What I’m Loving Wednesday!

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It’s time for another edition of What I’m Loving Wednesday!

I’m Loving…..


My Grandma’s Quilt! My Grandma, who passed away in February used to make quilts for people (and herself) and had a bunch of them at her house. So everyone got to pick the one they wanted and I picked this tulip one which was totally my favorite of the bunch.  I LOVE it and will be keeping it out in my living room!

I’m Loving…..


Target Gives! I didn’t think I could love Target any more than I already did until L brought home his library book yesterday.  I know Target talks about how they give to schools and promote education and all that, but to actually see it happening at L’s school was fabulous!  The librarian told him that she had just put it on the shelf that morning!  So thank you Target for the amazing books L’s school received.  You rock!

I’m Loving…..

Test Flavors
Test Flavors

Doritos Test Flavors.  Listen, I don’t even like Doritos all that much, but if you put them in a package and don’t tell me the flavor?  Yeah, that makes me want to try them.  And to try all of them.  We have only opened the “Orange” ones so far and we think they taste like spicy honey with lime.  We tried to read the label to see if we could determine what was in it, but that wasn’t helpful at all.  Lots of artificial colors in there though.

I’m Loving…..

Amazing Health Care
Amazing Health Care

Amazing Health Care. I took L to Urgent Care the other day to see if his strep was back (it’s not and he’s feeling much much better) and our normal Urgent Care had JUST closed and was now only an Emergency Room.  Which is basically the exact same service, but would cost me about $300 more.  Ouch.  They pointed me in the direction of another Urgent Care (totally not even related to them at all – different hospital system and everything) and we were seen within 15 minutes.  Woot woot!  And while the strep test came back negative, they still gave us a prescription in case things weren’t improving in a few days.  Happily, he’s better and we didn’t have to use it, but I SO appreciate the thoughtfulness of those doctors (and the fact that it was only $20).  And L appreciated the flat screens with cable in every room.

I’m Loving…..

My Boys
My Boys

My Boys! As usual, I am loving these sweet boys!  This morning L got downstairs before WB and I did, so what did he do?  He got breakfast ready (just breakfast bars, but still) for him and WB.  Put them in bowls at their seats at the table and got the cups for milk out.  How stinkin sweet is this guy?

I’m Loving…..

DIY Ombre
DIY Ombre

At Home Ombre.  Let me first say that I haven’t tried this yet, so I don’t know if I LOVE it just yet.  But I do love that it’s even an option and I am going to be testing it out this weekend!  Wish me luck!

 That’s it from here.  What are you loving this week?

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 24 Comments

  1. Ashley C.

    Wow, that quilt is really beautiful! I love the look of vintage/handmade quilts around a home!

    1. Jennifer

      I am so happy with it!

  2. Lisa

    Your grandmother’s quilt is beautiful! Good luck with the ombre color; you’re braver than me!

    1. Jennifer

      Ha! I think it’s because I don’t have to go to work or school or anything looking all crazy if it looks awful!

  3. Nicole A.

    That at home ombre kit is amazing! I had my hair professionally ombre’d and while it came out great, the $150 job was exactly the same as the $9 kit that you have listed above. I did end up doing it twice to get it a little more vivid. I have dark brown hair and it was perfect, just be careful to brush on jagged, a straight brush on will produce a straight line, no bueno! Also, if you have someone, I’d say it’s easier to have someone do it for you. My sister did mine, I was scared I would fudge it alone.

    1. Jennifer

      Ahhh, you are giving me amazing hope. I also have dark brown hair. I am not too worried I will screw up because if I do I will just dye it all dark again…..

  4. Patty

    Hooray, there’s a quilt on your blog! 🙂 And a gorgeous one, at that.

    1. Jennifer

      Do you quilt??

      1. Patty

        Yes! And you should give it a try, too (you know, in all your free time…). It’s an awesome hobby, and everyone I’ve ever taught to sew has gone out and bought a sewing machine. Are you still in ble? I shared a quilt on there a few weeks ago.

        1. Jennifer

          I have a sewing machine and I swear it’s on my “To Do” list. I just don’t have it set up anywhere and think I would need a designated place for it… I will go see if I can find that!

    1. Jennifer

      I love it!

  5. Kelsea Beth

    I quilt and sew, and that quilt is beautiful! I have an ombr? going on but it’s “natural”. I lived in MI up until I was 19 then moved to FL for 3 years and my hair lightened from the sun, now after living back in MI for a year my growing hair is darker then the Florida sunned hair so I have a neat ombr? going on and it only took 4 years 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      Ohh, that is pretty cool!!

  6. victoria

    My SOs grandma made our daughter a quilt, it is so beautiful. And I love seeing that she handwrite Brooke’s name on it and details. I don’t know why. I also love that you can see the pencil from what she was doing. It is so cool. It is actually hanging up on my daughter’s wall. She’s never met that grandma, because she is so far away (and Brooke’s only 1), so we are hoping to go up to see her this year.

    1. Jennifer

      That is cool! Very special!

  7. Stacey

    I would love to here you you get on with the ombre! I have been debating getting ombre for ages but my friend who’s a hairdresser keeps putting me off doing it haha!

    Five Minute Style?

    1. Jennifer

      I need to pick up the kit. I am excited.

  8. Linsey J

    On the doritos, I actually picked up the “blue” flavor last night. The sales associate that was near by told me the orange/yellow bag was kind of cheesy, and the blue was more like ranch. Totally wrong!! I now know never to ask someone who works at walmart because she was just trying to make sure i bought a bag. The blue one to me is kind of like a sweet barbeque at first and the spicy hits you at the end. The orange one sounds good, i will probably be picking it up when the “blue” flavor is gone.

    1. Linsey J

      oh, and another thing. I remember almost a year ago when lays done this but actually told you what the flavor was. Lays had a package of “lunch size” bags, two of each of the three test flavors. I really wish doritos would have done this. Who wants to buy a whole bag of chips and not like them??

      1. Jennifer

        Umm this is complete genius. Complete genius! Why don’t they so this???

    2. Jennifer

      I would have assumed that the “blue” would be cool ranch’ish, but I think that is wishful thinking!

  9. Danielle

    That is really a beautiful quilt!

    1. Jennifer

      I love it!

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