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Dear L, You are doing SO amazing with your expander. I am more than impressed!
Dear Summer Camp, Have we mentioned how much we love you? We are so lucky that we have such a great school!
Dear Rollerblading, Are you still a thing? I used to love going! Why don’t I see anyone blading anymore? Maybe I can restart this amazing activity.
Dear My License Plate Tabs, I am sorry I forgot to renew you. It won’t happen again. I hope not anyway.
Dear 90 Day Fiance, I cannot wait for next week!!
Dear Spark, What would I do without you? Drink even more Diet Pepsi, I am sure, but seriously, I love you. #fruitpunch
Dear Peanut Butter Filled Pretzels, Wow, why are you so good? I had forgotten how much I loved you. I can’t make the mistake of buying you in bulk again because I seem to have a never-ending supply, so I keep eating.
I told my husband I wanted roller blades for Christmas and he laughed at me! Probably for good reason, after kids I’m quite clumsy. But I agree, I don’t see anyone doing it anymore.
My rollerblading career ended after I fell backwards and broke my tail bone. NEVER again!