Two on Tuesday!

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Screen Shot 2014-10-27 at 9.24.19 PM1) What do you sleep in?  Do you have actual pajamas or do you just sleep in shorts / sweats and a t-shirt?  Not sure what got me thinking about this, but I am super curious.  I own a few pairs of matching pjs, but generally stick with a t-shirt / shorts or long pants when it’s freezing out (aka all the time).

~What is your go to shoe brand?  I am looking for some comfortable (LOL) 3-4 heels.  Nothing I  need to run a marathon in, but something I won’t want to take off and walk home barefoot if I wear out either.  Any suggestions?  Bonus points if they are on Zappos!

That’s it from here! I’m looking forward to hearing your answers.







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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Zelene

    I have pajamas, I do not know why, maybe because my mom always had for us matching pjs ? I have some for winter time and others for the rest of the year. Now that I have kids they have PJs too, and my eye tremble when they put a top from a set and bottoms from other hehehehe

  2. kels

    I wear heels every day for work – i’ve found that the jessica simpson leather wedges are AMAZING after you break them in – i wore them daily for 4 years until they fell competely apart …. and frye carson heels and wedges are the best.

    and the sleeping question? wellllll husband and i live alone. LOL

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