Thursday Thoughts

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It’s time for another Thursday Thoughts! If you want to participate, but have no idea what a link-up is, you can check out my explanation of it here.

~Can you believe it’s already Thursday? This week is flying by! It occurred to me yesterday that we have less than two weeks left before school starts. Wait. What? For real? How is that possible? Ugh!  Our weekend plans ending up changing again, so it looks like we will be having a fun little weekend getaway after all.  Although I suppose that could all change again tomorrow!

~Remember the other day when I asked about Gypsy Sisters?  Well I started watching and that show is a complete train wreck.  And I love it!  And totally on the other end of the spectrum, did you hear that Jill Duggar is pregnant?  I am not 100% sure I am following the math on this, but my calculations are showing that she is about, huh, 4 minutes pregnant!

image credit: People
image credit: People

~I still have a few subscription boxes coming this week including Barkbox, bluum, Escape Monthly, Hammock Pack, ipsy Mystery Bag, Lip FactoryLoot Crate and Phone Case of the Month.  Well, I have gotten shipping notations on all of those anyway.  I am pretty sure they won’t all be arriving by the end of the week!  Oh and my other Citrus Lane box is suppose to arrive today.

~Every time we go somewhere these days we try and go geocaching as well.  We aren’t very good at it at all, but we all love it.  I am seriously considering placing one of our own somewhere.  Has anyone done that?  I think it would be so fun to see who found it.

We found it!
We found it!

~I am on Day 4 of the Advocare Challenge and am starting to feel great! I usually feel miserable on Days 2 and 3, but I only felt icky on Day 2 this time.   I think I felt so good yesterday because I got a full 8 hours of sleep the night before!  If you are doing it right now as well I so hope you are using the App!  It doesn’t get amazing reviews on the App store, but it makes figuring out what you need to take and when super easy!  Oh and if you have a fitbit, do you want to be fitbit friends?  Sometimes it helps when I see that someone else has 15,000 steps and I only have like 2,000 so I started a group!  Feel free to join up!

~OMG did you hear that Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Martin are dating?  Can this be true?  Radar Online says so (and obviously if it’s on the internet it’s true) and I hope it is!  She’s very un-goop like, but I think that’s probably what he’s looking for!  That and a cheeseburger!

image credit: Radar Online / Getty
image credit: Radar Online / Getty

That’s it for now!  What are you up to today?  I have a million errands to run including grocery shopping, the bank, Hobby Lobby (that’s not exactly a chore though), a bunch of blog posts to write and I want to do some more toy clearing out while the boys are hanging out with my mom (thanks mom)!

Screen Shot 2014-01-11 at 10.35.35 PM

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 34 Comments

  1. we are so going to be fitbit friends. in like 2 months. right now i am not moving. hahaha.

    1. Jennifer


  2. Jessica

    The geocaching looks so awesome! i would love to see some of the cool stuff you and the boys have found! And would definifelty be interested in seeing what you would be putting in yours! I love reading your blog and your reviews every day and your boys look so sweet!

    1. Jennifer

      I could put makeup samples and products in mine. LOL!!!

  3. Sneaky Burrito

    I joined your Fitbit group! Apparently using my real name instead of the screen name I post with here. Oh well!

    I don’t get Lip Factory right now, but when I did, it always took a LONG time after the shipping notification for me to get it. It was coming from Orlando and I live in the Atlanta area, so you would think that wasn’t too far. I guess they generate the shipping labels a long time before they hand the packages off.

    1. Jennifer

      They used to ship SO fast! But you are right, it always takes a few days longer now.

  4. Chrissy

    I joined your Fitbit group if that’s okay! I’ve fallen off the wagon a bit (read: all summer) and I’m trying to be good again!

    1. Jennifer


  5. Hilda

    Hope your weekend plans work out! School is starting late for you compared to CA. Most everyone around here started last week!

    I’d like to join your Fitbit group. Thanks for the invite!

    1. Jennifer

      Yay! I am glad you joined!!!

      In Michigan public schools always start after Labor Day. It’s a state law!

  6. Maggie

    I just joined your fitbit group! I am on and off about wearing mine, hopefully this inspires me to start wearing it again.

    1. Jennifer


  7. You are so lucky to have your mom so close! Mine lives across the country.
    Lol on the 4 minutes pregnant!

    1. Jennifer

      So lucky!!!

  8. Jenny

    Just joined the group but as I’ve said my steps have sucked lately. LOL
    I need to look into geocaching. I think that N would love to do it and it sounds like something he and M could run around doing sometime. ie without me 😉
    I didn’t have enough points for the ipsy mystery bag but I did go through and do all the reviews I was missing. Somehow I hadn’t done them all and go alot closer so next time they have something I hopefully will be good. I can’t wait to see what you get. I keep hoping they will have like a warehouse sale or something since my mom can get to the warehouse in like 5 minutes so we would totally be in 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      Oh gosh, that would be so awesome if they had a warehouse sale!

  9. Lily

    On the Lawrence/Martin relationship: I know I’m super old-fashioned about this, but it always strikes me as odd when people date that are so far apart in age! She’s only a little bit younger than me, and I couldn’t imagine being with someone almost 40. She was just transitioning from elementary school when 9/11 happened! She probably doesn’t remember the Y2K bug or Clinton’s reelection campaign or Monica Lewinsky!

    It reminds me of that scene from When Harry Met Sally when Harry asks his young girlfriend where she was when Kennedy was shot and she responds with “Ted Kennedy was shot?” Sigh

    1. Jennifer

      I couldn’t imagine that difference either!

  10. Lily

    I did the math on the Duggar baby. The baby is due in March. She announced in August that she’s two months along. Which mean she conceived in June – which does add 9 months to March. So I think it works out.

    1. Jennifer

      I can’t believe she announced so early! And it looks like she’s showing!

  11. Lori

    I wonder when the Nicky Hilton Fancy box will ship. It was around this time last month when you received it. This will be my first of her’s (and my first Fancy box, in fact) so I’m so excited!

    1. Jennifer

      It should be fairly soon!!

  12. PA Anna

    I feel like I am missing out on so much not having a FitBit. Watch Nicky Hilton’s box be great. I loved the first one, but did not order the second one because of sports fees. He is in cross-country which is an inexpensive sport. Still the sport fee, parent booster fee, warmup outfit, new sneakers and it adds up to a lot. I will be ordering Nicky Hilton’s September box if the August review is good since Nina Garcia’s box has been moved to October.

    1. Jennifer

      It all adds up for sure!

      I am so sad it was moved to October. I the anticipation is going to kill me!

  13. Kristi

    My StitchFix always arrives less than 24 hours after I receive the shipping notification (but then again, I live in the Bay Area). And by always, I mean the two I’ve received so far?just got the shipping notice for #3 a few minutes ago, so I’m hoping it will be waiting for me when I get home from work tomorrow.

    And I just joined the Fitbit group!

    1. Jennifer

      You are so lucky to get them so fast! Have you ever visited them? Can you even do that?

      1. Kristi

        I don’t know…but I may try at some point! I’m trying to convince my 19 year old daughter to apply for a job with them.

  14. Janet

    Geocaching is super fun! Placing a cache is really easy. We’ve placed a couple and I love seeing when people post logs about them.

    1. Jennifer

      That is so fun!!! I really want to do that because I think it would be so cool to read that people found it!

  15. Lauren

    I just bought a Fitbit earlier this week and oh man, I am so ashamed at how inactive I am! My husband was like “So you just spent $100 to feel bad about yourself?” Pretty much! But I’m more motivated now, hahaha!

    1. Jennifer


  16. Alyssa

    My mom and I actually discussed jill (duggar) diilards people cover. So the wedding was June 21st and in the article jill says the baby was conceived likely 2 weeks after the wedding. So that would mean July and that she’s about 6 weeks super early to announce. My mom also is convinced Jill is just sticking out her stomach to make a bump maybe she thought no one would believe if there was no bump lol. I totally saw this coming I mean what do you expect when you limit your relationship to side hugs and hand holding til the wedding, your gonna go a little crazy with the physical stuff after lol. I’m guessing jessa and Ben will be married by end of year and possibly also pregnant

    1. Jennifer

      I would agree with that last one! Those courtships go fast!

      1. Alyssa

        Jessa and Bens engagement announcement is in there too. Kinda sad that it’s now being overshadowed by jills baby news

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