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It’s All About Me

Fabletics Subscription Review – October 2013 + Coupon CodeFabletics Subscription Review – October 2013 + Coupon Code

Fabletics Subscription Review – October 2013 + Coupon Code

I was planning on skipping the October Fabletics collection, but well, I just couldn't help myself.  I really enjoyed last…

July Pretty Box Review

Edited to Add: Pretty Box is no longer in business. Pretty Box is a new'ish subscription box company for women.…

MeUndies Review

A few weeks ago I got an e-mail from MeUndies giving me a heads up about their monthly subscription service…

Where / How did you meet your significant other?

I thought we already did a poll like this, but I went back and looked at all the poll questions…

A Poll: Have You Ever Gotten A Ticket?

I was cleaning out some paperwork yesterday and I stumbled upon B's speeding tickets from overseas (Germany and Italy to…

Friday Fun!

My mom volunteered to watch the boys for a while today so I could get some errands done on my…

All About You! (A Poll)

This is totally for me so I can get a better idea of who reads here, what you like, etc.…

2013 Bucket List

First of all Happy New Year! If you went out last night, I am hoping that you are feeling okay…

“Her” Gift Guide (aka Things I Love)

Can I just tell you how cool I think these collages are?  If I didn't have a life, I would…

Thoughts on “Retirement” – 6 Months In….

So I haven't "worked" for 6 whole months now. How crazy is that? These past six (well almost seven) months…

First World Problems

I posted a few of my "first world problems" yesterday on Facebook and clearly defined them as first world problems.…

New Car Shopping

Since B was off yesterday we went to the car dealership to see about turning in my car (a Ford…

10 Fabulous Things Under $10

Amazing things don't always have to be expensive.  Not seriously, they don't.  Together with the help of my friend W(*)…

September Birchbox Review

I thought I'd do things a little different with my reviews and post individual pictures instead of a collage (have…

Things I Miss About Work

Oddly enough, there are actually some things I do miss about working. No, really, there are. Crazy right? I do…

Free Gift…..With Purchase

It should come as no secret to anyone that I love free stuff. And this will also won't come as…

Throwback Thursday

Since I can never seen to fit Flashback Friday in, I decided to go with Throwback Thursday. Same thing, different…

Wedding Rings ~ A Poll

So last week on Live with Kelly, she and Nick (Lachey) were discussing wedding rings. Asking if you ever take…

Weekend Wrap-Up

 Like you saw yesterday, B spent the weekend at Lollapoolza in Chicago. Based on the pictures he sent me (of…

Friday iPhone Dump

1. Does W care it's not Christmas time? No way, look at that dimple!  And clearly I don't care either…

So What Wednesday

It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT…

AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge + Eating Clean

I'm feeling totally uninspired today and have no idea what to blog about.  So I suppose I will tell you…

Flashback Friday: College Days

That me. In college. I believe I was maybe 18 or 19 here? SO long ago but it feels like…

I’m Not Alone in This…..

So I bet you thought this was going to be some serious blog post full of personal information about how…

10 Things I’ve Learned on Facebook

Oh Facebook, you've taught me so much over the years. So much that I already knew or never needed to…