Tuesday Troubles

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Not at all Tuesday Trouble related, but today is L’s Birthday!  He’s 6 today which totally blows my mind.  It feels like just yesterday we were taking him home from the hospital.  I couldn’t be prouder to call him my son!  L, your Daddy and I love you so much!  Happy Birthday!!!!

Baby L
Baby L

Okay, now on to Tuesday Troubles!  I’ve said it before (like every week), but this should be named “things i’m annoyed / confused / want to complain about”, however I couldn’t figure out how to make any of those into a snappy title, so Tuesday Troubles it is.  And yes, I do realize that these aren’t true “troubles”. I know that many of these for sure could be defined as first world problems!

~With this crazy Beyonce / Jay-Z / Solange elevator fight being leaked and no one really knowing what it was about, I am now left to wonder, why don’t security cameras have sound? Is it a legal issue? Because I would love love love to know what was said in that elevator.  LOVE to know.

~Today is country western day at L’s school and they were suppose to dress up in accordance with the theme.  They seem to have a bunch of theme days and listen, I don’t have this kind of stuff at my house.  Old Man Day (well they called it the 100 Day Party), Country Western, the list goes on.  Do I need to be picking up lots of props and costumes and stuff from the Halloween clearance at Target for this kind of stuff?  What happened to just school spirt day and wear your pjs day?

~Do you have a certain side of the bed you sleep on? Like I ALWAYS sleep on the right side of the bed at home.  Always.  It’s the side closest to the door, but it’s also the side that’s most under the ceiling fan.  And I hate that fan.  B loves it.  He goes to bed first and turns the fan on and then I turn it off when I come to bed.  We’re talking about it the other night and he’s like maybe we should switch sides.  WHAT?  Is he crazy?  That’s like a huge deal to me.  Huge!  In hotels or whatever I could care less.  But at home, I must sleep on MY side!

~I am having the worst time trying to log into a few of my online accounts (on that note: “”mishmash” are you here?)!  And I cannot get my .mil e-mail account working.  Grrr!  I hate when I enter the wrong password so many times that I have to call to get it reset.  I feel like the are judging me on how many times I have to call in.  LOL.  But seriously, why is it so hard?

~Lord and Taylor has the best Estee Lauder / Lily Pulitzer Gift With Purchase right now.  Like I need this tote.  But of course I don’t use anything from Estee Lauder, so I would basically just need to buy something to get the tote.  Why can’t I just buy the tote?  This happens all the time too!

That’s it from here for now! What’s troubling you today?

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 35 Comments

  1. Sher

    Since my horrid separation/divorce, I sleep in the middle of the bed and I LOVE it!

    1. Jennifer

      Ohhh, I would so sleep in the middle too. And park right smack in the middle of the garage!

  2. I decided about 2 months ago to sleep on my husband’s side of the bed. I called him up and told him about it and he was like NOOOOOOO YOUR SWEATY LITTLE BODY IS GOING TO RUIN MY SIDE! hahahaahahahahahaha.

    1. Jennifer


      1. He especially hates it because I will sleep in a very small area and curl up so he claims that I make a dent in the bed. He sleeps way down all stretched out. Weirdo.

  3. Sindhu

    How do I sign up for the birchbox book club? Do you have to be a subscriber?

    1. Jennifer

      I don’t think so. I haven’t seen too many details on it yet.

  4. Erin S.

    Jennifer! I have to tell you, I love your blog, I am so glad I found it!! You seem like a wonderful lady 🙂

    Also, while not on-sale online you can purchase the Sephora Summer Safety Kit in stores already, you just have to ask for it (they can’t put it on shelves yet but sold me two in the store last week) Otherwise, they said the 15th was when they are putting them out on shelves!

    1. Jennifer

      Thank you! I just got it online today since it is open to VIB members now! But I so would have gone to the store tonight!

      1. Erin S.

        Haha I got that email right after I posted this (it is also an email that indicates we might have a Sephora addiction) 🙂 I ran out when I read that last week, the associate looked at me like I was a lunatic!

        1. Jennifer

          Ha!!!! Totally!

  5. mary m

    We’ve slept on the same sides of the bed for going on 16 years now! I don’t see switching it up. Even at hotels we generally stick to our normal side. LOL

    1. Jennifer

      I don’t really know if we switch it up at hotels. It’s possible it’s the same side and I just don’t know it? LOL!

  6. Jenny

    If we have theme days I’m missing them. LOL we do have spirit day each Friday so we had to buy N a school shirt. Of course he picked a 3/4 sleeve baseball type shirt and with it being in the 90s now its just too hot. I bought a school colored tie-dye shirt at Hanna Anderson on sale today so hoping I can get him to wear that some of these Fridays.
    I always sleep on the left side of the bed at home but pretty much everywhere else I sleep on the right. LOL not sure why just how it has worked out for us.

    1. Jennifer

      We get a text about the theme days. Today was ranch day. LOL!

  7. Jessica

    I don’t need skincare or foundation (I do need eyeliner and nail polish) or I would just get it and give you the bag as I hate Lilly but want all the other stuff. Next time!

    1. Jennifer

      Or I could just send you the stuff in the bag and keep the bag and little bottles!

  8. Amy

    Probably a legal issue. Usually at least one party to a conversation (and in some states all parties) must consent to a voice recording. Less problematic with video only

    1. Jennifer

      Darn it! I was hoping there was some secret audio to the video…

  9. Jill

    Happy birthday, L!

    And I, too am DYING to know what that fight was about! Did you see the footage after they got out of the elevator and Jay-Z thinks twice about entering the same car as Solange and eventually goes to another car. Haha, classic!

    1. Jennifer

      Ha! I did see that! I need to know what was said in that evelvator!

  10. Lisa Davis

    Happy birthday, L!!!!!!!!

    1. Jennifer


  11. Kelsey Ellen

    I caved and bought some kind of cheap-ish anti-aging sun product from estee lauder just to get the bag. I’m creeping up on 30 (lol right?) so I figured since I live in florida now might be a good time to start.

    and then I picked the version that had the most expensive eye cream to try out… like I needed to spend the money, but well, you know I *NEEDED* to.

    1. Jennifer

      I feel the same way. I just haven’t had time to decide what I “wanted!”

  12. Ashley C.

    I HAVE to sleep on the right hand side of the bed … everywhere. The only time I can sleep on the other side is if I am sleeping with the kids. Then its anywhere there’s room for me! Ha! But my husband suggests switching sides all the time … NOT GONNA HAPPEN!

    1. Jennifer

      Never happening! Ever!

  13. Lauren

    I could never switch sides on the bed! That’s a huge deal!

    1. Jennifer

      I know right???

  14. Judy

    I always sleep on the same side as well. If the bed is against the wall, I always sleep on the open side. If it’s open on both sides, I always sleep closest to the nightstand. C and I don’t fight over sides, but we definitely have different sleeping habits. He sleeps on his back with the sheets made neatly and I’m a cocoon sleeper on my side. I also always end up with the middle sheet on the floor, so I don’t even bother putting it on my bed. He needs the middle sheet. He always complains about the tangle of sheets whenever I come over and teases that he almost needs a separate comforter just for himself since I seem to steal his in the middle of the night. I don’t like the draft, so I just basically roll and tuck myself in, so there’s not a single opening except for my head. lol. I’m a horrible sleep mate.

    1. Jennifer

      I am cracking up! I don’t even use a flat sheet. Ever. I don’t like to get all tangled up either!

  15. Amie

    Picked up with my Estee Lauder gift with purchase at Dillard’s. I purchased a another tube of their Clear Complexion BB Cream. It is my normal product so I thought I would stock up while they had the deal. I love the lip gloss and lipstick that were included.

    1. Amie

      I broke down the “value” of the gift and feel that it was well worth purchasing something I would already buy a little early.

      Resilience Lift- $19
      Lipstick/Full Size-$26
      Lip Gloss-$18
      Makeup Remover-$4
      (These are all based on prices from the Estee Lauder website.)
      I would put the bag at $75 based on the prices of her current totes on her website.
      I didn’t give the travel bottles any value.
      $154 for a free gift with purchase. Not bad.

      1. Jennifer

        I haven’t ordered yet, but you are talking me into it!

    2. Jennifer

      Ohhh, BB cream! I can always use that….

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