Friday’s Letters

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Dear Apple Store, I don’t want to be anywhere near you today! The lines on tv looked insane. #nothankyou

Dear Me, Stop drinking coffee after dinner.  No wonder you can’t sleep.

Dear Teen Mom, I don’t know how you do it, but one week you make me so mad I want to yell at the tv and the next week you make me cry.

Dear Starbucks, How were you already out of the salt for the seasonal drinks? Maybe we can make this a year round item?

Dear WB, I know I shouldn’t, but when you come out of your big boy bed and you should be sleeping and start running in circles around the living room I can’t help but laugh.

Dear Brandy, Ahhhhh, it’s baby day!  I am so excited for you I can hardly stand it!!!

Dear Facebook, Uhh, why can’t I like a bunch of pages all in one day?  Don’t yell at me to stop and tell me that I am not using the feature in the way it was intended to be used.  I thought the “Like” feature was supposed to be used to “Like” pages?  Guess not.

Dear L, Have fun up-north!  You are one lucky kiddo.  Also, I’m sorry the girls at school insist on giving you hugs at the end of the day. One day you’ll like that 😉

Dear That Roofer, Uhh, you kind of scared the crap out of B and I the other night when you were on that roof at 11:30pm throwing shingles down on the ground. We thought something was seriously wrong. I am sure you are under a deadline to get that house finished so someone can buy it, but really?  11:30pm?

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Jenny

    I saw the Apple stuff on tv this morning and didn’t even think about it when I was at the mall going from Nordstrom to B&N. The B&N is right next to Apple and the line at 11am was from the front around and down the side and starting to go around the back. I was befuddled since do they really think the store has that many phones in there? I mean how many does each store get? It was madness there.
    I had no clue they had a max on likes. I get on a roll sometimes but have never been cut off. But now I kindof want to see if I can;)

    1. Jennifer

      I doubt they get that many phones in!!! There’s just no way!

  2. Shelly

    Here’s my Friday letter: Dear Nerd Block, did you really need to send out Stuffed animal looking STD’s this month? It was really awkward when my middle schooler told me he got gonorrhea in his box. Yikes! Came complete with a list of STDs and information about them. How is that related to Ninja Turtles and Superheroes??

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