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Petit Vour July 2015 Subscription Box Review

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.
Disclosure: This complimentary box was received for review purposes. All opinions are my own and no compensation was received. This post contains affiliate links.
Petit Vour
Cost: $15/month
Ships To: United States: Free Canada: Add $8/month.
Coupon Code: N/A
Petit Vour July 2015 Subscription Box ReviewPetit Vour July 2015 Subscription Box Review
Petit Vour July 2015 Subscription Box

Petit Vour is a monthly subscription box of cruelty-free beauty products, hand-picked from businesses that align quality with progressive standards.  Boxes are $15/month and they do an excellent job making sure that the value well exceeds the cost.

Petit Vour July 2015 Subscription Box ReviewPetit Vour July 2015 Subscription Box Review
The Box

Petit Vour ships via USPS and takes only a few days to arrive.  Boxes ship in batches between the 15th and 20th of the month.

First Look

Not much to see in this first look.  Everything was buried under the shredded papers so I had to do some digging.

The Information Card

The July 2015 Petit Vour was a collaboration with Thoughtfully Mag and included the following items for a Cruelty-free Summer:

~Aila Nail Lacquer (Doolish) ($17): I love getting nail polish in subscription boxes! This polish is 5-free and non-toxic and is a really pretty “sunset coral” shade.  Petit Vour says it looks best with a cool drink in hand and I can believe that ;).

Aila Nail Lacquer

~Luxe de Mer Skincare Organic Rosewater Toner ($9.75): Subscribers received either Gentle Cleanser or Rosewater Toner. I would have been happy with either. This is very gentle and is made with only safe, organic ingredients.  I didn’t think it was at all drying and it didn’t irritate my skin at all.

Luxe de Mer Skincare Organic Rosewater Toner

~Nubian Mango Butter ($12.99): This smells SO good!  You do have to “warm it up” (aka make it smooth and spreadable), by putting some in your palms and rubbing your hands together.  I used it on my feet and they felt softer instantly.

Nubian Mango Butter

~Routine De-Odor Cream ($4): I still can’t get into applying deodorant with my fingers.  I want to because I know it’s great stuff, but I can’t get used to it.  I have given B some of the natural deodorants that I have received and he’s said the same.  Maybe I just need to give it more time.

Routine De-Odor Cream

All totaled I came up with a value of $43.74 for the July 2015 Petit Vour box!  They put together such a great box and I loved this month!  This box had a value of more than 3x the cost which is amazing.  I don’t think I have ever been disappointed by Petit Vour and love what they come up with every month.

What do you think of Petit Vour?  If you are interested in subscribing or just want to learn more, click here.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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