Friday’s Letters

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

Dear Christmas
, You are officially over at my house. Tree(s) are down, decorations are put away and all is back to normal.

Dear L, I am loving having you home.  You are so helpful and are being such a good sport about your breathing treatments!

Dear Garbage Truck, Please come today. I stupidly threw away the holiday trash schedule we were sent and for some reason (it may be the fact that no one else has their trash out) I feel like I screwed it up.

Dear Target, Come on, let’s make today the day for 90% off! Seriously, I’m ready!

Dear B, Listen, I know you say you only play Minecraft because L thinks it’s cool when you play together (but on separate iPads) in the same world or whatever, but when you play after he goes to bed, what’s that all about? As I recall, you used to think it was a dumb game. Not so much huh?

Dear Fro-Yo, Although it’s about -10 degrees out, I still plan to partake in your deliciousness sometime in the next few days.

Dear Companies Who Don’t Have a Working Phone Number, Really? Sometimes I don’t want to e-mail you.  I want to CALL you.  On the phone.  And have you pick up.

Dear WB, You have been cheesing extra hard this week.  I don’t know what’s up, but you are in a GOOD mood.  And talking more to boot.  One thing is for sure, you are over last week’s illness.

Dear Sleeping In, You are fun!  B and I are going to miss you next week when real life starts again.  But we won’t forget about you!

Spread the love


Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. Nicole

    Our targets are still at 70%…seriously come one already. 4 days of 50% and 4 of 70% is pretty ridiculous. I actually had to go to buy a birthday gift so the trip wasn’t a complete waste.

    1. Jennifer

      Mine are still 70% too. Boo! Some people were reporting 90%. Not here!

  2. Jessica

    I was at target this morning and everything was still 70% off 🙁 I did score a cute felt ball garland but really, there was not much else left other than stocking and food items. I did get a ton of gift tags and the printed boxes a few days ago though. And I did find some Christmas scented candles on the end caps by the cleaning supplies for super cheap- $1 each.

    1. Jennifer

      Mine was 70% off today too ;(. Hopefully tomorrow is the day!

  3. Barbie

    Hahaha I put my garbage and bins of recycling out last night not knowing there is a Holiday schedule. And? now it’s still there and I don’t feel like dragging it all back in.. so it’s staying. Hope the neighbors like the view!

    1. Jennifer

      LOL! Hopefully they come tomorrow!!

  4. Mikkii

    I have a husband and a son who are both huge gamer nerds. My husband has been a gamer nerd since the day I met him. Thus, to survive in this house, I am now a gamer girl! : ) DO NOT start playing Minecraft or you will be sucked in! You think you won’t…but you will…oh yes, you will! 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      LOL! This is clearly what happened to my husband!

  5. Eve

    Targets in Ann Arbor are still at 70% (they were yesterday). I was hoping you post that yours are 90% today. Anyway, I don’t really know how to clearance-shop at target — just look at what people post online and try to find the same things at my local stores.

    1. Jennifer

      Mine were still at 70% today too ;(. BOO! Some people on Slickdeals reported that theirs were at 90%, so hopefully tomorrow!

  6. Alexia561

    Too funny that B is hooked on Minecraft, but blaming L! Boys will be boys, eh?

    1. Jennifer

      Totally! They love it.

  7. Susan

    My 2 oldest girls are hooked on it too. Their cousin (a boy) got them started. They also love the minecraft Stampy videos on YouTube. So when they’re not building their worlds, they’re watching other people’s.

    1. Jennifer

      I am not even going to tell L about that!!!!

  8. JT

    My Target was cleaned out before it went to 70% I was hoping to pick up the blue sequin-y mini tree skirt and they had nothing left but food stuffs.

    1. Jennifer


  9. Jenny

    I didn’t go to mine today but saw someone post it was 70%. I’m hoping to try one I haven’t been to yet tomorrow and see if by chance its 90% and anything left. I did 70% at a different two and one was so crazy picked over it wasn’t funny. I did ok at the other one but mostly on toys already at 50%. Put those right away for the upcoming birthdays.

    1. Jennifer

      I really think it will be 90% off everywhere tomorrow! Some stores were 90% off today (not mine), so that would make sense if they were all 90% tomorrow (well today).

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