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Today’s mail consisted of a JewelMint order (a candle + free nail polish) and my January 2014 bluum box! I never know what to expect from bluum, so I couldn’t wait to open this one up.
bluum ships via FedEx Smart Post and took about five or so days to arrive to me. This month’s box was bigger than normal and wasn’t a “bluum” box and I believe that was the first time I ever got a box like this. Kind of made me even more excited!
I’m not sure why, but I wasn’t expecting to find much more than a few snacks or something under the packaging materials. Luckily I was wrong ;).
bluum never sent out an announcement about it (at least I never got it if they did), but they have done away with the monthly themes. They now send out boxes which include products are based on your child’s age, gender and developmental stage. I never found that their themes really fit with the products, so this works better. I do believe that products still change from month to month, so if you are expecting a 25 Month-Old (we have WB aged up) box next month it will likely be different. Here is what our January bluum box included:
~B Kids Bathtime Octopus Music Maker ($12.15): Oh goodness, WB will love this. Any bath tub toys that do not involve mold being able to creep inside are my friends as well.
~My Little Counting Book ($8.95): Cute book. WB is all into pointing at things in books and gets all excited when he sees something he loves. WB destroyed last month’s book which was a touch and feel, but this one doesn’t have any little parts or flaps he could pull off, so that’s good!
~Play-Doh Mini 4 Pack ($3.99): We love play-doh here and can never have enough. Once it gets mixed, it’s all over (for me). WB still tries to eat it, but once he realized it’s not amazing tasting, he plays with it.
~Boiron Oscillococcinum Homeopathic Medicine ($12.49): I have received this (from bluum I believe) in the past and I have never used it. I probably could have done with out this in my box and been fine.
~Nature’s Bakery Fig Bar ($1.25): Everyone in this house loves Nature’s Bakery fig bars. They are just delicious. They too have popped up in a subscription box (they have been in bluum before) or two over the years and we are always always happy to see them.
~Deep Steep Moisture Stick ($5.95): The icing on the cake in this box was certainly the deep steep stick! LOVE!! These smell great and are easily portable to apply on dry skin (I use them on my elbows) whenever you need it.
All totaled I came up with a value of $44.78 for the January 2014 bluum box. As always, it was beyond $24.95/month cost of the box and even without the medicine included (since I don’t know if I will use that), it’s a great value. Lots of great items for WB to play with which is perfect!
Did you get bluum this month? What was in it and what’d you think? If you are interested in subscribing or just want to learn more, click here! And if you are a new customer, you can use the code “HALFOFF” to save 50% off your first box!!!!
I swear Bluum is soo wishy washy. Saw someone else’s box and it look bad, this one looks great. You just never know with them. I got the half off deal once got a box I wouldn’t have paid for the 1/2 off price much less full price, so I canceled. They proceeded to charge me again even though they confirmed it was canceled. My account got credited, but I still ended up receiving a box (much to my suprise) and that box was amazing had a book w/ 365 short stories, some other book that my daughter loves and the purlisse lip gloss. Crazy how one month stunk and the next was amazing.
I hear they are hard to cancel but I’ve never tried. What age box did you get? I’m actually not even sure it matters. I agree that from month to month the wow factor varies!!
Ugh Bluum..I orded a box on 12/12/13 and it didn’t ship till 1/1/14 and I still haven’t gotten it. Very disappointing….It better be an awesome box or Imma-cut-a-well you know…
Geez. How is it coming? By turtle?
This is a great box! I only got one month of bluum, and it was a lot of meh items and not gender appropriate at all. I canceled (yes, it was hard to do so), but every now and then I see a great box and reconsider. I just don’t know about them!
It all depends on the month!
Your box looks great! I got the 14 month box (2 actually – whoops lol) they were pretty good this month but still not up to Citrus Lane standards of being consistently good. I’ll give it a few more months – this month I had good items (like the blankies) but we already have so many of the between Bluum and CL so I just gifted them. And I too agree that their themes never worked for them, glad they got rid of them! Here is my 14 month box review: http://whattheschneck.blogspot.com/2014/01/bluum-january-2014-review.html?m=1
Btw – the adult version of that medicine works great! I’d hang on to it, might work well for the boys if they get sick again
Agree! It’s on and off with them. Some months are amazing. Some are not!
So I just cancelled Stork Stack and subscribed to Bluum using your referral link… I see some people say that they are wishy washy… I’m willing to give them a shot. I’m over Stork Stack, especially after they sent me toys that were recalled due to being a choking hazard, I wasn’t very thrilled about that.
I’ve been a Bluum subscriber for about 7 months now and I love it. I’ve gotten so many great things in these boxes.
I just signed up for Bluum for my 3.5 year old through your link, I hope you got credit for it! We’ve been getting Citrus Lane for over a year now. Always interested in more monthly boxes for my boys- let me know if there Are others you recommend.
Have you tried Silly Rhino or Googaro. Wait, Googaro only goes up to 3 I think. Silly Rhino is 0-4. I really think there needs to be a “toy” type box for boys like 4-10! There are craft boxes and educational ones, but not a “stuff” one!
I’ll have to look I to Silly Rhino- the craft ones are cool
But I feel like it’s just stuff I can do on my own. Maybe they will create a Bluum/Citrus Lane for older boys!
Wow you got way cooler stuff than mine, for 21 mts old =P http://bluum.me/1fjhIZQ it really does vary a lot! =P
What did you get?
Baby cream, stain remover, the same oscillococinium, a stuffed bunny and a cd book of ten monkey’s jumping on the bed. I suppose it’s not too bad, but I wouldn’t have bought those things.
I have a question I am a new first time mom and my baby will be here in about 14 weeks. I have subscribed to Bluum, CitrusLane and StorkStack. I have received my Bluum and Citrus Lane and I am still waiting on my StorkStack. What is your recommendation between the three for a newborn baby?
I think between the three, Citrus Lane is most consistent. I also really like Googaro and Silly Rhino. Have you checked those out?
I have to vouch for Oscillococcinum Medicine! It’s absolutely wonderful! I use it as an adult because I have bad reactions to most cold medicines. They make me feel jittery and nervous. This medicine makes me feel so good. I have used it for everything from a simple cold to tonsillitis. I love it!