Thursday Thoughts The Christmas Edition

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~Merry Christmas!!! We had a fantastic morning opening presents with the boys and then my family came over for breakfast and more presents. We had an Ugly Sweater Christmas Eve with my Dad’s side of the family and we’ll have an up-north Christmas with that side of the family when we go up there in a few days. But for the rest of today, we relax, watch Christmas movies and play with our new toys. I want to go look at Christmas lights tonight so we’ll do that too.  I kind of like not doing anything on Christmas night.  It’s a nice break.


~My goal by the end of the weekend is to get totally 100% caught up on my subscription box reviews. And then it’s time to clean out the closet where I keep all my stuff. It was SO clean up until like 6 weeks ago and then things just got of out hand. My mom and sister-in-law were like yeah, this is a little nuts. Ha!

~Has anyone watched The Interview yet?  I think B and I are going to watch it after the kids go to bed tonight.  That’s a pretty Christmasy movie right?  LOL!  Have you ever been to a movie theatre on Christmas?  I’ve been a few times and it is always SO crowded. The casino is another place that is packed to the gills on Christmas.  B and I went once before L was born and we were both stunned at how crowded it was.

The Interview
The Interview

~Is everyone ready for the Target clearance tomorrow?  It should be 50% off tomorrow and then will move to 70% off in a few days and then finally 90% off! I did an Target Clearance Q & A post a few years back that might help if you are new to Target’s clearance shopping.

~B Santa did awesome shopping for me this year!  He got me, wait for it, Crispy M&M’s!  AHHHHHH!  I am obsessed with these and am thrilled they sell them in the States now.  Seriously.  This is huge. I not so casually mentioned to B that I was hoping that Santa would bring me some since they were now sold at CVS and he totally listened.  Thanks Santa ;). You are the best.

OMG. The best.
OMG. The best.

How is your holiday going?  Was Santa good to you?  And if you don’t celebrate Christmas, what are you up to today?

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 16 Comments

    1. theramblingjen

      Merry Christmas!

  1. Sneaky Burrito

    I watched The Interview on my laptop yesterday and I thought it was pretty dumb. I mean, I don’t think I laughed at all. Maybe it helps to watch it with someone, like perhaps someone else starts laughing and the laughter is contagious? (I can see how that would work in a theater.) Or maybe it’s just not my kind of movie (too much potty humor and lots of jokes about male genitalia). Or a little of both.

    ETA: Glad to hear you had a good holiday!

    1. theramblingjen

      I laughed, but I doubt I would watch it again. SO silly!

  2. havenest14

    My three teens and I went to see In To The Woods today, and it was great. This is the first time ever going to the movie’s on Christmas. I am making homemade taquitos for dinner tonight. My kids favorite dinner. This has been the best Christmas in a long time….

    1. theramblingjen

      Glad to hear it!!!! I think the movies on Christmas with teens is a great idea!

  3. Jennifer Holzmeyer Louthan

    Merry Christmas!!! We did the at home thing this morning and then we had my brother/sister inlaw family and my friend and her family over for dinner. They both fly out in the morning so no need for them to cook tonight. It is finally quiet at my house with the boys upstairs and M and I sitting for what I think is the first time. It has however been a great day and Santa did AWESOME!!!

    1. theramblingjen

      I think those few minutes on Christmas night where you sit down after your happy kids are in bed sleeping and the kitchen is cleaned up are some of the best times!

  4. wendy

    Merry Christmas! I’ve cleaned, cooked, pumped up the aerobed, made all the other beds & am just sitting waiting for the family to roll into town! Thanks for posting today- even in Christmas! you so rule! I just got a target charge last week & am now obssesed with target & especially the clearance Items thanks to Jenn! I got ornaments last year on uber clearance for this Christmas & I gotta say- keeping them stashed for a whole year was annoying! I’m going to look for birthday presents instead! Side note: I noticed after the electric bill came last week, only 1/2 of our street had their Christmas lights turned on- but they are all on tonight! Yay! I love Christmas lights & I hope they’re on sale at target!

    1. theramblingjen

      Ha!!!! That is so funny that everyone turned them off after getting their bills! I think our electric company must time it so that my December bill comes after Christmas is over so you don;t quire know how much you spent!

  5. Angela

    Have you ever done a post on how you keep your boxes organized? I have nowhere near the amount you have and my gift closet was overflowing before Christmas!

    1. theramblingjen

      Sort of. I bought 2 3-drawer organizers and organized them by products (makeup, skincare, body products, perfumes, hair items) and then put the larger items / non-beauty items I wasn’t going to use right away on a shelf in my closet. I have a closed in my hallway that has basically turned into my subscription box closet. It’s a fun place 😉

  6. PA Anna

    Merry Christmas! We had a wonderful Christmas. I’m glad that you had a wonderful Christmas too! We’ve been to the movies on Christmas Day before and it was crowded. I’ll be heading over to Target after I am done with my errands to look for the good stuff. I second an organizational post since it’s moving into that time of the year.I think it is next week when Target places all the organizer items on sale.

    1. theramblingjen

      Once it get it organized again I will get it posted. It’s such a disaster right now…..

  7. shirley_chisholm

    Lol i need to stay away from target..just paid that card off!! The Interview was silly, utterly ridiculous, and probably offensive, but I was dying through a lot of it! I was in the mood for that kind of a movie last nite and enjoyed it way more than I thought I would!

    1. theramblingjen

      Sometimes I was laughing at just how stupid it was!

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