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Fancy Food Box
Cost: $46.95/month ($39/month + $7.95 shipping).
Ships To: Worldwide. Additional shipping costs apply to shipments outside of the US.
Coupon Code: N/A

Yesterday was a slow subscription box day around here (believe it or not, NO boxes arrived), but things have picked back up today with the arrival of my October 2014 Fancy Food Box.
Just in case you aren’t familiar, Fancy, which is $39/month (plus shipping), offers a “regular” Fancy Box full of cool goodies and celebrity curated boxes which include a collection of the coolest products hand-picked by Jennifer Love Hewitt, Verbal, Kelly Rowland, Nicky Hilton, Coco Rocha, Snoop Dogg, T-Pain and / or The Rockettes. They also offer the Fancy Food Box you see here, as well as, Fancy Mystery Boxes and their Culinary Box.
Fancy Food Box ships via FedEx and took the normal two days to arrive to me. It shipped on Monday and I received it today (Wednesday).
I thought it was funny that the box was marked Fragile (along with “Very Fancy”) and arrived kind of smooshed. LOL. It seems like only when something is marked fragile do I see a damaged box. Or maybe that’s the only time I notice.
The October 2014 Fancy Food Box theme was “Fall Flavors” and included the following rich fall flavors:
~Yunnan Black Tea ($8): I don’t know if I will ever get excited about tea. Are there any other uses for tea? You know, like how you can make a scrub out of coffee and that kind of thing?
~Rouge Blue Cheese Popcorn ($5.99): Delicious. This also comes in a bunch of other delicious flavors which I hope to also try! SO good!
~Kika’s Treats Caramelized Graham Crackers ($8): Umm, yes, these are just as amazing as they sound. I can’t wait for L to get home from school to try one. He loves chocolate covered graham crackers and these are a step above normal ones. Okay, make that like 10 steps above regular ones.
~Sniffle Slayer Lollipops ($8): Now this is a smart fall item. They have lemon, ginger, honey and cayenne pepper in them and will make a cold a bit more bearable. I don’t *want* to get a cold, but I also can’t wait to try these and see if they really do make me feel better.
~Honey Nougat – Almond ($8): Am I the only one that thinks nougat looks kind of gross? It’s delicious, I really think it is, but it’s such an odd texture and just looks like something should be covering it up. Like chocolate maybe ;).
~Bonbon Chocolate Bar ($10): You for sure don’t need a lot of this chocolate to satisfy a sweet tooth craving. Just a little square will do the trick. Sometimes it’s better to just go to for the best stuff instead of trying to substitute something in it’s place because you will usually wind up eating more of the substitute because it’s not what you wanted.
~Chi-Cho Hot Sauce ($9): I love the name of this, but I don’t love hot sauce. I’ll let B figure out what to do with this one.
All totaled I came up with a value of $56.99 for the October 2014 Fancy Food Box. While I enjoyed this box (I always do), I would love to see the value boosted a bit. The last few months have been a little low, but I have hopes it increases again. I do love to get so many different products though!
Did you get Fancy Food Box this month? What’d you think? If you are thinking of ordering the Fancy Food Box, click here and get signed up! If you order now, your subscription will begin with the November box. And if you are looking for any of the other Fancy Box boxes (including Mystery Boxes), I suggest just doing search for “Fancy Box“. It’s much easier than trying to navigate their site, which I find quite confusing at times.
I’ve used unwanted or tea that I haven’t liked for foot baths! Sounds weird, but something with the tea leaves has helped with foot odor problems.
My boys will eventually need this I am sure ;).
You can do tea rinses for your hair, and make tea cleansers for your face. I think there’s tea that’s good for plants too, maybe chamomile? It’s supposed to stop fungus or mold from growing on the plants or something.
I like the sound of a tea rinse!
Fruit flavored tea is good for making vinaigrettes – soak the tea bag in vinegar for about 5 minutes then toss the tea bag, take the vinegar & add oil!
Great idea!
Love that box this month, but I’m managing to resist so far.
Chilled teabags are also good for puffy eyes. 🙂
This is my first box, and I love it!