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Saturday Morning Scene

It’s that time again! I’m linking up from Loves of Life to share my Saturday Morning Scene. What does your…


Freebie Friday

It's Friday, so that means it's time for a review of this week's freebies! Last week I got nothing (seriously,…


Happy Birthday Baxter!

I am a little late with this post, but Baxter turned 5 on Sunday. I cannot believe that we have…


So What Wednesday!

It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO…


My Not So Green Green Monster

Our last Door-to-Door Organics order came with a bunch of kale. B and I had no clue what to do…


Product Review: Clairol Natural Instincts

So, I know I was planning to review this in my "Try It Tuesday", but I decided that this needs…


Weekend Wrap-Up

We had another super fun weekend around here. I couldn't even tell you what we did Friday night? I know…


Saturday Morning Scene!

I know I am a little late with my Saturday Morning Scene, but I am still linking up with Loves…


Returned by the Mouse Himself.

Like I briefly mentioned the other day, I left my battery charger for my camera in the hotel room at…


Coupon Organizing

A few of you have asked about my new coupon organizing system which I mentioned here. I cleaned out a…


It’s celeb gossip time!

Like I mentioned yesterday, I got a chance to catch up on my celebrity gossip over the weekend. And man,…


So What Wednesday!

It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO…


Try It Tuesday!

I'm back with a while new list of things I want to try! Body Pump Classes: I hear the food…


Weekend Wrap Up

Sadly, our fun weekend is over. Sometimes I am amazed by the amount of stuff that can be fit into…


Pottery Barn Outlet

Like I shared yesterday, we scored two Manhattan Chairs at the Pottery Barn Outlet during a "just looking" trip. That's…


Memorial Day

It's easy to overlook the real meaning of Memorial Day. But, between the bbq's and parties and boat rides, lets…


Holiday Weekend

I don't about you, but I love holiday weekends. An entire extra day to relax and enjoy yourself. I am…


Sunday Funday!

Spending some time at the lake with my family this weekend. Normal posting to resume soon!!  


Freebie Friday!

It's Friday, so that means it's time for a review of this week's freebies! It was another good week if…


Brushes with Celebrity

I was reading Tina's blog today and at the end she asked if anyone has ever met a celebrity. And…


Current Obsession: Sweet Potato Fries

A few weeks ago I ordered sweet potato fries with my dinner at a local restaurant. I don't think I…


Yoga On Demand

So in addition to taking my weekly Yoga class, I have also done a few classes On Demand. I like…


Things That Annoy Me ~ Part 3

I swear, I could do a Things That Annoy Me post every week and still have more to include!  …


Product Review: Mystic Tanning

I just recently finished up the last of my Mystic (spray) tanning sessions purchased, umm, back in like 2005?  I…


Saturday Recap!

I started yesterday off with my Cardio Fusion class (that class is something else).  I came home and played outside…
