Friday iPhone Dump

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Friday iPhone Dump is simply a summary of my week in iPhone (or whatever) pictures! Here’s what we were up to!


1.  Horrible picture, but Baxter really does sit in the window.  Hops right up there and watches the entire neighborhood for us.  WB likes to play trains up there too and look for cars (there rarely are any cars though).

2. The line at Starbucks the other morning.  It was worth it though.  So worth it.  And the fact that we weren’t waiting in line inside?  Even better.

3.The Snackeez in action!  WB’s is almost bigger than him, but he too likes it!  Seriously though, don’t order online like I did.  Bed, Bath & Beyond.  $9.99, plus you can use a 20% off coupon.  That’s a steal right there.


4. It’s getting to be a tight fix in the car, but Baxter always goes with them.  Always. I think he’ll be excited when WB can drive it on his own and the two of them can cruise together.  L really only drives it now because WB wants to go for rides in it.  Soon enough he’ll be able to reach the peddles!

5. These pictures kill me.  They are L’s Spring Pictures from school and I totally think they look like Senior Pictures.  Totally.  And that super fake smile he was rocking?  Ha!  Totally get that same one when I try and get him to smile for me.  I will be buying a the entire package like always.

6.  I got my Reddit gift exchange goodies!  I also shipped mine yesterday!!  How cute are these OPI minis??  It’s like this person knew how much I loved mini polishes!


7. WB has seen me take a “few” subscription box pictures and it appears he wants to follow in my footsteps.  He got his camera out, set his train out and started yelling CHEESE!  I was dying.  For the record I don’t talk to the things I take the pictures of ;).

8. I was putting together a few goodies boxes for my friends daughters and came across all my EOS balms.  Oh my.  I didn’t have the “Sweet Mint” one, so of course I scooped that one up at Target before I took this picture.  I actually think it’s missing the strawberry one too, but I have that one around somewhere.  I do still need that holiday vanilla though….

9. They are so sweet.  I just want to bottle this up and save some of it before they start trying to beat each other up and roughhousing and all that!

How was your week?  What’s up for the weekend? Any big plans?

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Jenny

    Oh you know you totally talk to your box goodies while taking there pictures 😉
    I think we are going to get rid of our ride on. The boys never want to use it anymore so no need for it to just sit in the garage. Sad day 🙁

    1. Jennifer

      Maybe sometimes 😉

  2. Tiffany

    im addicted to the EOB lip balms too!! i snatched up the alice and wonderland set when it was out a while back.. that has vanilla, blueberry and watermelon.. to die for!

  3. I used to have a cat (she passed away when my dog was a couple years old), so my dog *thinks* she’s a cat. She totally does the sit in the window thing, sit on top of the couch cushions, etc. Your dogs are adorable. I’m dying over the angry tori picture. I forgot to go to target today. SIGH. I don’t remember what I was going to get anyways.

    1. Jennifer

      Did you make it there today??

      OMG my dogs it on the couch cousins too. And hang out under beds!

      1. nope! my best friend was in town and we went to the mall to have lunch with her (she was staying with another friend for derby/drinking stuff). i wouldn’t have gone anywhere yesterday because i was so tired. today i am staying put and putting disney movies on endless loops. i need to rest up.

        1. Jennifer

          How far along are you now?? Any word on your husband’s job??

      2. Haven’t heard anything yet. I’m 20 weeks. Halfway, or not, depending your perspective. I’m definitely getting to be unwieldy. I’m planning an IKEA trip tomorrow (we are going to take an UberX over and pay for delivery) so I need lots of rest. Wish me luck, I’m going to need it. If I don’t feel well I won’t go though.

        1. Jennifer

          Hopefully you start feeling better soon!!!

  4. Tara m

    Omg w that pic of WB taking a picture of his trains! Hilarious! I ended up going to bed bath and beyond and picking up two snackeez after seeing yours and they r a huge hit! Although my little one also tips it!

    1. Jennifer

      HUGE hit! And the Snackeez are huge too! It’s almost bigger than WB!

  5. Jillian

    Great Pictures! Recently, you ordered clothes from Tread Up and I wonder if you have ever sold any clothes to Thread Up. I have heard great things about buying but really mixed reviews on selling to them. Any thoughts? I desperately need to get rid of outgrown good quality kid ‘s clothes! Many thanks!!

  6. Jenn

    Thank you so much for the tip to look at Bed Bath and Beyond for the Snackeez. My 9 year old daughter has wanted one for months and I kept putting it off. Yesterday she finally got one and she’s so happy, it’s really odd how happy this thing makes her. And I used my 20% off coupon which made me happy!

    1. Jennifer

      Yay!!!!!! I wish I would have waited like two weeks and then I could have gotten mine there too!

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