Sunday Sentiments

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.


You know the drill, I am stealing Jen’s Sunday Sentiments button and idea and making it mine tonight.

~I am gearing up for the Globes tonight and just sat down to write this and watch the “pre-show”.  So far I am loving Amy Poehler’s dress.  LOVING it.  She looks insane.  Amazing.  And I really like Reese Witherspoon’s teal gown as well (I cannot find a picture of that online yet though).  I’ll post all my favorites in the morning!

image credit: Getty
image credit: Getty

~Word on the street is that some people are having trouble leaving comments here.  I’m not totally sure why some people can and other’s can’t, but it could have something to do with me moving to a new server over the weekend.  Someone else also mentioned that when she unchecked the box for authenticating using Open ID it worked again.  I cannot recreate this on my end (which drives me bananas by the way) so any help is appreciated!  Ohhh, and I finally figured out why I couldn’t leave comments on blogger blogs.  They require “third party cookies” to be allowed and my computer’s settings were blocking them.  Problem solved.  That too was driving me insane.

~My brother read my sob story yesterday about how B hasn’t hung my nail polish rack things up yet (#sosad) and volunteered to come over and hang them this week (he’s clearly bored).  I was SO excited that I broke out ALL of my polishes this afternoon and started organizing them.  I thought that five racks would be plenty.  Not quite.  I need to go back to IKEA and get a few more.  And seriously, how did this happen?  It didn’t look like this much in the bins I had them in?  Pretty sure that no one will ever be leaving my house again without a bottle of nail polish ;).

I probably could reorganize this for hours.
I probably could reorganize this for hours.
Imagine an entire row of these down the wall.
Imagine an entire row of these down the wall.

~By tomorrow, all Advocare Spark Mixed Boxes will be in the mail to people that ordered (and paid) for them!  Most went out Friday, but I have a few headed out tomorrow as well.

~Congrats to Melanie Kornacki who won the November GLOSSYBOX giveaway and to Kristin T. (with “barefoot” in your e-mail address) who won the December GLOSSYBOX giveaway!!  I will be e-mailing you ladies tonight.

~Those of you who signed up for, tell me, what you do think of your e-mail box these days?  Mine is the cleanest it’s been since I got an e-mail address I think.

I couldn't be a bigger fan of this.
I couldn’t be a bigger fan of this.

That’s about it from here tonight! You watching the Globes tonight?

Screen Shot 2014-01-11 at 10.35.35 PM

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 37 Comments

  1. Amanda

    I love! My inbox is looking SO much better since I signed up. Thank you for blogging about it.

    1. Jennifer

      It is insane how much I love it!

  2. Suzanne

    Wow! Don’t think I have ever seen that many polishes except at the store. Love the bins!

    1. Jennifer

      I was almost embarrassed to post it.

  3. Carolyn

    Are you still selling the Advocare mixed boxes?

    1. Jennifer

      I am! I e-mailed you!

      1. Carolyn Selli

        Perfect – thank you!

  4. Mom

    That’s a lot of polish.

    1. Jennifer

      It’s insane.

      1. Cindy

        Ha! It is a lot of polish! Really I just wanted to say I can’t comment either…so thought I’d tag on to this reply and it worked!

        1. Jennifer

          LOL!!! What did you have to go do to make the comment work?

  5. Kyra

    Totally off topic but do you read blogs on your iphone? What is the best way to do this? I have an app but I can’t seem to find all the blogs, including yours, that I follow.

    1. Jennifer

      What about the feedly app??

  6. Kelsey N.

    You can always send some nail polish my way! I only have 2 bottles 🙁

    1. Jennifer

      I will!!!

  7. Chrissy

    I didn’t have that much “junk” email subs, but I have noticed a difference. Thank you!

    1. Jennifer


  8. Bethany

    Amy Poehler’s dress is amazing!!!! And your nail polish supply cracks me up. Maybe you should host a mani-pedi party. And blog about it. 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      LOL! I don’t love feet enough to have a pedi party!

      Her dress was gorgeous!

      1. Chris

        Just a mani party then–I have those on occasion and I assure you the shoes stay on.

        1. Jennifer

          That’s doable!

  9. sara

    Holy moly I feel like an email hoarder. I love! I just unsubscribed to 130 companies. Thanks for sharing this!

    1. Jennifer

      OMG, I had over 1000 subscriptions. I used to enter contests and would always have to subscribe to newsletters and they just piled up!

  10. Ashley C.

    I was have issues commenting, but also found that when I unchecked the openid, it worked. And is pretty great — I’ve had a few emails slip through, but I think its because some of the companies use multiple different emails for their mailings. With that many LESS in my inbox, its been easy to open them and click unsubscribe! Genius idea — thanks for sharing!

    1. Jennifer

      I swear my e-mail box is looking amazing!

      Hopefully that Open ID thing is all set now!

  11. Alicia

    Do you have a link to that nail polish rack? I really need something like that!

    1. Jennifer

      It’s from IKEA! Let me find out the name.

  12. Lisa D

    OMG all those polishes…..WOW – I thought my one box of like 30 was a lot. LOL

    1. Jennifer

      You know, they didn’t look like this many when I had them in bins…

  13. Tiffany

    thank you soo much!! FOR UNROLL.ME.. i have so many emails that i have to delete everyday because i cant figure out how to stop them from coming and itsr eally annoying.. I love this!!

    1. Jennifer

      Yay!! I am seriously obsessed with them. I should be in a commercial for them!

  14. Mrs. L

    I thought that I was getting bored with constantly getting a nail polish in subscription boxes, but I’m finding I’m actually getting my nails done more often and really liking the options of color.

    1. Jennifer

      I think I need to pare it down. I am getting overwhelmed!

  15. Kathy

    I was so excited about UNROLL.ME, but it doesn’t seem to work for me. I was a “sweeper” too, and get several hundred emails every day, but I am still getting most, if not all, of even the ones I definitely remember deleting. Not sure what happened, but am hoping to remember to research this tomorrow and see if I can figure out what went wrong. Too tired tonight.
    PS – love your ramblings.

    1. Jennifer

      Thank you!

      And oh no! I hope that you can get to the bottom of it. All those e-mails you have to sign up for are crazy when you do those contests. I am so glad for a clean e-mail box!

  16. Melanie K.

    I love! It helped me delete so many subscriptions (I had like 500 or something, mostly from contests too).

    Also, just wondering if you emailed the winners for the Glossybox giveaways? I’m wondering since it looks like I won the November one (unless there’s another Melanie Kornacki out there) and I don’t think I got an email.

    1. Jennifer

      Ahhh, sorry! You are that Melanie!

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