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Silent Sunday


Flashback Friday!

This was probably one of my favorite projects that I have ever done with L. He was maybe 15 months…


Friday iPhone Dump

1. I don't know how this all worked out, but all the little boys were sitting together so nicely one…


Friday Letters

Dear Citrus Lane & PopSugar, Just ship my boxes early.  The anticipation is killing me.  Dear 10,193 Messages In My Spam…


Monthly Subscription Boxes

Okay, so stupid Birchbox still hasn't invited me to join (again). As a result, I was forced to explore other…


What I’m Loving Wednesday

I'm linking up again with this kind of love for What I'm Loving Wednesday: I'm Loving..... Sweet little W and…


So What Wednesday

It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT…


Top Ten Thing People Say When They See A Newborn

Oh why oh why do you have to ask me all these dumb questions? Didn't your mom ever tell you…


Is It Normal?

1. Is it normal to lie about your age? Yeah, I think this is normal.  I don't lie about my…


A Poll – What Would You Do If……

Okay, so let's say you are at, say, Target. And you are buying a bunch of stuff and are busy…


Weekend Recap

How this weekend went by so fast I have no idea? I suppose it really doesn't matter since it's always…


Silent Sunday


Flashback Friday

The other night B and I were looking at old pictures of L and talking about how much he's grown,…


Friday iPhone Dump

1.  My dogs may be cute, but they are the messiest eaters ever.  They pick in their food bowl for…


Fridays Letters

Dear Tory Burch, So I paid(*) $50 for your flip-flops and after wearing then for oh, a month, the logo…


One vs. Two (Kids I Mean)

Everyone says that going from one kids to two kids is the hardest. And since I've never gone from two…


What I’m Loving Wednesday!

I'm linking up again with this kind of love for What I'm Loving Wednesday: I'm Loving..... Little Hug Fruit Barrels.…


Summer Fun Project #1 – Done!

Since it's 9,000 degrees here, we decided to make the backyard waterbed project I mentioned in my Summer To-Do List.…


Is That Normal?

1. Is it normal to drive 5 mph over the speed limit?  10 mph? For sure.  On the freeway, 10mph over…


Summer To-Do List ~ 25 Ideas

Summer is here and there is so much I want to do. It's easy just to pin things on Pinterest…


Speaking of Facebook……

Someone posted this to my wall yesterday. How hysterical is this?? And oh so true!


Poll Time: How Many Facebook Friends Do You Have?

Every time I am stalking visiting someone's Facebook page I look to see how many friends they have. And when…


Silent Sunday

      (*)Guess who L's favorite neighbors are these days?


Happy Father’s Day!

Thanks to my friend Erynn over at Two Journeys: One Life, I didn't have to troll Pinterest for hours trying…


Flashback Friday – The Buddy Edition

Can you believe that Buddy was ever this small and adorable? And so so sweet?  I get a lot of…
