Tuesdays Troubles

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It’s time for another edition of Tuesday Troubles. I’ve said it before (like every week), but this should be named “things i’m annoyed / confused / want to complain about”, however I couldn’t figure out how to make any of those into a snappy title, so Tuesday Troubles it is. And yes, I do realize that these aren’t true “troubles”. I know that many of these for sure could be defined as first world problems!

~Just an update from a previous trouble which I am still annoyed about.  Not only have our debit cards arrived, but we now both have PIN numbers too! It took nearly a month from when we were first notified (*) and almost three weeks from when they automatically shut them off for us (so thoughtful) before we got this all resolved.  So insanely slow.

~This is one of my biggest pet peeves.  Ever.  Why do people attach an “S” to things that do not have an “S” at end?  In Michigan, lots of people refer to it as “Fords” instead of “Ford”.  Oh wait, I think I do that too for a few places.  Specifically Joanns (aka Joann Fabric). Saying it any other way just doesn’t sound right to me.  Is that why other people say it as well?  I am so annoyed right now.  With myself.

~I don’t even know why I am admitting to this, but I had a dream about Justin Bieber the other night. Not THAT kind of dream, just like we were on a date or something.  Well, he thought we were on a date and I thought I was babysitting him.  No matter what was going on, it’s still very troubling.  In other news, B heard about this and now wants a divorce.  LOL!!!!!!!!

~Has anyone else heard about this story about the guy who was lost at sea for like 13 months until he turned up on some super remote island?  Crazy I tell you.  “They” are working on verifying this and hopefully we’ll end up finding out what happened.  That’s another pet peeve of mine.  You hear some crazy story about something like this and then you never hear a word about it again!

~I was looking over the Subscription Box List and realized that no one had commented on it since last May, which seemed odd!  Um, turns out that the comments were off!  WTF?  How does this happen?  If you ever tried to leave a comment there and couldn’t, I am sorry!!!!

~Do you ever wonder what happened to your old “things”?  Like who is driving your old car?  Is it happy or does it miss you?   That apartment you used to live in?  What’s in decorated like now?  Did they paint over the colors that you spent hours picking out? No, seriously I wonder about stuff like this.  I really do.  Please tell me I am not alone??????

That’s it from here for now! What’s troubling you today?

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(*) Our cards were used at Target during the breach and our bank shut them off and issued us new ones automatically.  They notified us on 1.7.14.
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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 47 Comments

  1. subbox

    That dream about Justin Bieber! LOL!!! There’s just been too much of him on the news lately.

    1. Jennifer

      I’d like to think that is why I am dreaming about him!

  2. Alison

    I always say Aldi’s… when it’s Aldi.

    1. Jennifer

      I guess I am guilty on this too.

  3. Amanda

    Okay, I say, “JoAnn’s,” but I mean it with the apostrophe, possessive, as in, “It is JoAnn’s fabric store.”

    1. Jennifer

      Right? Like the lady that own’s the store is named Joann! That’s how I say it as well.

      1. Shannon N.

        Yes! Same here! But interestingly, I drop the apostrophe s when talking about Victoria’s Secret. I always say Victoria Secrets. Weird.

        1. Jennifer


  4. Amanda

    And I totally wonder about my “old things.” I also often look at hideous old cars and think, “Once upon a time, long, long ago, someone bought that thing new. Someone thought that, of ALL the cars on the lot, THAT car was the best one. WTF.”

    1. Jennifer

      Ha!!! It’s hard to believe that some cars were ever actually new.

  5. Bethany

    Hahaha your Bieber dream cracks me up. Especially that you thought you were babysitting him. And YES, the S thing! I also say JoAnn’s, but how a lot of people say Nordstrom’s–that one seems odd to me (though I’ve been known to call it Nordies, and I guess that’s the same thing). I remember in high school, when someone would proceed to the district or state level of a competition, we’d say, “They’re going to district’s,” which now seems totally weird. Now I can’t stop overthinking this! And I do frequently think about other places we’ve lived! Just the other day I was telling Ben I wanted to go visit our old townhouse, but I think the current tenants would be creeped out.

    1. Jennifer

      I say Nordies, but not Nordstroms. But I would say “we’re going to districts”. Because it’s like the district’s finals, so shorted, it would be districts? I really have no idea. And clearly I too use at S at the end when I shouldn’t. LOL!

      We still own my old condo (we rent it out) and I always try to get a peek in there when I go to pick something up / drop something off there. Would it be weird if I asked for a tour ??

      1. Bethany

        Haha maybe do an annual maintenance inspection or something as a pretense..

        1. Jennifer

          I could call her any time and go over there!

  6. Tiffany

    We moved about 30 miles from our first home, and I was driving through that part of town to meet up with some girl friends and I did a drive by our old home just to see if anything had changed. 🙂 It was out of my way and everything, but I just wanted to spy on our place and the new owners.

    1. Jennifer

      So glad other people do this!!!

  7. Elise

    Biggest pet peeve – when I lived in Wisconsin and people would say “can you pass me A scissors?” I wanted to tell them – “it’s either a PAIR of scissors or just scissors, otherwise it sounds funny! You wouldn’t say a pants instead of a pair of pants.”

    1. Jennifer

      LOL I am going to ask my husband about this. He’s from Wisconsin!!

    2. Judy

      I’ve lived in Wisconsin my whole life and I’ve never heard anyone say “a” scissors. I hear them say “the” scissors. I never heard anyone say “bubbler” instead of “water fountain” either. Maybe it’s because I’m hearing impaired and have proper grammar, so I just hear it that way?? lol.

      1. Jennifer

        B says bubbler I think? But I asked him about the scissors and he has never heard that one.

  8. mari

    The house I grew up in (built by my dad) was sold by my parents to someone who asked them to buy it. It’s the greatest, they love to show us what they’ve done since and let us pick raspberries from the bushes we started. We only stop by when we visit the neighbors for an annual party, so it’s not intrusive.

    1. Jennifer

      Oh that’s awesome!!!!

    1. Jennifer

      I’ve never linked this one! Just the Thursday Thoughts one and the Friday iPhone Dump one!

      Feel free to make your own link party though!!!

    2. Jennifer

      LOL. Wait, I see you already did!

  9. Katy

    I always wonder if my first car, a 1993 Mustang, is still chugging along somewhere or just sitting in a junkyard. Based on how it was when I had it, probably sitting in the junkyard! 😀

    1. Jennifer


  10. Mary

    I call it Joann’s too! That card thing I annoying! What is more annoying is our bank just barely decided to shut ours off… How much later? Also right before going on a vacation. Time to dig out all the credit cards.

    1. Jennifer

      OMG they did! AHHHH, that is so annoying. I would have lost my mind if we were going somewhere last month.

  11. kay

    My husband and I met as roommates, and we drive by our old house whenever we’re in that neighborhood. It just sold! I told my husband we should’ve bought it but he was into details like it’s not a good spot for kids AND it cost twice as much as we could afford. Dreamkiller! It’s a beautiful house!

    And another spot I lived in that was a dump (mold on the walls, heat didn’t work in half the house, etc) has been getting gutted and redone and I google the address ALL THE TIME because once it’s for sale/rent I want to see how it looks-from the outside it looks amazing (it was a 100 year old home, with a gorgeous structure, just hadn’t been well maintained)

    1. Jennifer

      Oh, I would want to go see that second house too. I’d probably even go to the open house because I would be so curious.

      Maybe one day you will get that house again!

  12. Shelby

    My ex-friend used to say Targets, Walmarts, Kmarts. OMG. I wanted to slap her.

    1. Jennifer


  13. Genevieve

    I’m guilty of saying JoAnn’s too but was it ever called JoAnn’s some version of the name? Just like Ulta used to be Ulta 3, maybe it was at some point? But the S thing drives me crazy too. When I was a teenager I worked and Jewel and so many people called it Jewels and in the same sentence would call Dominicks just Dominick. Drove me nuts!
    You may scare your renters by asking to look around but then it might be a good idea. When we rented my grandmother’s house the renters asked me to stop by to fix a window in the garage. I walked half way up the driveway and realized they had torn out all the landscaping and had done fence to fence grass without my permission. And in the middle of a drought. And the window had obviously been broke during the de-landscaping. So they call the 5-months pregnant landlord to fix it rather than spend $30 bucks to replace the plexiglass themselves. Needless to say they were out of there within the month. Had they not called I would probably not have bothered to check on the place.

    1. Jennifer

      I actually know my renter (she’s one of my friends sisters), so she probably wouldn’t even be weirded out!

      I wonder if it were ever Joann’s? I need to research this. Maybe some lady named Joann started this company?

  14. Mallory B

    I never really thought about my “old things” before, but now I wonder who is driving my favorite car and whether or not it’s being taken care of!

    1. Jennifer

      I hope it is!

  15. Nikki

    Do you have a Meijer near you? It drives me insane when people say they’re going to Meijers instead of Meijer. It used to be Meijer Thrifty Acres, but it has never been Meijers. Someone mentioned K-Marts too – UGH! I agree – so annoying!

    1. Jennifer

      Ha. We do. I call it Meijers too? I am so one of those people. But I don’t say KMarts…

  16. Jenny

    I do wonder what has happened to my old stuff. My dad must be too since everytime we go to a town we used to live in we have to go by the house. We don’t get to go in but we do drive by. Actually funny when I was on my honeymoon road trip we went through PA and I drove past the house I lived in there and took pictures for my dad. LOL He was so upset they had taken out some of the fruit trees he had planted.
    OMG a dream about JB that is just too funny. However I had a dream the other night that I was on Rachel vs Guy Celebrity Cookoff not sure what I was doing there but I was working with Tiffany. LOL so very random.

    1. Jennifer

      OMG that is so funny.

      That is a random dream too! At least I am not alone!

  17. Cheryl

    I totally wonder about my old things! The other day my husband thought he saw my old car on the road (we traded it at the dealer for my new one). I was all like aww I wonder if the new owner is good to it! My husband thought I was crazy though LOL.

    1. Jennifer

      Ha! I wonder the same!

  18. Judy

    We lived in three different houses growing up. Our first one was in Milwaukee and when we would visit old friends, we’d swing by our old house and comment how ugly it was. The new owners let ivy trail all over the outside of the house. Then my parents built their current house and we used to drive past our old house to see what changes were made. They completely remodeled the outside of the house and cut down trees, even one that my parents planted when we first moved in. We liked it better the way it was before! lol.

    1. Jennifer

      There should be a show about this! I know there is something like it, but there should be another!

  19. Danielle

    There is a salad shop near my office named Sweetgreen. My coworkers always call is “Sweetgreens” or even “Sweet greens” and I get so mad I don’t even want to acknowledge that I know what they are talking about! Another one is this place called “Good Stuff Eatery” – they call it “Good Eats” and I always am like, ‘huh? I don’t know of any place called good eats?’ How hard is it to get the name right when it’s on the front of the restaurant?!

    1. Jennifer

      Ha! I am cracking up!!!!!

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