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~Why do the holidays always go so fast? We still have New Years, but Christmas just fly by! L is still declaring it the best Christmas ever though, so I love that. He and B have been playing with his PS4 from Santa a TON the past few days. I don’t know who likes that present better? L or B ;).
~Have we talked about Gone Girl? I saw the movie over the weekend and wow, Amazing Amy is a nut case. I never did finish up the book, but now I must. Is there going to be a Gone Girl 2? Because wow, I would love to see what is happening with those crazies in a few years!
~I didn’t get a chance to update the Subscription Box List this weekend (I was too busy watching Gone Girl), but I will be working on that this week. And also moving the subscription boxes that have closed to their own little area.
~Target sucked me in with Christmas Clearance again today. Actually, it was all my mom’s fault because she suggested we stop at our favorite Target on the way to the casino. So we did. I found 50% off lip balms (EOS 3-Packs from Rachel Roy, Vaseline Creme Brûlée & Rosy Lips & Baby Lips Medicated), Starbucks sets, Hot Wheels, Play-Doh, Duplo sets and more. I posted it on Instagram, but this Target was stocked up. They had everything. If your Target has a Starbucks in it, get there NOW because their holiday stuff is already 70% off. I stocked B up on Christmas Blend bags of coffee for work! All their Dot Collection mugs were 70% off too! I am guessing that the rest of Target Clearance will be 70% off tomorrow!
~The 50% off FabFitFun coupon code has been extended! It was originally supposed to end today, but until the end of the year the coupon code “OMG” to save 50% off your first FabFitFun box has been extended until 12.31.14.
~Speaking of FFF, have you used your Fashion Project Gift Card yet? I have used my Zumba one, but I cannot decided on the Fashion Project one. There are SO many things on there that I like!
That’s all for now! See you in the morning!
Holy cow! I can’t believe your Target is so stocked! It is not like that around here. Even most of the stocking stuffers you picked up I’ve never seen. I did snag some Starbucks Christmas blend Kcups at 70% off today though. I bought some things at 50% off on Friday–wrapping paper, cookie sheets, bundt pan, and some other things. I went to Bakers (Kroger affiliate) for Starbucks mugs and tumblers; they had a better and more abundant selection.
I know. It is nuts. That Target always has SO much good stuff. I try and make sure to go there for every clearance!
Also jealous of your Target! Got some gift bags at 50% off, but otherwise the area was cleared out! Granted, I was there with a cranky 3-year-old, so I had to bail early. Might try another Target tomorrow when she’ll be at Grandma’s…
Good luck! I hope you are able to score some treasures!
totally stocked up on the lip balms today at target too! I wanted to get the Eos 3 pack when it was 7.99 but I knew it would go on sale and BAM. I also scored Nordic Bundt pan for 50% off and a Nordic 43 piece Holiday cookie set for $10. I was there for TWO hours just wandering. I would put things in my cart, find a scanner, and scan for discounts. A lot of stuff went back on the shelves–if that stuff is there when it hits 70% or 90%, awesome. If not, it wasn’t meant to be. Totally going to check it out again next weekend just to see what is still there 🙂
Oh! and I got the double ended chapstick and I’m currently obsessed w it–I’m driving the boyfriend nuts talking about my Target haul all day! lol
I love that stuff!
Nice finds!!! I absolutely love Target’s after Christmas clearance shopping. It’s such a treasure hunt! You never know what you may find!
Ohh Gone Girl was awesome, I can’t even imagine what they would be up to if there was a sequel! Going to Target today, so fingers crossed I find something good. 🙂
I can’t wait to hear what you get!!!!
GREAT Starbucks finds (I collect the Dot Collection and pretty much bought everything up!) but no luck on finding the Rachel Roy 3-pack. I keep hoping I’ll find one hiding somewhere in the beauty isle lol.
Ack! I am never going to get to Target in time for more of those EOS trios!
They weren’t even in the clearance section of my Target so you might have a chance! Check the beauty area! Where like the nail polish is!!
Hitting Target today, hopefully there is something left!
I hope you score some great stuff!
What target was this at??? Please tell me.. mine are fresh out!! I’m will to drive…
Eastland. The best Target ever.
Thank you!!! Just left.. scorreeeeee!!! 3 of the 20ft pre lit garland. A super cute snowman (for insode) monogramed sweater looking stockings, bulbs, cuteest matle strings of white mittens,
Elf on the shelf pjs, and some more garbage but so worth it!!!!
Awesome Target haul!! After reading your blog for the last year, I totally know how to do Target clearance now! You’d be so proud,haha! My Target’s are ALWAYS cleaned out, but this time I was visiting in-laws in El Paso, TX and went to Target there. I lucked out! I got 7 packs of holiday diapers (50% off!), EOS lip balm trio (found in the regular lip care isle), kids spoons/forks in the one spot, holiday sippy cups, gift tags, and others. After looking at yours I need to go back for beef jerkey! Glad you got a good haul too 🙂
Nice finds! I am obsessed with the Target clearance! So.much.fun!
I miss my old Target. That Target was the best at finding deals. None of the ones near me are like that. It takes all the fun out of Target clearance shopping. You got great deals! I read Gone Girl, but did not see the movie. I wonder what Gone Girl 2 will be like? I go back and forth on the FFF box. I like the Zumba DVD & gift card , candle , and the Salted TV sub.
It does seem like the holidays are going fast. Sounds like the PS4 is a hit.
I don’t know if they are doing a Gone Girl 2. But I want them too!
Okay, so I need clarification please!!! At my Target there’s the seasonal section that has signs posted everywhere that state the discount (ex: 20% off, 50% off, etc) and then when you go through the aisles there’s other stuff (like the eos balms, bath gift sets, cupcake pans, Christmas socks, etc) that just have clearance stickers on them. So I grabbed like 3 bath sets and proceeded to the registers. When they rang up for the clearance sticker price I asked if they were able to get the same discounted price as the holiday items in seasonal (which were all marked down to 50% off) and she said “sure”! So the clearance sticker price went from $8 and some change down to $4! So I bought 3 sets for $12 (old spice, dove, etc). Did I just get lucky? Or do I ask for that discount at the register? I love that I got them so cheap, but I don’t want to rip anybody off:(. Help!!!!
Okay, so there are items in the holiday section that aren’t marked individually and ring up according to the clearance schedule (50% / 70% / 90%). That’s like the EOS (they aren’t stickered), certain pans, diapers, christmas socks, etc. You might find those in the holiday section OR in the regular aisles if no one working at the store realized that they should be in the holiday section.
But the items with the orange clearance stickers are whatever price is marked on the sticker. Those get marked down differently and will never get to 90% off. The max they will get is 70% off. So basically, you just got lucky! The cashier shouldn’t have manually price adjusted them, but she did so just enjoy them!
Thank you so much for clarifying! I think I am catching on lol!!!