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Bespoke Post Review 2016 Mystery Box

Bespoke Post Mystery Box Review
Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.
Bespoke Post
Cost: $45/month
Ships To: US, Alaska, Hawaii, and Canada. They will also ship to military addresses upon e-mail request.
Coupon Code: “JOIN20” to save 20% of your first box.

Bespoke Post Mystery Box Review
Bespoke Post delivers fresh and interesting lifestyle brands and products to men. Each month, you’ll get to choose from their limited-edition boxes filled with an array of products built around a central, unique theme. This review is on their special Mystery Box which was free with a purchase of $45 last week.  I purchase a gorgeous wood tray,  but it worked with box purchases too.

Bespoke Post ships using a variety of methods but this box arrived via UPS.  It was in a larger box (like a GIANT box) which also contained the tray I ordered.

The box didn’t contain an information card, but my Bespoke Post Mystery Box included the following:

~Ft. Greene Farms Charred Sriracha (2oz) ($2.50): This sriracha is hand-packed and made in small-batches to ensure freshness.  I am not a big fan of sriracha so I suspect this will end up at my husband’s work.

~etiquette Clothiers ($20): These socks are well-made and although I doubt it was intentional, I love that they are red, white and blue for the upcoming holiday.

~Mitch Heavy Hitters Deep Cleansing Shampoo ($12): This shampoo smells good (it has a cedar and agave scent) and, according to B, it works great!

~Stolen Riches Laces ($17.50):I am actually sure sure if B owns any dress shoes that would work with these?  Wait, he actually may.  If so, I am sure he will use these to change up his shoe look.

~Bespoke Post Correspondence Cards ($4): I believe these are from a previous Bespoke Post box? I think I will end up using them more than B will, but that’s totally fine with me!

All totaled my Bespoke Post Mystery Box had a value of $56. That’s obviously a great value for a free box, so I am quite please! If you got a Mystery Box, what was in it?  They are no longer available, but you can use coupon code “JOIN20” to save 20% off your first box!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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