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Two on Tuesday

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Back to Two Questions today…..

~Do you recline your seat on airplanes? There have been a few stories in the news lately about passengers getting into fights because of someone reclining their seat and then the person behind them getting pissed. I generally do not recline my rest, but that’s mainly because I fly with WB and it’s not like I have time to kick back and relax anyway. I do get mildly annoyed when the person in front of me reclines their seat without mentioning it, but I feel like that’s my problem. If your seat has the ability to recline and you can get a little more comfortable on an airplane, why not? But maybe just look back at the person behind you and make sure you aren’t going to make them spill their coffee all over when you throw your seat back.

~Have you ever taken nude pictures? Obviously this one has been all over the news with all the naked celebrity picture leaks happening in the past few weeks. But let’s face it, if I looked like Kate Upton I would be taking some too.  I saw this article about a twitter survey (very scientific obviously) that 89% of Cosmo readers who responded had taken nude pictures. I found that to be super high, but I don’t know, maybe it’s right? It seems that is just about what Snapchat is meant for. Since my mom reads here (well she’s probably stopped reading this post by now), I won’t go into details, but hopefully some of you will. LOL!

These should be interesting today! I am looking forward to hearing everyone’s answers.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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