Thursday Thoughts

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~Good morning! Yesterday was B’s birthday and today is W’s birthday!  I almost can’t believe it, but he’s SIX today!!!  After school today we are going to do a few of his favorite things – dinner at Texas Roadhouse and then to the trampoline place for some jumping!
~I posted an update on my Smile Direct Club “journey” on Instagram, but I thought I’d share here too.  I’m halfway through (I am on a 4-month plan) and things are going well.  I have been holding off on an update until I had been to the dentist to hear what they had to say, but all is well!  My teeth are slowly shifting how they are supposed to and everything looks healthy.  Had I needed a 12-month plan I’m not sure I would have done it.  The cost is way less (it’s $1800 regardless of the length of your treatment), but I think not having anyone checking in for that long would worry me?  I’ll report back in another 2 months with the final results!

~I have been slacking on my workouts this week (except for that brutal spin class), but it’s back to barre today and tomorrow!  I am hoping to get a run in this weekend too.  If it’s nice, I *may* even try and run outside!

~Super random, but has anyone ever gotten their brows tinted?  I am considering it (it’s only $15 and lasts about 4 week from what I hear), but wanted to hear some real-life experiences!

That’s it from here! Have a great weekend!

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Amber M

    Happy Birthday to both of your boys! Mine will be 15 and 12 this summer.
    I got my brows tinted a few years ago. I thought it was ok but my brows tend to be sparse. I would love to do microblade but man is it pricey! I’ve also heard it can hurt pretty bad.

    1. Jennifer

      I am a little scared of microblading (what if it turns out awful)!! I am thinking of tinting to see how I like darker brows before I commit to anything. LOL!

  2. Britney

    I used to tint my mom’s eyebrows at the same time I colored her hair before she decided to get them tattooed on (they look 100% natural, I swear), but her’s were very white/gray and it drove her nuts having to fill them everyday. It’s probably worth the $15 and it’s pretty low maintenance especially if you decided you want to stop doing it. My professional suggestion is to go a little lighter than you hair color or they’ll look like caterpillars… unless your going for that look, of course! lol

    1. Jennifer

      LOLOLOL. I never fill in my brows, but totally should so this would be the easy way to go. That is for sure not the look I am after. HAHAHAHA!!

      1. Britney

        You would be surprised what some people ask for sometimes. I had one girl that wanted me to BLEACH her eyebrows like her hair and I just told her no… It would have looked awful and I didn’t want my name attached to that mess. Haha!

  3. MJ

    I actually got mine retinted today. It was the only the 2nd time I?ve gotten it done. I like it. Mine are darker than my hair, because my hair is super blonde.

  4. Zelene

    Happy Birthday to your kids ? (I always count my husband as a kid, he likes to play video games, drawing, building stuff, etc. , so I think he counts like one hehehehe ?)
    I do not do anything to my brows but a friend did the tattoo option and she really liked it.

  5. Jodie Kingsbury

    Happy Belated Birthdays B and W. Hope you both had great days.

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