Friday iPhone Dump

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Friday iPhone Dump is simply a summary of your week in iPhone (or whatever) pictures! Feel free to link up if you want to share!

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1. B got his birthday present a tad early and was SO excited!  He got his set of pots and pans and couldn’t wait to cook something up in them.  He claims they are SO much better. If you so say baby ;).

2.  LOL.  That’s a stuffed cat L got at IKEA yesterday.  And B is sitting in the castle tent we got there too.  I have no idea why we were sitting in the tent (after the kids went to bed no less), but we were.

3.  The entire IKEA haul.  Well, minus a few of the kids toys, the tent and the nail polish racks.  But close.  I am pretty pumped about the ice cream sand toy set. $2.99!

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4. It’s exhausting being L ;).  If you look closely, you will be able to see that he is covered in chalk.  Covered in it.  Ha.  And when we went inside, he was all, what? I’m not dirty, I don’t need to change??

5. I think it was about 60 degrees in this picture.  Which in Michigan in April is HOT.  Still he wears the flipeez hat. I wondered at first if it was just going to be one of those cool for 5 minutes items.  Not even.

6. And the WB is finally big enough to hold his own on the playground.  He’s a little crazy though (i.e. he has NO fear), so someone always needs to be right there.  He saw L across the play area, took off running at full speed and then pushed him.  And they both cracked up.  Brothers ;).

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7. The farm!  It looks empty here, but trust me, it wasn’t.  The farm is one of our favorite activities because it’s close and cheap (usually free).  And of course there are animals to visit with.

8. My little farm boys.  B grew up on a farm (and was actually telling L about his pet cow “Tiny” last night) and these two probably wish they did too.

9. The main purpose of the IKEA trip was to get a “little doggie” for WB.  He’s obsessed with L’s and likes to snag it to fall asleep with.  So now they both have one.  L’s well loved one is on the right.  WB’s new one is on the left.  It won’t be long until his is all broken in and worn too!

How was your week?  Any big highlights??
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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Alison

    you give me baby fever!! I want my 2 1/2 year old boy to have a little brother!!!

    1. Jennifer

      He needs one!

  2. Mattie

    What brands were the pans? I’m on the hunt for some new ones. New birthday apron too?!!! 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      They were Williams Sonoma open stock. The apron isn’t new. That came in a Birchbox a while ago. He wears it every time he cooks!

  3. Kati

    I just realized Kinsley has one of those puppies! She HAD to have it when we went one time. She loves it too! They are soft and cuddly! Cash has a gigantic shark from there that I got for like $10. Ikea is addicting!

    1. Jennifer

      Totally addicting! Those doggies are the best!

  4. Ally

    IKEA is one of those magical places you can just get lost for hours… upon hours. 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      And find so many things you never knew you needed.

  5. Patty

    Is that a watermelon slide?!

    1. Jennifer

      LOL yes! The play area at the mall is all fruits and veggies.

  6. Bethany

    I’m so glad your boys are still wearing those hats, because they are so dang cute!! Love all your IKEA treasures. I think I can justify more regular trips now because I have a baby, and I have to keep buying things for her different development stages, right?! 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      Oh right. It;s for the baby! You wouldn’t want her to fall behind!

  7. Wanica

    Love that L’s dog has a newer little brother. I can’t get out of Ikea without something I didn’t plan to buy.

    1. Jennifer

      You never can. It’s like Target, but on a bigger scale!

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