Two on Tuesday…

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Still haven’t gotten around to making a logo for this, but it’s on my To-Do list (my very long To-Do List)! No one else likely feels like this way, but I feel like all blog posts must have a picture. LOL!!!

Two Questions today…..

~What is the one musician or band that you most want to see perform live? I thought about this one for a long time and finally settled on Prince (or whatever he goes by these days). I don’t even know if he performs in concert anymore and I think that is what makes me want to see him live even more. Well that and the fact that I love all of his music! I asked B this question and well and he picked Modest Mouse. They don’t seem to perform a ton either, but it seems that they could be a possibility at least.

~How often do you eat out?  We eat out WAY too much and need to get out of that habit asap!  I may even, gasp, try and cook some dinners on my own to help make it happen more.  And I need to get back into ordering Plated and Hello Fresh so it feels like we are eating out, even if we really aren’t!  I think eating out (or ordering carry-out) once a week is a fair goal!

I can’t wait to hear everyone’s answers!!!  Hope you are having a great Tuesday so far!

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 23 Comments

  1. Lauren

    We eat out at least 5 days a week. Actually I’m pretty sure I haven’t cook (I only cook) in 2 weeks ? ://// we really need to stop. I say that every time but it’s so easy and I don’t have to cook multiple things at a time.

    1. Jennifer

      This is so us right now. So bad!

  2. Barbie

    I saw Prince in concert and it was amazing. I wasn’t even that big a fan of his music until I saw him live. He invited people on stage to dance with him, he was kind and interacted with the crowd more than anyone I’ve ever seen (I worked at a concert hall so I have seen hundreds of concerts). It made me love him as a person and a musician. And even from all my favorite bands, his concert was the best Ive ever been to.

    If you ever have the opportunity.. spend any amount of $ they charge and go. Seriously. lol

    1. Jennifer

      Ahhh, this is exactly what I would expect. I must see him!

  3. Jenny

    I’m not sure about a band since I do go and see so many. Noone is just jumping out to me.
    We need to get back on the eatting in bandwagon too. We were just talking about this and my current goal is to just do lunch out once a week and then pizza one night a week with a possible eat out once over the weekend. Its just so hard when M is working since the boys don’t really want what I’m making and I don’t want to cook just for me and I like food. I don’t want a sandwhich or some other boring thing for dinner. I want a meal which makes it all harder.

    1. Jennifer

      I totally know what you mean. I am the same way. I don’t want to make anything when B’s not home. I just want something to appear. It never does.

      1. Jenny

        No it totally doesn’t. So tonight the boys got McDonalds and I had a salad since I had that stuff at home. LOL of course we ate so early I’m now hungry and we have no real snack food at the house so I had chips and salsa at 9:30. I’ll be glad when summer is over and M is home more at nights. Summer is our busy season here.

  4. Deborah

    I would love to see Genesis play. My kids see their dad three to four times a week and he always buys them fast or junk food to eat, so I told them from now on I will make dinner every night and they can eat when they get home at 8 They have agreed to this because they are tried of the fast food…..
    Can’t wait for the Allure box, my 12 year old has claimed 5 items already, if I can get one…lol

    1. Jennifer

      That is so cute that she claimed some items!

  5. Elizabeth

    1. I’d love to see Pink live. I’ve heard her show is awesome!

    2. We’ve really cut down on the eating out. We now try to do no takeout (but it still happens probably once or twice a month) and go out to a sit down restaurant once a month instead.

    1. Jennifer

      You are my inspiration! Once a month would be amazing!

  6. Sabrina Foust

    I can’t choose just one. Most of the ones I would like to see I have. Katy Perry, Lady Gaga and Britney Spears would be fun, but I think Muse would be great live. I also really want to see Toby Lightman, but she only ever performs in like NYC.

    Typically once during the week and one or two times on the weekend.

    1. Jennifer

      I think Britney would be super fun to see!

  7. Kristin

    He is Prince and he is also currently on tour. I would love to see him one day.

    1. Jennifer

      OMG how did I miss this? I must locate him at once!

  8. Ace

    I saw him perform at The Forum about two years ago and it was amazing. It really gives you an appreciation of how amazing of a performer he is. He is known to have hours long encores. I know he also played at the Grove last year with the new band he created. It’s worth going if you can go..

    1. Jennifer

      I need to find him!

  9. Hannah

    1. One of my favorite bands (McFly) is from London and they’ve only played 2 shows in the US since I started liking them 8ish years ago? They’re really big in England, Europe, South America, but not here 🙁 So I’d love to see them someday.

    2. I eat out/take out for dinner probably more than I eat in. It’ll be even worse in the winter when we can’t grill.

    1. Jennifer

      Oh that is going to be a tough one to go see!

  10. Angela

    Justin Timberlake has been on my list for awhile and I was finally able to get tickets for a show this year so I’m stoked.

    1. Jennifer

      I bet he puts on a great show!

  11. Val

    I’ve seen Prince and Modest Mouse and they were fantastic! I guess I’d have to pick Billy Joel, but I only want him to play his 80’s stuff. I thoought I was going to see him with Elton John years ago, but he had to have surgery. Ooh – scratch that…I want to see Avett Brothers. I “think” I saw them at a festival years ago before they were popular, but I didn’t really know who they were at that point and didn’t pay attention. Plus, it was a drinking festival, soooo….

    We eat out 1-2 times per week – sometimes it’s takeout though. We eat out less now that we have to entertain and feed a baby while we’re there.

    1. Jennifer

      I wouldn’t mind seeing Billy Joel either. I bet he puts on a show!

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