🙂
    For props, try the party store and get red party hats, funny glasses a Santa hat. I have seen prop kits at barnes and noble but those weren’t holiday themed.
    And I have the same pet peeve about the snow in the street. I make my hubbie actually snowblow the street if he got any on it! We have tons of snow on the ground here in Chicago. Way more than I expect in December!

    1. Jennifer

      I went to the party store, but they didn’t have what I wanted. We are on a limited budget so I can’t go all crazy! I need cheap!

      I got the loom today. I actually want to make one now!!!

  14. terri s

    pop-tarts or toaster-strudels for easy, quick on the go breakfast snack. and for your photo booth go to dollar tree or the 99 cent store; we have dollar tree here ( I was there today) and saw the santa beards and stuff like that.

    1. Jennifer

      Are they on sticks?? I never thought to go there!

  15. Cindy

    Yeah, I thought it meant like Single Male Hottie!? My kids can help with the rainbow loom and know all about it. Oh, and thanks for making sure L and W have every single thing I think of getting them before we visit!?? I was just thinking of getting him that! Swear! Flipeez??, Rainbow Loom??, Spirograph??… geez!

    1. Jennifer

      How did you make those checks?? Those are awesome!

      When we were at Michaels, he also was eyeing some of the other kids craft kits they have. Honestly, he loves all those kits and stuff!!

  16. Lauren

    Uggh your snow trouble reminds me of this house on the main road of my neighborhood that shovels their snow/ ice into a makeshift speedbump EVERY time it snows! They don’t care about it actually serving as a speedbump since they drive faster and crazier than anyone else in the neighborhood, they just do it to be annoying. It is awful!

    1. Jennifer

      LOL. That is so funny. In an annoying way of course.

  17. marilyn

    Dollartree has Santa beards, not on a sticks but an elastic band that goes around the head. The mustache part hits funny on the mouth, so I’d skip them for multiple users. You could try to make your own (google printable photo cutouts) with sticks or straws.

    My 6 year old LOVES the rainbow loom. We started with watching how to videos on YouTube together and pausing then until we got it right. Now he’s an expert and has surpassed me in skill.

    1. marilyn

      oops. I mean “printable photo props christmas”

    2. Jennifer

      I have some printable ones on standby, but I honestly just don’t want to deal with making them. LOL. I get these ideas and then they take me forever to execute! I really want to do the stick ones.

      Ohh, that is good to know. I think we’ll be watching some YouTube videos ourselves.

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